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Izuku POV:

"Hey kid. Wake up." I started to hear a voice I'm not familiar with start asking me to wake up. For some reason, I felt as if I was light as a feather. "Kid. Get up!" I couldn't focus on much as I felt my subconscious fade in and out. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU MAKING ME WAIT FOR!?" I opened my eyes to see a man with no hair as well as some strange equipment on yelling at me.

"Well you're finally up. About time. I've been here for the past few minutes trying to get your brain workin again."

'Just who is this guy?' I tried to talk with it not working to look down to see my mouth wasn't showing as well as most of my body. The only part of me that wasn't shrouded in what looked like a black haze was my right leg and some of my left hand.

"Don't panic. You just can't manifest yourself fully in OFA yet, which means you haven't mastered it to it's current full potential."

'To my potential? What's he talking about?...Wait, I'M INSIDE OFA RIGHT NOW!?'

"That look on your face tells me you're freaking out. It's fine. Let me just go over the basics. You already know that OFA stockpiles energy, right?" I nodded as an answer. "Good. Then let's use that as a baseline for what's happening right now. You see, OFA can store not only the energy produced by the past users and send it off to the next holder. It can also stockpile the information of everyone it touches' quirks."

'Wait, it can stockpile the quirks of the past user's themselves?' I thought back to my fight with Muscular understanding that this might've been what happened to me.

"You've already seen my quirk Black Whip in action." I glanced up to see the man create the black wisps that I used during the fight. "To make things easy for us kid, the names Daigoro Banjo. I was the fifth user of OFA before it was passed down. My quirk Black Whip allows me to create black wisps with the ability to hold things. All I gotta do to use it is think of what I wanna use my quirk on to capture and it will catch it. For the most part it's kinda badass, but don't try to overuse my quirk." The area started to fade away with Banjo groaning. "We're running out of time. Listen kid, thanks to All Might and his use of the quirk, we're able to discuss things with you as well as us. You're also able to use your quirks as well. Counting Black Whip, you'll also have up to six different quirks manifest inside you. But none of that matters if you don't get out of what you're in right now." He faded with the area turning into a bright flash.

Back in reality

I started waking up bound to what felt like a metal chair. "Where am I?"

"Glad to see you are finally up." I looked towards the source of the voice to see the man that took me before. "I suppose some introductions are in order Izuku Usagiyama."

"All For One. Why did you attack the training camp and why kidnap me!?"

"Patience boy. All will be revealed in time. The kidnapping though, I think you and I both know why." I thought about it a second to come to the conclusion this had to do with OFA. "I take it you found out?"

"Jokes on you. OFA can't be taken, only given."

"Ordinarily you'd be correct, but there are ways around that." I raised an eyebrow for him to explain. "Do you know why OFA cannot be stolen?"

"It has something to do with the first user I'm guessing."

The villain chuckled a bit before answering. "You're not completely wrong. You see, a quirk has somewhat a footprint left behind by the past user whenever I steal one. Their presence or soul if you'd call it that is still connected to the quirk. The same can be said about OFA. It's because of this as well as the fact eight different people are refusing to allow me to steal the quirk that I cannot. Believe me when I say I have tried, but I have failed and acted...rash to how I should handle this. I can admit to that."

"So you can't take OFA because of the past users?"

"Yes and no. The past users do make it complicated to steal the quirk, but it's not impossible to steal it. You see, if the will can overpower the combined will of the past users, it's possible to take OFA." I tried to move my body a bit while also trying to activate 'Permeation' for it not to work. "You won't be able to use any of your shared quirks. I'm currently holding you in quirk cancellation binds."

"So you're that scared of my quirk. Why not just take it and avoid preparing for every tangent?"

"Even though it would be easier for me, taking your quirk would be pointless. Power that relies on others, how ridiculous. Even if I'd steal it, that power will not be worthwhile on myself since I have no reason to rely on others nor do neither of my allies. I will admit, it's powerful in your hands, but it will do nothing in mine or anyone else's."

"So you'd rather have me strung up like this instead of taking a power that's useless to you but powerful to me?"

"Believe it or not, I'm nowhere near as much of a monster as you think I am. I don't just steal quirks because. However, there are ones that I take a...unique liking to." AFO tossed Ragdoll towards me for her eyes to look like she was unconscious with her eyes half open and barely moving. "A quirk that allows me to sense where someone or something is. It's been quite a while since I could get my hands on such a special one."

Deep in my being, I felt absolute anger towards this to shout at AFO. "YOU SON OF A BITCH! HOW CAN YOU TREAT SOMEONE WHO JUST WANTED TO BE A GOOD PERSON LIKE THIS!? RAGDOLL DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO DESERVE THISAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" I felt what I thought was a thousand volts coming into my system for my body to convulse on the metal slab. I coughed up a little blood before it finally stopped.

"I may not be as heartless as you think, but I shall not be talked down to as if I was some child. Do not think otherwise. You are only alive right now because you have something I have wanted for quite some time. OFA. With it's power, I can enhance my AFO power and achieve what I truly desire. Unparalleled control. That quirk is the only thing preventing me from reclaiming my crown as ruler of Japan from the underground and if you were to die, then the power would be wasted. So you live for now. But I won't keep you in a great condition." I felt a sharp pain in my leg to look down at my body and see I was still a mess from my fight with Muscular. "Take care Izuku Usagiyama. I shall return when some time has passed with my doctor being the one keeping you alive. Do make this fun for me."

A door shut for me to look around the room to see absolute darkness. 'I gotta think of a way out, but I can't move nor can I even do anything to help my case having my body busted up like this. I hate to say this, but I'm gonna have to wait.'

