Chapter 4

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" You look beautiful " One of Chasity handmaidens said to her a smile began to form on the young queen lips as she stepped off the plat form to look herself in the small mirror that laid on the cold castle wall.

She had on one side of her room her brown hair was braided to right side of her face her lips where as red as a rose she couldn't believe it .

A knock appeared on the door causing Chasity to brake out of her trance and to walk towards the door she could hear some one on the other side tapping their foot waiting for her to answer the door.

"You always did that since we where kids " Chasity laughed opening the door to see her brother Ned he had his arm crossed and were pressed up against the wall waiting for her.

" You always took the longest " Ned stated taking his sister soft, fragile arms and they began to walk down the halls of the castle and stepped into the crowded ball room. Chasity could hear the soft beat of music playing.

Her grip began to get tighter around Ned sleeve as she began to get nervous and her brother senses that but he couldn't never get her to smile.

" It's okay " He whispered into her ear. Everyone began to notice the entrance of their appearance and began to gasp at the willowing beauty. Ned began to walk up to his father and King Robert of whomb his father was talking too.

Her father pushed past them and had walked into the middle
of the ball room everyone began to look at the lord  "Chasity I have great news for you , you will be married to
Prince Robert " Her Father shouted Chasity heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest she was so young she didn't want to be married especially to a man she didn't love as the people began to cheer for the couple .

Robert took Chasity hand and held it in the air the people began cheer even louder for the prince Chasity had but put on the fakest smile she could have ever done "May I be dismissed " Chasity pleaded to Robert he nodded before taking another sipe of his wine .

Tears began to slide down her face this couldn't be happening she thought to herself listening to the horses and the wind breeze Chasity hoped that would calm her nerves down but it didn't help she sat up on the rooftop of the church and watched her future husband and her Farther laugh and drink together.

" Are you okay miss ?" A man voice asked Chasity She took her eyes off the people she was looking at to see a guy with short blond hair wait was it prince Rhaegar she quickly got up to bow but her foot slip

Rhaegar quickly graft ahold to Chasity " Are you okay "he asked once more.

Chasity was finally able to speak " Yes thank you "she said still half shocked what had happened Rhaegar
look to her and laughed a little Chasity turn to look at him there eyes locked for a brief moment.

" What's your name ? " Rhaegar finally asked.

" I'm Chasity , Chasity stark "

Edit by my best friend L1GHTN1NGBL4ZE

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