chapter 1: the new job

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(Scarlett's P.O.V)

I slowly walked into the pizzeria and looked for someone to help me find the bosses office. suddenly I spotted a waitress and walked up to her I timidly taped her shoulder to get her attention she looked at me and smiled "hi there welcome to Freddy Fazbears pizzeria how can I help you"she said with a smile. "oh I was looking for the managers office if you could help me please"I smiled shyly at her she than pointed me in the right direction and went back to cleaning a table. Thanking her i quickly walked over to the large brown door and knocked "come in" a deep voice said from inside

*Time skip brought to you by jinbop hugging muffin*

Sighing i left the office with a change of clothes and a smile on my face. i got the job just than i heard my watch beep it was almost twelve i ran into the bathroom to get changed so i could start my new job as a night guard but i didnt notice that the curtin at piarits cove was slightly open as someone watched me.

A/n hey guys this is scarlettwolf here this is my first time wrighting a story so sorry if its not that good im still a noob but tips and sugestons from you guys are greatly welcomed untill next time bye :3

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