The Raid

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3rd person POV:

Few days had passed since the conference about the Hassaikai with those part of it focusing mainly on the locations that Izuku has suggested. Each one seemed even more unique and specific to the point it was disturbing how on point Izuku was on. Those that were still skeptical of Izuku's judgement, went to check out the other locations to see just what the difference was to notice there was almost no chance Izuku's thesis was wrong. As the time continued, a new meeting was held with Nighteye addressing his own findings.

"Both the girl and the factory are in the Hassaikai's headquarters." Nighteye bluntly says this with everyone shocked.

"Well I'll be damned. The kid was right on the money." Lock Rock was surprised beyond belief. He honestly believed Izuku's thesis wasn't even close since his lack of experience was obvious. But the pro was wrong. His judgment was beyond anything any of them could believe.

"Starting in one hour, we will begin our raid on the Hassaikai base."

Everyone nodded before changing and preparing for their fight. Once Izuku came out, Ryukyu walked over to him to speak up. "Izuku. A word." She brought him away from everyone to avoid easedropping to say what's on her mind. "Nejire, Froppy and Uravity told me what happened on the first day of your Internship and how distraught you were when you couldn't save the little girl. Keep in mind going in, we have two important objectives. The first is take down the Hassaikai and their leader. This is our primary. The second is save the girl. Though saving lives is important, we can't always succeed. If there comes a moment where you cannot save the girl, do not blame yourself for it. These people are more dangerous than the League of Villains. They've been alive for several decades for a reason. They know how to escape and manage through any crack or crevice to escape police capture. Do not let your guard down with them."

"I won't. I promise I'll take down the Hassaikai and save Eri. This is what I hope to accomplish today."

Ryukyu smiled and rustled Izuku's hair. "You're a good kid. Just make sure you don't be reckless." They rejoined the group to see Mirio begin chanting and getting himself psyched up. This act made Ryukyu chuckle a bit to herself. "Seems Lumillion knows how to hype himself up before a big battle." Izuku laughed at this comment before heading off to join Nighteye's agency. 'Don't do something dangerous out there, Izuku. Miruko would probably kill me if I let you do.'

At the Hassaikai base

Everyone involved in the raid stood in the front of the home prepared to head in on a moments notice. "So we're waiting for a warrant?" Kirishima asked Izuku for him to nod.

"Even though we're attempting to take down an organization that we know is connected to villains, we still need to abide by rules of society which explains we can't jump in without any form of legal documentation."

"Sounds annoying."

"Depends on how you look at it. If you look at it as if there was any belief without proof your home was holding something illegal, do you want people jumping the gun and raiding your home without reasonable evidence?"

"Huh. I never thought of it that way. You have a good point."

"Okamure. Good I caught you before we head in. I got something that might give you an omph in there." Fatgum walked over to the two with Tamaki behind him eating something. The pro hero brought his hand out to show a piece of fish in it. "It's swordfish. Just in case you need something to prove a point."

"Good idea. Thanks." Izuku ate the swordfish with the officer that had gone for the warrant returning with the paper in hand. With it, the raid team began any final preparations as the police knocked on the residence to try and avoid significant confrontation. As they did though, a massive man came slamming through the entrance to send multiple cops flying. Thinking quickly to avoid any form of harm to them, Izuku and Aizawa used Black Whip and the Erasure pro's capture gear to grab them and place them on the ground.

"It's early in the morning. What do you all want?" The man who knocked through the wall spoke bluntly as the group noticed the man was part of a group called the 8 Precepts of Death Rikiya Katsukame.

Thinking quickly, Izuku froze the man's feet to the ground using 'Half Hot, Half Cold' before Ryukyu came over in her dragon form to slam the villain into the ground. "My team will handle Katsukame! The rest of you go inside!" The Dragon her shouted for everyone to split up. The officer holding the warrant continued shouting while they were going in that they had a warrant for searching the premises with none of the yakuza listening to attack.

"Okamure. Do you have something to clear a path?"

"I've got just the thing. Sorry your quirk's going to be shown to the world by me first, but I don't have a lot of options here." Izuku got to the front of the group and activated 'Gale Force'. "PACT MOVE: GALE WIND!" A massive tornado came out of Izuku's hands to send everyone flying that was it by it and make a path directly towards the main building of the residence. The group split up again for most of the cops and some lower tier heroes to handle the rest of the yakuza outside as well as occupy them.

Once the group went inside, Nighteye went straight to a wall and pressed a few specific tiles to open up a secret passage way. From what they learned, the pro was fortunate enough the other day to find someone of the Hassaikai to search his future and find not only the secret passage, but also an exact route towards Eri's room. When the door fully opened, the group was attacked by a few more villains with Bubble Girl and Centipeder making quick work of them and subduing them before the group kept going. Unfortunately, there was a wall in their way for them to stop.

"They must've blocked our path."

"Hang on a second." Mirio moved his head through the wall for his helmet to fall on the ground. He pulled his head back up to smile. "The wall's not that thick. We should be able to break it down fairly easily."

"Alright, men. We're going to need explosives to take down this-"

"Who needs explosives when you have an ability to become a one man wrecking machine." Izuku cracked his knuckles before pulling his hands back. Mirio knew what was happening as well as Kirishima to pull everyone back. "DIE!" Izuku slammed his hands on the wall to create a massive explosion with Bakugou's quirk to clear the way. "I really gotta apologize to Kaachan one of these days about his shouting not needed." Izuku hopped through the wall with Nighteye soon after to lead the group.

"Damn this kid's a one man army. Just what else can he do?" Lock Rock asked for Kirishima to smirk.

"That's our pal for ya. Usagiyama bro can use anyone's quirk that he thinks of as a mutual friend and vice versa. If we're talking about a frontal tank, there's nobody better in our class than him."

