Standing Strong

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Izuku age 14 POV

Today started out as any other in the house me and mom share. I started breakfast for us with everything almost done. "Alright, now just a little longer until-" "GOOD MORNING IZUKU!" Mom came at me with a jump kick to my head. As she did this, I grabbed her and pinned her to the ground while holding the spatula in my hand. "Mom, you know that we shouldn't fight over the stove." "Just making sure that your reflexes are at their max." She started laughing while I sighed and got off her to pour her and me a cup of coffee. "Breakfast is almost ready, take a seat and I'll have it done in a minute." She does so as I place our plates on the table to start eating.

"Damn Izuku, you definitely know how to cook." "Well I needed to since the last time you did, you nearly burned the house down." "Not true. I had everything under control." Mom pouts while I state how her having everything 'under control' was really. "So having the fire department come here with black smoke coming out of the window is under control?" She flinches at this while I keep eating. Fortunately for me, I was able to learn from aunt Ryu on how to cook. If I didn't, I may have starved to death years ago. I glance down to see a text from Kino saying her and Yui will be outside in a few minutes. "Sorry to eat and run, but Yui and Kino are gonna be here soon." I finish eating and put my plate in the dishwasher before grabbing my bag and guitar. "Your still playing?" "Yeah, it helps me out a lot with anxiety a bit." Mom smiles before getting up to hug me. "You know, it's not too late to ask Yui or Kinoko to be your girlfriend. I'm sure they could help you out with that too." "W-w-what do they have to do with this!? W-w-were just friends!" I start to panic as this was said to go run out the door. "I'll see you later!" "Later."

Miruko POV:

As Izuku left, I grabbed my phone to send a text to Kinoko and Yui to strike today. "You don't know it Izuku, but your very liked. Kinoko and Yui want to be with you, Nejire is starting to like you, I also wanna say that some pros that you met even have a thing for ya." I get up to start the dishwasher before heading out to work. 'Please do something with this you two. This kid is denser than a brick wall.'

Izuku POV:

As I walked outside, I was met by Kino and Yui running up to me. "Izuku!" Kino hugs me immediately with Yui coming over and smiling. "You brought your guitar?" "Yeah, I was thinking of strumming a little today after school if you two wanna join me." "Heck yeah shroom!" "We would love to." They answer as we start walking. While we do, I remember of how my life has changed since 8 years ago when mom first found me. I had gone without trusting anyone for two years, then suddenly having a family of my own. Kino and Yui have been my best friends for years and we share everything with each other. Mom also helps us train a bit since she knows we want to get into UA. and become heroes like her. She also offered me a recommendation since I don't do so well with crowds, but I turned her down. I wanted to prove I could get this myself and not have to rely on mom more than I should. She already did so much for me that I wanted to give her reason why I was worth it all.

"So Izuku, whens the next time we get to train with Nejire shroom?" "That may be a while, she said that her and Tamaki are busy with their hero internships this round and wanted to get stronger." Yui smiles at this. "They really are hard workers." "Aunt Ryu and uncle Fat wouldn't allow them in their agencies if they weren't." About a year and a half back, aunt Ryu and uncle fat had introduced two people that they were doing a work study with to me. I learned them to be Nejire Hado and Tamaki Amajiki. When they were told about me and how I got my scar, they felt horrible with Nejire hugging me there. I panicked a bit before calming down into the hug. Since then, they occasionally come over to talk and help me with my quirk training. Things are a little uneasy with me and Nejire since I had uh, 'noticed her womanly features' if you can call that a reason. I still care for her a lot, but this is something I have problems with. Fortunately, Tamaki took a liking to me rather quickly as well and we talk about ways to handle crowds together. These two were also the ones that helped me pick up the guitar. In a matter of days, I was strumming like a pro has done it for years. "We should probably hurry up. Were going to be late." "Right."

