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Nejire POV:

"So you are two of the girls married now to my nephew. It's nice to meet you." The weekend finally came for us with Ryukyu able to meet up with Ochako and Tsu. For the most part, the meeting went well with everyone happy. I felt a little relief since I was worried she'd be angry at them for being with Izuku in a quirk marriage.

"It's really nice to meet you as well, Ms. Ryukyu. Serious question though, you don't feel any form of anger that we're married to Izuku, right?"

"To be fair, I got my anger out before you came here." I laughed a little before going towards the training area to try and find something to pull the girls behind if something bad happened. However, I noticed the entire room was destroyed to the point I was afraid for Ochako and Tsu's safety more. "Miriko did tell me what the reason for it was and I still don't agree with it. However, I still think you are doing my nephew good being part of his family."

"Well, Izuku did tell us that he wanted to wait until we're comfortable the way we are before doing something big." Tsu scratched the side of her cheek for Ryukyu to smile at this.

"So Izuku seems to be ok with waiting, but what about you girls?"

"Well...I wouldn't mind thinking about doing those kinds of things with Izuku...but it is a little too soon to do those things in my opinion." Ochako held a blush on her face for Ryukyu to laugh a little.

"Well, at least you two know that going that route isn't ideal to do right off the bat. Well since Nejire said that you two are worthwhile, I might as well give you an opportunity. But remember this the both of you." Ryukyu took a sip of her tea before giving a glare at us. "You even think of harming my nephew in any way or using yourselves as a way to manipulate him, I will not think twice of making you dragon jerky. Understand?" We all looked at one another before nodding at her. Ryukyu's face turned back to normal to surprise all of us. "Splendid, now let's enjoy working together."

'I hope that Izuku's handling himself better with his interview.'

Izuku POV:

"So I never got the chance to talk with Nighteye as much as I wanted to. Do you mind explaining to me what he's like?" I began walking in the Nighteye agency with Mirio trying to find out what I could about the pro hero. From what I remembered, the man was very serious to the point it was a tad unsettling. Not only that, but he for the most part hated me.

"Hmm. Well Sir does enjoy comedy. If you can make him laugh, I'm sure you're a sure in for being part of the agency."

'Hmm. How should I go about this?' I thought about it before getting an idea as to how I should go about this and used 'Creation' to make a few things. When we went to the door, I opened it for me to see Nighteye and a girl with blue skin strapped into some kind of tickling torture device.

"Sir. I brought Izuku like you asked."

"Nice to hear. It's nice to see you-" He stopped midsentence seeing me with novelty glasses that had a fake big nose and mustache, a rainbow hat with feathers on it and a rubber chicken in my hand. "Might I ask why you have a rubber chicken and those ridiculous things on?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just wearing casual attire." MIrio started laughing at this with the blue girl laughing a little as well. Unfortunately, Nighteye didn't find this at all funny to glare at me.

"Mirio. Bubble Girl. Please leave us be." They agreed to leave the room and have us calmly stand in silence. "Now. Get rid of that ridiculous chicken and those trinkets."

"Sorry. Mirio said that you'd be more willing to offer me the offer for the internship if you were to laugh."

"I see. Do you have the form for the internship?" I went into my bag and pulled out the form. Nighteye pulled the form out of my hands and placed it on his desk. He then pulled out a stamp and held it in front of him. "I'd like to ask you. What do you have to offer to this agency?"

"Excuse me?"

"I have two sidekicks and an intern already. I'd like to know what I would gain by having you on my payroll. Though you are skilled for a first year, but you are not anything special for anything outside of your year. So tell me, what makes you special?"


"I should've figured." Nighteye got up and looked out his window. "I'm sure you're aware of how things are going in the world. Thanks to the loss of All Might, the world is in need of a new symbol. Endeavor is a good number 1 for now, but he isn't a great symbol. The world needs a light that they all are willing to follow. Not a flicker as you are but a dazzling one. Someone that can't tell me exactly what they think should be a reason to hire them has no right to join my agency as far as I'm concerned."

'Dammit, Izuku. Say something.' "Sir, I-"

"All Might was a fool to trust you with OFA. Mirio would've made a far better successor than you."

"...I know he would've, but that wasn't my choice to make! All Might asked Mirio and he flat out refused. The only reason I agreed to it was because Mirio and All Might believed I was worth it. Yes, the chances are I'm not worth it, but I'll still work as hard as I can to become the hero this world needs and wants. I don't care if I have to fight to prove that. I'll be a hero that everyone can look at happily like All Might."

Nighteye stared at me with some irritation before fixing his glasses. "If you're that willing to become a hero the world respects, then I have a proposition for you. For one minute, I'll allow you to try and take this stamp. If you succeed, then you'll be able to join us.You do not and you don't. Also, you don't have to worry of breaking anything in here since I can just replace it. Simple enough?"


