Pure Rage

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Few minutes prior, 3rd person POV:

Izuku continued his fight against both Dabi and Twice, handling both with little to no trouble. "DAMN PUNK! YOU'RE SO AWESOME!" Twice began making a clone of one of the Hassaikai members before it had a blast sent through it's chest to turn it to mud. "THE HECK!?"

"Pact Move: AP Shot." Izuku smirked as Dabi engulfed his body in flames. Unknown to him, the green haired boy used 'Permeation' to go under the floor and give a solid uppercut to the villain's face. Acting quickly, Izuku continued to freeze Dabi in place before seeing another member of the Yakuza try to attack him. Izuku jumped away and was about to use 'Permeation' again, but a strange light came to him to sense something off. "AH!" He went face first into the wall to have Twice laugh at him.

"THAT WAS BY FAR THE DUMBEST THING I'VE SEEN! You ok!?" The Yakuza member tried to attack Izuku for him to dodge using 'Rabbit' to get away and try using Mirio's quirk again. Nothing happened to now worry Izuku.

'This doesn't make sense. I was able to use Permeation just a moment ago.' Thinking on the premise of his quirk, Izuku tried to find a logical answer. 'Considering my quirk only allows me to use at best the same skill level as my friends, Mirio either stopped seeing me as a friend or....' His eyes went wide realizing the second possibility.

"You ready to give up, boy?" Dabi asked as he was finally able to free himself form the ice prison. "I think it's time to wrap this up." Before they could act, Izuku activated Smokescreen to hide his pressence in it. Once done, Izuku ran as fast as he could towards the area Mirio was in fear of the worst scenario.

'Just hold on Mirio. I'm coming to help.'

Back to present

"You damned brat. Do you even have the slightest idea how much work I put in to make my dream a reality?" Overhaul began walking towards Izuku with him preparing to fight. "For so long, I've sought after a way to make quirks nonexistent. To return us to the time where powers were irrelivant and humans weren't monsters. Do you even have the slightest idea what you are ruining when you try to defy me!?"

"So your goal was to erase quirks the entire time. I'll admit, quirks had caused a lot of problems for people. Some are afraid of their quirks and others are ridiculed for the type of quirk they have. I would be lying if I said I wished I didn't have this quirk when it was manifested." Izuku glanced down at his hand before gripping it. "But when you start harming people for the ideals you go for for no reason other than you have to or they're just in the way, that's where what you are doing becomes unforgivable. And that's why I'm stopping you right here, Overhaul. For Eri, Lumillion and everyone else you harmed in hopes to achieve your dream!"

Izuku charged with 'Rabbit' and 'Engine' activated for the merged villain to smirk. "I HOPE YOU'RE READY TO DIE, BOY!" He sent a wave of spikes with Izuku activating both 'Big Fist' and 'Hardening to smash the spikes away and continue his charge.


"TOO LATE, BRAT!" Overhaul went to grab Izuku with all four of his hands for him to back away using 'Explosion' to dodge and provide a smoke screen to get behind him.

"DAMNING CANNON!" Izuku used both Bakugou's AP Shot Special Move and Nejire's 'Wave Motion' together to create a pressurized spiralling blast about half the speed of Bakugou's normal blast, but with far more damage due to the spiraling effect. "I'M NOT DONE YET!" Izuku used 'Engine' again while creating a slope of ice to race up and add onto his strength with OFA. "Pact Move..." He got right next to Overhaul's stomach to give a solid kick, sending him up to the ceiling. "Reciprocal Smash!"

Overhaul went towards the ceiling to quickly recover and use his quirk to create spears out of it to hit Izuku. Thinking fast, he used 'Explosion' to blast away and land back on the ground with the villain repeatedly attacking with the now spiked ceiling while creating a way to the ground. 'He knows I can create spikes from the ground, so he's trying to keep me from touching anything to make my quirk ineffective.' Overhaul glanced to his side to see his subordinate still there. He waited until Izuku charged at him to shout. "TIME TO WAKE UP, CHRONO!" Chrono had an arrow come out of his hood to attack Izuku. Luckily for him, Danger Sense warned him to get out of the way immediately, but not fast enough to obtain a spike through his calve by Overhaul's next attack.