At school

As we sat in the classroom, the teacher came in with a stack of papers big enough to overshadow his head before getting to his desk. "Alright everyone. Your third years, so I need you to take these applications and fill out career futures." He tosses them in the air though and smiles. "But who am I kidding, you all want to become heroes!" Everyone cheered and started using their quirk. The only ones that didn't were me, Kino, and Yui. "Yes, yes, I know you all have amazing quirks. But it's against the rules to use them on school grounds, so please stop." The teacher glanced at a folder he had and held a shocked face. "It seems Kodai, Komori, and Usagiyama are applying for UA." Everyone stopped and looked at us. "AHAHAHAHA!! KIMORI AND KODAI!?" "Usagiyama may get in cause of his weird family, but those two are gonna fail miserably!"

I heard this and turned to the two. They were ignoring this and minding their own business. The only time they made eye contact with anyone was when they felt me stare at them. I gave them a worried look from the mocking with their faces giving a smile saying they were fine. I turned my head back with everyone done laughing at this point. School went on as normal with everyone going home after.

After school

Once we got out of school, Yui and Kino pulled me to our normal hangout spot so I can start playing. "So what do you two wanna hear today?" "Maybe something nice sounding?" "Something that shows your badassness shroom!" Since I started playing guitar, Kino and Yui have always wanted me to play for them. They say it makes them feel special and I was happy to oblige. When we got to the cafe, the manager smiled and told us that the corner we normally sit in is ours. Once we sat down, I pulled out my guitar and put it in tune before we started. "Ok, so I want to do two songs today. Ones an acoustic that you'd be a fan of Yui, and another is a parody of a badass character Kino." I took a deep breath before starting the acoustic.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When I was strumming, Yui smiled hearing her favorite band. My mind started remembering our training together with Yui getting very discouraged with me giving her help when she needed it. Memories like these made me happy that I was alive. It made me look at everything and say, 'I made a difference with someone'. Near the end of the song, I started to hear clapping to the beat with everyone in the cafe tuning with the song. When I finished, everyone clapped with Yui smiling at me. "Ok, so Kino, you wanna hear yours?" "Yes!" "Ok, *ahem*."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As I played, Kino knew immediately what I was playing and smiled. I wan't that well with rapping yet, but I gave it my best try here and did what I thought was the best I could. When it was over, I put my guitar away with everyone clapping again. "Ok, so here's your usuals and thank you again kid for your help." "My pleasure mam." When we first came here, I was strumming a bit outside with the manager coming out to hear. She said she was gonna tell me to stop, but had second thoughts and asked if I could strum a bit inside whenever I'm there as entertainment. I didn't mind it since I liked their tea and I was able to play. Nobody seemed to mind it either since it was live entertainment that sounded nice.

After we relaxed a bit and payed, we started walking home with Yui and Kino stopping in front of me. "Hey Izuku, can we ask you a question shroom?" "Sure." They started to blush a bit before Yui asks a question. "W-what do you think of me and Kinoko? A-as in, r-relationship w-wise." I thought for a second before answering. "I-I really like you both." They looked at me straight faced as I realized what they meant. "Y-you mean like d-dating relationship, don't you." They nod. "Uhh, I....I don't think I can answer that easily. You both are very precious to me. Kino, your confident, happy, and always holds their head up. Yui, your compassionate, caring, and supportive when someone needs it. If told to pick which of you I wanted to be with, I can't choose between either of you. I'm sorry."

I held my head down as they started to laugh. "What's so funny?" "You." They answered together with me completely confused. "We knew you would never be able to choose between us shroom, so we made a pact that we would be fine with an open relationship." "Huh?" "Kino's right. We talked about it with your mom, and she was cool with you having a harem." 'Dammit mom, what did you put in their heads?' "Wait, I'm pretty sure a harem would consist of more than just two girls." "We know. We're saying we're fine with you bringing more girls in our relationship since we're pretty sure Nejire likes you. But we have one condition, we are above everyone and are your number one's." I smile at them before walking up to hug them. "I don't see a problem with that." They both kiss my cheek to make me go red from this. "H-how about we head home before it gets to late to train." "Sure."

