Entrance Exams

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Izuku POV:

Months passed after the meeting with All Might and obtaining his quirk. In that time, I had also gained Mirio's quirk when he said he truly respects me and wants to help whenever he can. Knowing he was there for me along with Nejire and Tamaki really made me feel happy. Not long after this speech though, I phased right through the floor and wound up naked in the process. This wouldn't be as bad if mom didn't bust a gut laughing at me. I tried to save face by asking All Might a little about his quirk to which he helped me a little with training with it. Thanks to some heavy thinking, I'm able to hold 7% in my entire body.

After months of brutal training, me, Kino, and Yui stood in front of the building of UA. "Today's the day, huh shroom." "Agreed." We were on edge with me walking in first. Unfortunately, I nearly tripped and fell before something wet grabbed me. I looked down to see a tongue. "Good to see you three again." We look behind us to see the two from the sludge villain attack. "Thanks for the save. Kinda bad luck if I fell here." I smile at them while Kino gets in front of us for introductions. "Nice to meet you again shroom! My name is Kinoko Komori, this is Yui Kodai, and our boyfriend Izuku Usagiyama!" They looked at us strangely when Kino said their boyfriend. "It's nice to meet you. My names Ochako Uraraka, and this is my friend Tsuyu Asui." "Call me Tsu *ribbit*." I smiled at both of them before saying anything. "It's nice to meet you both. Hate to cut this short, but we should get inside. Wish you two the best of luck." "Thanks." We ran in with Kino and Yui smirking at me. 'I never like when they have these faces on. I'm suddenly scared.'

Time skip to the examination room

"WHAT'S UP FOLKS! TODAY IS YOUR ENTRANCE EXAMS FOR UA, CAN I GET A YEAH!?" Everyone was quiet as Present Mic shouted this. "WOW TOUGH CROWD! ALRIGHT HERE'S HOW THINGS ARE GOING TO BE!" Mic explained that this was going to be a fake villain point system with points varying from 1-3 for the robot. "Hm, that's funny. He's talking about three robots, but the pamphlet says four." "Is it a typo?" "Maybe it's got some secret meaning shroom." We tried to wrap our heads around this as some blue haired guy with glasses stood up. "Excuse me, but on the pamphlet you have provided it tells of four robots instead of three! If this is a typo, then this is very unbecoming of UA! And you three up there!" The guy glared at us to send a shiver down my spine. "If all you are going to do is talk, then please leave! You are a distraction to everyone here!" I started to hide in my seat as the guy started to really scare me. 'Confrontation with words really isn't my strong suit.'

At the training ground

As I stood in the area, I felt so out of place with everyone and began shaking. 'Oh snap. A lot of people.' I started to shut down in fear with my head being to a wall like Tamaki would. 'I can't handle this. It's too scary.' I start to remember what mom always said about confidence at this point. 'Stay confident Izuku. As mom says, only the weak hearted have the privilege to lack courage!' I glance at everyone again with them all staring at me. 'STOP STARING AT ME! YOUR MAKING ME SELF CONSCIOUS!' I held my head on the wall again with many people kinda looking at me like if I'm for real. 'I should't have come here! *sniffle* I just want to go home!'

"Hey, Usagiyama!" I glance over to see Uraraka running over. "Oh, hello. I guess were in the same testing site." "Yeah, what luck to be in the same testing site." She seemed to be really happy with an aura that lifted my spirits up a bit. "So were you kinda nervous? I saw you with your head on the wall and was wondering if you were ok." "Y-yeah, I just don't handle large crowds so well. That and the nervousness of doing well are kinda getting to me." "I get it. I'm a little nervous as well. But I do feel a lot better knowing a friends here." "Y-you think of me as a f-friend?" She nods to make me feel really happy at that moment. 'She thinks of me as a friend.'