'Dammit. I got to focused on him and forgot all about his lackey.'

"This is what you get, you little brat. I'm going to enjoy killing you AND MAKING THE GROUND RED FROM YOUR BLOOD!" Overhaul sent another wave of spikes at Izuku for him to try and think of a countermeasure.

In the threat of the moment, he activated OFA at it's max percentage to send a compressed air attack with a leg sweep to destroy the spikes and send Overhaul back into a wall. It looked as if he was knocked out for Izuku to calm down and stand up. "I...I think he's down. Lumillion, you okaaahhh!" Izuku fell to his knees looking down at the leg that had the puncture wound that he just used. Nothing was broken thankfully, but he definitely needed to bandage his injury and see a doctor. 'Guess my body subconsciously pulled back the dial so I wouldn't kill Overhaul. That's at least a plus.'

"Midoriya. Are you gonna be ok?" Mirio asked, struggling to come over.

"Been better, but I'll be alright. What about Eri?" Eri slowly walked towards Izuku, seeing Overhaul in a wall unable to move. She was shaking when she noticed it and the amount of damage done to Izuku and Mirio combined. Everything they had to face and get hurt for was to save her.

"...Why?" Eri couldn't say anything but this as she cried to Izuku. "Why help me? I hurt people because of my curse? Why help me if you're getting hurt? Why do this?"

Izuku saw a smaller him in Eri to pat the small girl's head. "Because this is what heroes do. We help people. Do we need a better reason other than this?" As he said this, Eri hugged Izuku and began silently crying into his chest. He patted her head and let her vent her past grief and happiness to be free. "It's ok, Eri. We're all ok." As he said this, the police and pros came to the scene to notice the actions done by both. To say they were shocked was an understatement.

"Lumillion!" Nighteye went right for Mirio who was struggling to stand but smiled.

"Hey sir. Sorry I kinda got banged up. But look, we've saved Eri. All's well that ends well right?" He tried to laugh a bit with Nighteye looking at the damage. He felt horrible knowing he put Mirio through this before glancing at Izuku's leg and seeing he was hurt as well.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything. If I could've helped. Maybe things wouldn't have become so-"

"Sir. We're ok. Eri's ok. What happened to us is hurting now, but we'll get better. I promise you that." Izuku smiled at his mentor for him to be shocked. Even after getting hurt, Izuku is smiling and shrugging off any pain he might feel.

Trying to save face, Nighteye tried to recompose himself. "You're still very sloppy in getting hurt so easily. If things would've been different and you did not have the power you do, Overhaul may have ended you....But nice job. You did good, Okamure." Izuku smiled at this and scratched the back of his head in joy. Before he could say anything, Izuku was shoved out of the way by Nighteye with a massive spike impaling him in the chest. The sudden attack shocked and horrified everyone watching as it came out of nowhere. They held their breaths in fear before the sound of footsteps were heard.

"You see that, Eri. This is what happens to everyone that tries to be around you. They die! DO YOU WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MORE BLOOD SPILLED TODAY!?"

"SIR!" Mirio ran over to try and support Nighteye to avoid him falling back and having the opening bleed out. "Sir! Hang in there!"

Izuku tried to stand back up, but was unable to because of his leg. The pros soon came in front of Izuku with them preparing to fight. "Okamure! Get Lumillion, Nighteye and the kid out of here, now!" Aizawa shouted for Izuku to create a splint for himself and stand up with some struggle. He grabbed Eri and began moving with Mirio taking Nighteye after the spike was cut and supported him on his shoulder. Once out of the area, Izuku looked down at Eri who was pale as a ghost.

"Eri." The child looked at him as he struggled to walk. "This isn't your fault. None of this is. People get hurt doing what's right. It's painful to know that, but it happens. Right now though, our job isn't over yet. We need to get you to safety and help get Nighteye and Lumillion help. If we don't do that, then the nice people that stayed back to stop Overhaul would've done something good for us for nothing."

"But...everyone did this...for me... Why am I...not at fault?"