As we walked home, we passed a crowd of people who were watching in an one way street. "What's going on shroom?" "Let's check it out." We find our way to the front to see a villain made of slime in a wildfire with several pros trying to stop it. "TSU!" I dart my eyes over to a brown haired girl being held back by a pro. "LET GO OG ME! THAT'S MY FRIEND IN THERE!" I look at the sludge villain to see a girl inside crying as she's being held hostage. 'She's gonna suffocate if she doesn't get help soon.' I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth before instinctively jumping in to try and save the girl.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Kid! Get back here!" I ignored the pro Death Arms and threw my bag at the villains eyes. "Gyaa!" When he's stunned, I use manifest to wrap tentacles around the girl to pull her out and put her to the side near her friend. 'Good thing I had a little takoyaki today during lunch.' "You brat!" I dodge him and jump into the air. 'This may be a pain later, but I'm gonna have to do this!' "PACT COMBO MOVE: LUNAR RING WAVE!" I spiral down at the villain kicking him and adding more force with Nejire's shockwave quirk. When I got to the ground, I stood tall with the villain in a puddle of slime below me. I held my right arm up as a resemblance to All Might and smiled. When I was done, I ran over to the two girls to make sure they were ok. "Is she ok?" "I think. She's breathing, so that's a good sign." "*cough* *cough* Thank you." Both girls look at me and smile.

"I just did what anyone would if they could." "What were you thinking kid!" Death Arms shouted at me while grabbing my shoulder. "I helped someone that was in danger." I brushed his arm off to walk back to Kino and Yui. He grabbed my wrist to stop me. "You aren't going anywhere! You broke the law, now come with me or-" "I'm sorry, but your criticizing me for breaking a law!? If it wasn't for me, this girl would have suffocated because you chose to do nothing!" I started pointing at heroes that actually did things. "He put out fires! He was rescuing civilians even though his quirk was a bad match in this! The 40ft woman behind you was more useful in this than you keeping civilians out of the area, yet you dare criticize someone for stepping in and doing the right thing that was also your job!? Yes, I technically did possibly break a law or two. But in the end, I used my quirk in self defense of another and after the villain used his quirk to attack me! I used the same type of close range quirk you have, so don't give me the BS your quirk wasn't suited! Now if you don't mind, I'll take my leave before you get embarrassed more in front of these people!" I walk away enraged with everyone clearing a way for me.

3rd person POV:

As Izuku walked away with Kinoko and Yui following behind, a skinny blond man had watched the entire scene play out. 'The kid may have broken a law, but he did it to save someone. He even jumped headfirst into the fight and held a leveled head to save the hostage before anything else.' The blond man thinks on this before remembering the move he shouted before defeating the sludge villain. 'The move sounded a lot like the pro Miruko's, maybe I'll start my search there and have him and young Togata meet before I make a decision.' The man walks away taking out his phone to call a contact called Nighteye. 'From what I saw, this boy could be an amazing successor. But what is his quirk?'

An hour later Izuku POV:

"YOU IDIOT!" Mom kicks me in the head to send me into the ground the second me and the girls walk in the door. "I get a call from Ryuko to look on the news, and what do I see!? YOU GETTING INTO TROUBLE!" I get up to hold my head down. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't stand by and watch someone die because a pro chose not to intervene." Aunt Ryu and uncle Fat tried to calm mom down after I said this. "You honestly can't blame him for standing up for what is right. You raised him to do that, so you have to accept this as a result." "Ryuko's right Rumi, he did this smart as well. I found the feed online and it showed him only using his quirk to fight after the villain used his. I also found him getting criticized by a hero who did nothing with the pro getting criticized back with valid points. I get he shouldn't get into a habit of doing this, but he did do everything right as to a pros standard."

Mom heard this and groaned. "I guess you did help someone, so I'll be easier on your punishment. Starting now, you'll be doing all the laundry, dishes without the dishwasher's help, and a few other chores for the next month. I'd make it more than that, but you did save the girl and stop the villain while doing everything right." I lift my head up and nod before starting with the laundry. "By the way, were gonna be making your training a lot harder tomorrow, so be prepared." "Understood." I grab the basket from mom's room before putting it in the washer. 'At least she isn't that mad.'

And that finishes this chapter. So the next one will be where Mirio and Izuku meet with All Might who's trying to make a decision on who deserves OFA more. Also, a quick vote since Bakugou hasn't been shown yet in the story. Should Bakugou be a male or female in this? Depending on what the outcome is will determine if I add a female Bakugou also to the harem. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading

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