Few hours later, Miruko POV:

After finding out what the hell happened at the training camp, I decided to pay Nezu a visit with Ryuko trying to stop me. "Rumi. This isn't a good time to start picking fights."

"You know what else this isn't a good time for? SITTING ON MY ASS AND HAVING MY SON GET FUCKING ABDUCTED BY VILLAINS! YOU OUT OF EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK I'M GONNA DO AND WHY!" Getting to the door to the principal's office, I kicked the door down with a vein clealy popping out of my head. "NEZUUUUU!!!!"


"SHUT THE FUCK UP, MIC!" Completely ignoring everyone in the room, I walked right towards the rat and slammed the back of my heel on the table where he was.

"I'm sorry if we had angered you in any way Ms. Miruko. What can we do for you-"

"DON'T GIVE ME YOUR PEACEFUL NEGOTIATIONS BULLSHIT! I HEARD FROM THE KIDS IN IZUKU'S CLASS WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM!" I pulled the rodent up by his shirt collar and glared him in the face with the rage I had starting to seep out of me. "So you're gonna tell me what the fuck happened and why a bunch of low grade, villains GOT THE DROP ON YOU TO ABDUCT MY SON AND CAUSE A LOT OF HARM TO THE KIDS!"

"Miruko, this isn't-"

"I'd stay out of this Eraser." I glanced over to see even Ryuko angry for the rat to pat my hand.

"I understand your anger Ms. Miruko and believe me when I say I am trying my best to find Mr. Usagiyama as fast as I can."

"WELL WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TO HELP FIND HIM!? I'm certain you already know, but this is the third fucking time my son's gone and fought the League. I understand more than anyone how dangerous hero work can be since my major form of combat is hand to hand, but things that happen three times with the same group or people should immediately be a red flag!"

"You know, she's actually got a point that I'm not proud of admitting." We all turned to the walking stereo box for him to explain. "We took almost every precaution we could this time to avoid the kids getting hurt. We changed the location of the training camp last minute, we asked pro heroes to help and it was in a location you couldn't stumble upon by accident. The longest someone knew of the location before this was less than three days tops and the only people that would've known are us and the Pussycats."

"You could also rule in the students after they came to the camp the first day." Ryuko seemed to get where Mic was going , but I couldn't understand it.

"So what are you getting at?"

"Well I can't say for sure, but it sounds like we could have a traitor."

Midnight immediately tried to get us away from this train of thought by trying to downplay this as just a thought. "Mic. Even if you say that, you're also putting yourself under the bus."

"I'm just saying, this was too strange of a coincidence for it to be anything else."

I took a deep breath in before placing Nezu back in his chair. "Alright." I cracked my knuckles and gave a death glare to the entire staff. "Who's the fucking snitch?"

"Though we cannot fully take Mic's theory to heart less fear another untimely attack by the League, I will take steps to see if this is true or not myself." Nezu spoke up before turning to me and Ryuko. "We will be having a raid soon in regards to finding and retrieving back Izuku Usagiyama. If possible, I'd like you to join it. Both the number 9 and number 6 pro hero on our side will make this much smoother."

"You don't have to tell me twice. I was gonna join this whether you wanted me to or not." I walked out of the opening from the broken down door to grab it and start putting it up back where it was when I kicked it. "Send me the information when you're ready with everything and I'll be where you need me to." Ryuko and I left with the door coming back down again as we did.

"You do know that there may need to be drastic changes in this school's learning system after this, right?"

"Not like I care. All I wanna do right now is kick the fucking head off of whoever was stupid enough to try and steal my son without thinking of consequences."

"....For once I agree with you. "

Later that day, Yui POV:

I started to wake up with what felt like my head being on fire. "Hey. You're finally up." Glancing to the side, I noticed Itsuka standing beside me adjusting flowers.

"How long was I out-THE CAMP!"

"Relax. You've been asleep for three days. We were attacked at the training camp by the League of Villains. From what we've gathered, there was at least seven villains in total. Most of our class was incapacitated because of a gas villain. The worst person was arguably Tetsutetsu who broke a rib trying to keep from breathing it in."

"Is everyone else in 1-A ok?" Itsuka looked away for a minute not wanting to say anything. "Itsuka. What happened?"

"During the incident, Pixiebob was injured with a blow to the head and nobody knows what happened to Ragdoll. The only thing we found where she was supposed to be was her headpiece and a notable amount of blood. Some of class A was hurt as well with our class notably having the most hurt with the total number in the forest hurt being 11 students, 13 unharmed and one missing."

"...Who went missing?" Itsuka went to the wall and punched it in anger.

"I should've trusted my instincts telling me something was wrong. I should've helped find him instead of take down that villain." She punched the wall harder this time in rage. "Why him? WHY DID THEY WANT IZUKU!?"

I froze hearing this to grip the blankets over me. 'I should've known something was strange when I smelled that gas.'

We both heard a knock on the door to see Kirishima and Bakugou at the door. "Hey, I was wondering if everything is ok. I heard banging and I was worried someone was hurt in here."

"Sorry Kirishima. I let my anger get the best of me." Bakugou walked up to me and patted Itsuka's shoulder.

"There was nothing we could've done. They went after Deku with intent to kidnap. But you and I both know he didn't go down willingly. Mr. Aizawa said he took down the villain Muscular. If he didn't stop him, we would've had more hurt."

"Still doesn't make things better."

"I know." Things felt horrible for all of us. I don't think anyone from class A or B didn't have a shred of empathy for not being able to help. "Since you both are awake, me and shitty hair have a proposal for both of you."

Both me and Itsuka looked at them hearing this. "There's still a way we can save Usagiyama. If you two are up for it, we can save him."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when the pros try to help stop the League and save Izuku. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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