"Brain and brawn huh. I take back my thought of this kid not needing to be here." As he finished speaking, Izuku stopped in front of everyone before glancing to the side. "Kid. What the heck are you-"

"I know you're there. Joi Irinaka. Aka, Mimic. Something tells me your power isn't natural right now and you're using a quirk enhancing drug." An eye came out of the wall for Mimic to panic seeing him.

'I need to separate that kid now. If he stays where he is, it'll be a problem.' Mimic went into the wall where everyone couldn't see with Izuku following his own senses.

"Kid. How did you know he was there?"

"It's a special quirk I've got. It's hard to explain, but I can sense any serious threats coming my way." In that moment, Izuku felt something to hold onto the ground. "EVERYONE HOLD ONTO SOMETHING!"

As he said this, the walls and floor began to shake and move around. "What the heck's happening!?"

"This is most likely Mimic's doing as Okamure said. And that bit about him being on a drug I'm willing to bet is on the money as well." Fatgum spoke as Izuku was continually slid near an opening. To avoid losing to this, Izuku activated 'Permeation' to phase through the floor and slowly accelerate himself past the corridor.


"Yes! You and Lumillion rush ahead! We can handle this!"

"Understood!" Izuku turned to continue using Mirio's quirk to go past Mimic with the blond Permeation quirk user to follow soon after.

'Dammit! He had a plan in set for me!' Mimic turned to the group to notice Aizawa coming directly towards him to give a solid knee to the face and deactivate his quirk. 'The fucking brat played me from the start! Dammit!'

With Izuku and Mirio

As the two ran down the corridors, they noticed a lack of personnel standing in their way. "Any idea why the number of obstructions are so low?"

"My best guess, your plan for the one member screwed them up big time. Thinking on it, you've been right on the money a lot for this raid. What's your secret?" Mirio asked for Izuku to give his answer.

"I've just been lucky for this and used whatever information I could get my hands on to succeed. I figured if they were a distributor of Trigger, they'd most likely use one of their most useful support allies to try and separate us. They're most likely a diversion for Overhaul to head off towards a secret exit or something with the only thing he needs to make certain he comes out on top. Eri."

"So he used his own men for a way to get a couple minutes of time? That's low even for villains."

Izuku shrugged his shoulders not really seeing the real problem with it. "In some people's minds, nothing matters but the final result." The duo continued running before Izuku stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong."

"....DUCK!" Izuku pulled Mirio down to have a blast of fire come at them from a distance. The blue flames coated the wall behind them with the sound of clapping being heard.

"Nice job, kid. What gave it away?" Two men came from the shadows to show it being Dabi and Twice with the scarred man smiling.

"You two are part of the group that attacked the training camp, aren't you?"

"Yes. I must admit, you're a tough one. You ain't so tough!" Twice commented for Izuku to stare at him blankly.

"Mirio. Head past them using your quirk. I'll distract them and join you after."

"You sure about this man? You shouldn't underestimate these guys."

"Trust me. They're here just to waste time for us. As long as one of us takes the obstacle ahead, we're safe."

Mirio looked at the two before glancing back at Izuku. "I'll see you in a little bit." He used his quirk to move quickly past the two with Dabi smirking.

"You think I'm gonna let you-" He was cut short by Izuku kneeing him in the face.

"Damned brat! Awesome attack!" Twice went next for Izuku to turn and freeze him in ice with 'Half Hot Half Cold'. "THAT'S HOT!" Taking the initiative, Izuku turned to create a wall of ice between the three of them and Mirio to make it extremely difficult to pass through.

"Don't be confused now, your opponent is and was always me."

Dabi recovered from his hit to begin lighting his hand on fire with blue flames. "You're that UA kid we abducted, aren't you? Let me ask you something. Did you like the fact that your kidnapping was what made All Might retire?" Izuku had his hair cover his eyes with a notable frown on his face. "What about all the crime that happened when the former number 1 retired? I heard it's up three times what it's been in a year and it hasn't even been that long." Izuku gritted his teeth in anger at hearing this. "It's honestly funny when you think about it. All someone like you probably wanted to do is be like that smiling idiot. But in the end, you caused more pain than your worth. It's your fault everything is happening the way it is. If you would've never gotten caught, maybe a lot of people wouldn't be harmed today and maybe heroes wouldn't be in such a bind as they are."

"LUNA FALL!" Izuku jumped up into the air and gave a solid axe kick to the ground where Dabi was. If he didn't dodge at the last minute, the hit would've been directly on his head.

'Kid's quick to react. I just barely dodge-' His thought process was cut short as another knee came to his stomach and sent him into a wall.

"Yeah. It's cause of my stupidity that All Might's final battle had to happen. I hate myself for knowing it's because I couldn't save myself that he had to retire. But you know something, this was the inevitable that we all failed to create a fallback plan if something happened. As a society as a whole, we failed to see the reality of nobody being able to fill the mantle All Might will eventually leave. Because of that, we're in the mess we're in now with a lot of pieces to pick up. But here's where your thought process is wrong. My failure to save myself may have brought on the fight in Kamino Ward, BUT IT DID NOT INSTIGATE THE CRIME! IF YOU WANT SOMEONE TO BLAME, BLAME THOSE THAT WANT TO DO BAD THINGS!"

Dabi recovered again from his kick to see Izuku start creating tentacles from his fingers with them hardening like rock or steel as the ground below him held flames and ice as electricity coursed through him with explosions coming out of his enlarged hands. 'No wonder AFO wanted him taken down. This kid's dangerous if left alone.'

"I hope you're ready, because you just pissed off the WRONG PERSON!"

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku was able to create countermeasures for Mimic to avoid the group splitting up. See how this changes things next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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