Nighteye placed the timer for me to activate OFA and 'Rabbit'. I went right for a straightforward attack for him to dodge it. "Too simple. A villain would see that a mile away." I adjusted my trajectory to go for a low attack. However, Nighteye kept his eyes on me and never let any of my attacks be able to land. I decided to get a little creative at this to create a bit of a blinding with 'Explosion'. "Blinding an opponent that can't be hit. Basic, but still clever considering how you use it." I went for a roundhouse for Nighteye's head for him to evade it. "But that isn't going to work, I've been using my quirk on you this entire time to know exactly how this will play out. The timer will run out and you won't even be able to land a scratch on me."

"I refuse to think that's set in stone!" I went for his feet with Nighteye avoiding it by jumping.

"If the future can't be set in stone somewhat, I would've changed it for All Might. That fool needs a far better successor. An adolescent boy who can't even get over personal appearance isn't worthy of being the Symbol of Peace's successor."

"Don't you think I already know that!? For a long time now, I've had to deal with the fact that I've been given privilege by those around me as well as this quirk itself to do things others can't even dream of. But in the end, I'm just a person who wants to save people with a smile. SO I'LL DO WHAT I CAN TO LIVE UP TO EVERYONE'S EXPECTATIONS!" I let out a smokescreen before using Black Whip to have multiple pieces of furniture come at Nighteye. When he was in a corner to take him down, I used 'Manifest' to turn my leg into a bird's talon.  However, the timer went off for me to be stopped millimeters away from him.

"Interesting. You were able to corner me, but it was no luck-" He stopped when looking behind me to see the furniture. "Why did you place the furniture back where it was?"

"Well it's your stuff, so I didn't feel right destroying it. I did use it in hopes to distract you so the furniture is a little damaged against my hopes." He stared at this and smirked. "Look. I understand out of everyone, Mirio would've been without a doubt a better idea for a successor compared to me. He's learned how to use his power far more in a special manner than me. I wanted him to take it over me. He though thought I deserved it more and pushed me to have it saying he doesn't need it. If he had any desire to have it, I would've never accepted it. But this is where we stand and I want to make sure I at least prove myself worthy enough."

Nighteye looked around the room to see where I cornered him. "You also cornered me in a corner with the least amount of valuable product. Was that intentional or coincidental?"

"Wouldn't you be able to tell yourself with your quirk?"

"Not exactly. The future I saw, you panicked and ran for the stamp as much as possible while also creating a significant amount of damage around here. It ended with me in a corner, but everything around us was destroyed and you not passing my test in time. The final result was the same, but the method is always a variant."

"So even if I wanted to, in your mind and what you put in mine was that I'd fail. Is it possible that I could've still passed if I didn't know that?"

"Unlikely. Every time I've used my Futuresight, I've seen it's end results happen exactly as is with some alterations depending on the length, but resulting in the same end. All but one that has yet to come to fruition has been proven true and the last has at least another year until it happens."

"What was it, if you don't mind me asking." Nighteye looked at me confused for a second before letting a sigh out.

"I'm surprised Miruko didn't force All Might to tell you. She did force him to tell her. Anyway, you've actually proven yourself more capable than I planned. The way you're thinking ahead is actually what I try to instill in people who work with me to make them more capable in the field. If you can already handle that in some way and minimize damage to as minor as possible, I don't think it would be a waste to have you on this agency's payroll."

Nighteye picked the paper up from the ground and placed it on his desk before stamping it and giving it back to me. "Thank you, Nighteye sir. I promise that-"

"However." Nighteye cut me off before staring at me and giving a stern look. "Allowing you to work here does not make me think you are a worthy candidate to hold OFA. I still stand by my thought and have yet to find any merit that makes you a far better candidate than Mirio."

I held my head down hearing this before placing the paper back in my bag. 'He doesn't see me, but he said 'yet'. It isn't without a doubt saying that he will, but it means that I might be able to change his mind.' My focus came back to something Nighteye said before. "Sir. I want to ask you what you meant when you said that mom knew something about All Might? Does this have to do with why you stopped working with him?"

This started to annoy Nighteye for him to sit down in the newly placed seat above one of his shelves before answering. "Might as well tell you since if I don't, you'll most likely go to your mother or All Might and cause a problem. This is back when All Might fought AFO and believed he beat him almost six years back. When he was in the hospital, I wanted to know for a fact if he was going to be ok and for how long. It was here that I found out about his limit and what it would be as well as one truth that I needed without a doubt to prepare for." his eyes were hidden by his glasses as he answered me at a height I was looking up at him. "All Might is going to die an unspeakable death this year or the next." My eyes grew wide hearing this and going pale.

'All Might's...gonna die?'

And that finishes this chapter. Next one will have Izuku confront both his mother and All Might in the sudden realization and wanting to know why they refused to tell him this. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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