As this was said, I started to glow pink with weird pads on my fingertips. "What was that?" "It was my quirk. It kinda works with me using other quirks of people that are my friends." "That's so cool!" I smiled as she admired my quirk with the door opening up. "ANNND GO!" When Mic said this, I used OFA in my body to run as fast as I could inside before anyone could know whats happening. "THERE'S NO WARNING IN REAL LIFE! FOLLOW THAT KID!" Everyone followed after me before coming into contact with some 2 pointers. "Pact Move: Luna Ring!" They shatter on impact with a few 3 pointers coming at me next. I dodge one while putting my hand on it to make it float in midair. 'So that's what Uraraka's quirk can do. Some kind of floating quirk or something like that.' I grab the robot with a tentacle from Tamaki's quirk to slam it into the other robots. 'Ok, anti gravity. A little off, but still accurate enough.'

In the observation room, 3rd person POV:

As the exam went on, many faculty were watching with some interest. "So who should we keep an eye out for?" A man with a mask known as Snipe says this with a man in a trench coat that goes by Ectoplasm answering. "I say either the boy with the explosion quirk over there, or the boy that seems to have more than one quirk." Everyone turned their attention to Izuku who was taking down robots with Nejire's quirk, then transferring to blowing mushroom spores stopping robots and sending small sowing needles enlarged to act like swords to dismantle some. "Just what is this kid!?" Everyone watched in confusion as three people that wanted to see this spoke up.

"His quirk is called Pact Leader. To put it simply, he can use any quirk he wants so long as the person who's quirk he's using thinks of him as a mutual friend along with him." Tamaki stated this with everyone turning to the Big 3. "He's really going all out though. He's definitely gonna pass at this rate." Mirio smiled as he witnessed Izuku use his quirk to phase an attack about to hit his face through. "He truly is a unique person. Let's see how he fares when placed in a real challenge." A small rodent like creature states this while hitting a big red button. Everyone in the room waits patiently for this to happen with Nejire starting to worry about Izuku. 'Your gonna be ok, right Izuku?'

On the field

Izuku had taken out a hoard of 1 pointers to make his total score reach 120. 'That should be more than enough to pass now.' Suddenly, the ground started shaking with a giant robot coming out of the ground. Izuku looked up to see it was the zero pointer that Mic warned them about earlier. "This may be too much for me to handle." Izuku smiled while laughing at the ridiculous size. He was ready to run before hearing a shout. "HELP!" He looked around to see Ochako trapped under a set of rubble trying to get out. She seemed to be pinned down with the robot above her ready to stomp down. "Uraraka!" On instict, Izuku ran at the villain ready to fight.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Izuku a merge OFA's speed with Rabbit's dexterity to jump over as fast as he could. He slammed his foot into the debris holding Ochako before jumping up to the giant mecha monster. "Combo Pact Move: Manchester Luna Wave!" Izuku maxed out his use of OFA while combining Rabbit and Wave Motion to give his kick even more force behind it. He came down like a buzz saw slicing the giant robot in two before it exploded. Izuku came out from the blast with his leg broken and shaking from the act. He held his fist up to indicate he won with many people unable to comprehend what just happened.

When he tried to walk however, Izuku fell to the pain in his leg and severe exhaustion from using Wave Motion a little too much with his stomach growling. "Owwww." Izuku was severely exhausted with Ochako floating over with her quirk to him. "You ok Usagiyama? That looked like it hurt." "A drawback of a Stockpile quirk I have and an energy based quirk. If I go over the limit, I can break my bones or succumb to severe exhaustion." ".....Ouch." "Very." Izuku laid on the ground in too much pain to bear, but too exhausted to shout. 'At least Uraraka's safe.' As he thought this, Nejire came running on the field with an elderly woman not far behind. "Izuku!"

She kneeled down to see Izuku badly broken and barely conscious. "Are you ok!? Speak to me!" Izuku opened his eyes and immediately shut them. "Can....can you move my head please?" Nejire didn't understand this but did as Izuku asked not knowing he saw sky blue in his field of vision. "Alright, settle down now. The elderly woman came up with Nejire smiling at her. "This shouldn't be a problem for you, right Recovery Girl?" "The lack of energy may cause problems, but I don't see how it would make me unable to heal him."

The woman known as Recovery Girl looked down on Izuku before extending her lips to be a foot long to kiss his head. Everyone that watched who were examines were a little grossed out by this with Izuku's leg starting to reform back to what it was. "Most of it is healed, but he does have some burns on his leg. It shouldn't take long for him to heal though, he's young." Recovery Girl walked away with her helping everyone who was injured as well.