"As I said before. Heroes help those that need help. It's just what we do. We aren't invincible though, so we get hurt and some might even die from doing the right thing. But there's one thing that you need to know about heroes. We'll never give up if it means we can save someone. So please, have faith in us." Hearing these words, Eri felt a strange sensation well up inside her. She gripped Izuku's costume and held her head on his chest with tears going down her face.

"I...I want to believe you. I'll...I'll do it." Out of nowhere, Eri's horn began to glow with Izuku's leg feeling much better now. As this happened, a person from the group that stayed back came flying through the wall to reveal Kirishima unconscious.

"Red Riot!"

"You see now what happens, Eri. This is what happens when you defy me. People die!" Overhaul walked out of the hole with blood on his hands to indicate someone was badly hurt by him with a vein bulging on his forehead. "NOW COME HERE!" He grabbed for Eri with his body suddenly splitting from Nemoto to confuse everyone at that moment. Picking the pieces together now, Izuku activated OFA in his leg to kick Overhaul back through the hole and notice his leg was healed.

"Eri. Can you use your power on Mirio and Nighteye?" Izuku placed Eri on the ground and showed his leg. "If you can heal me with your gift, then maybe you can help them who need it more than me. Can you do that?"

"I...I don't know. I...I'm scared."

"It's ok. I promise I'll be here to help you if you need it. Because that's what heroes do. So can you do this for us? Can you use your gift to help save someone like we're trying to save you?" Hearing her quirk be called a gift shocked Eri. She was always told she was a cursed child and her power was the same. She wanted to be of help to the people trying their best for her. And if that meant using her powers to help them, she'd do everything she could to do that. Her horn continued to shine as she touched both Nighteye and Mirio. As soon as she did, the injuries they sustained began to erase and they felt as if they were back to normal. However, Eri started to feel uneasy as her power began to overwhelm her to pull away from the two just before something bad could happen. They weren't in serious condition anymore, but still had some injuries on them.

"Eri....You did this?" Mirio asked for him to look at his body but still not feel his quirk. 'I don't know what exactly she did, but I feel like I did before fighting Chisaki without my quirk.' He tried to use his quirk, but unable to to prove her power wasn't completely controllable yet. 'Still kinda bummed about that, but there's steps.'

"Sir. With your permission, I'm returning to the fight." Izuku spoke up for Nighteye to nod.

"Get Eraser to come here so Eri can calm down. We don't know her limits yet and she doesn't seem to know how to shut off her power to make this a concern."

"Understood." Izuku used OFA to jump through the hole to see several spikes and heroes injured. Near the edge, he noticed Overhaul and glared angerly at him. "CHISAKI!"

Using 'Engine', Izuku stormed at him to give a solid kick sending him upwards with force strong enough to take down the damaged ceiling and send him up to the surface. "Eraser! Are you ok to move!" Izuku turned to his teacher who was holding his side from a spike getting him.


"I need you to go to Nighteye and Lumillion. Eri activated her quirk and we need you to stop it for some time."

"Understood." Aizawa moved quickly towards the opening in the wall with Izuku going right towards the hole in the ceiling.

"Okamure!" Fat Gum came over to Izuku while patting his stomach. "Need a lift up?"

"Much appreciated." Izuku hopped in Fat's folds for him to be held with some restraint immediately felt.

"I'm not sure if my aiming will be right, so might wanna toughen your skin up so you don't get hurt." Izuku did this for the BMI hero to aim carefully. "FIRE!" Fat sprung Izuku out of his folds with intense speeds to go up in the air and see Overhaul next to an unconscious Katsukame with the police and Ryukyu's group unaware.

"STOP HIM! NOW!" Izuku shouted to gain everyone's attention, but unable to have them prevent what Overhaul had planned. He touched Katsukame to turn him into a balloon before touching himself. The result had forced his body to alter and change into a gigantic kaiju sized monstrosity.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" Ryukyu shouted as Izuku charged right at Overhaul and pushed him higher into the air.


"THEN YOU BETTER START TRYING HARDER! I'M NOT GOING TO GO DOWN AS EASILY THIS TIME!" Izuku pushed Overhaul into the sky while aiming his hands with 'Explosion' activated. "PACT MOVE: AP SHOT RAPID FIRE!"

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku manages himself next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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