Time skip to after the exams Ochako POV:

We walked out of the school with Usagiyama and his friends with the one blue haired girl with us as well. She began explaining what happened to him to everyone while I held my head down at the embarrassment of what happened. "After he broke the debris, Izuku jumped up and spin kicked the robot in half." "That's so cool shroom!" "It is." Tsu decided to poke fun at me while making a joke. "Sounds like you have a knight in shinning armor Ochako." "I-I-I-IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" I held a blush while Komori came over and made a proposition for me. "If Izuku wants to date you, I don't mind shroom." "Nor do I. We already told Nejire that were ok with her, so one more shouldn't be that painful."

I started going pink at this with Tsu asking about this. "Can I join in as well *ribbit*?" "Sure! But you both have to call us by our first names though." "Deal. Also, who's the girl that's carrying Usagiyama?" Tsu asks this with her finally introducing herself. "My names Nejire Hado, and I'm going to be a third year in UA. I knew Izuku since a work study in my first year and kinda think he's really cute. When Kinoko and Yui came to me a little while ago saying their fine with me dating Izuku, I kinda agreed to confess to him. I know he likes me and I....sorta....do to." She started blushing with Usagiyama groaning awake.

"Urgh, what happened?" "Recovery Girl healed you for the most part. I'm taking you home." He looked at Nejire and smiled. I could easily tell he was out of it, but didn't pay much mind to it. "Nejire, your so nice. If I can, I'd like to take you on a date as thank you." He was delirious from exhaustion and didn't know what he was saying. He then looked at me and Tsu and smiled. "I saved my new friend! Can I call you Ochako now?" I went red at this for some reason and nodded. "Can I call you Izuku?" He nodded and looked at Tsu. "You can call me that too Tsu. We are friends right?" She nodded with Izuku smiling before glowing green. We didn't see any change before his tongue fell out a length similar to Tsu's. "Well that's new." We kept walking with KInoko and Yui explaining the situation with us about his quirk before getting our numbers. 'I wonder if he'll remember anything about this talk?'

Few weeks later Izuku POV:

After the exams, Kino and Yui have been bringing Ochako and Tsu over rather often. They explained what I did also while in a half conscious state to which I held my head in a corner with Ochako patting my shoulder. She said she didn't mind and that the dating thing will happen naturally. We started to learn a lot about each other with the days before the entrance exam results would come in. When they finally came in, I was on edge thinking about what will happen. I sat in the kitchen with mom behind me looking at the letter. I began to take a deep breath and ripped the letter open.

As I did this, a small hologram projector came out to show All Might on it. "I AM HERE! ON A HOLOGRAM!" I glanced over to mom who held an unsure face before All Might continued. "YOUNG USAGIYAMA! I'M SURE YOUR WONDERING WHY I'M ON A MESSAGE FROM UA! WELL TO PUT IT SIMPLY, I WILL BE PART OF THE STAFF STARTING NEXT SPRING! NOW FOR YOUR TEST RESULTS!" I was on edge with mom standing beside me giving a thumbs up. She supported me no matter what, and I wanted to pass this to make her proud. I took a deep breath before All Might spoke.


The hologram stopped there with me looking at mom. I began to cry and hug mom. "Didn't I tell ya you had nothing to worry about. You killed it and now your the rep for your year." I smiled as this was said remembering where I started from. 'Mom, dad, please!' 'Get out of my house you failure.' I still feel the kick my birth father did to my stomach as he threw me out of the house at the age of 4. 'What use does a weakling that has to rely on others have? To me, your better off quirkless!' These were the last words spoken to me before getting a door slammed in my face. Those words still hurt today, but their proof I worked hard to get to where I am.

"Mom, thank you." I hugged mom tighter with her smiling at me. "I didn't do anything with this Izuku. It's all you." I shook my head at this. "It's not because of the exam, it's about everything else." Mom realized what I said and put her head on mine. "Your a good kid Izuku, so don't forget who you are. I love you." I smiled at these words before answering back. "I love you too mom."

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku is now accepted into UA with the votes for Bakugou going to be male. See how Izuku manages meeting his childhood friend after 10 years of him going missing along with him telling his side in the story when he vanished. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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