Two Titans and A Rabbit

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3rd person POV:

AFO pushed both Miruko and All Might away with both prepared to face off against the villain. "Miruko. Is young Usagiyama alright?"

"A couple of bad injuries, but he'll live. For now, let's just focus on this asshole in front of us." Miruko charged at AFO again for him to attack frontally with his fingertips turning into tendrils to try and pierce the rabbit hero. Unfortunately for him, she was too fast and adjusted her momentum to dodge and go for a gut hit. Without hesitation, Miruko changed to go for a side attack before being knocked back by a blast of compressed air. This was when All Might came at his nemesis and gave a Detroit Smash that was caught before another blast of air came at him to send him backwards. To respond with a follow up strike, Miruko came above with her leg up prepared to do an axe kick. "LUNA FALL!"

"Adorable that you think it will work." A portal came out of nowhere for All Might to be in front of Miruko and get the blunt of her attack.

"CRAP! ALL MIGHT!" Both were sent back after with a blast of compressed air for Izuku to see the two fight and have difficulties with the enemy they were facing.

'I gotta do something. I can't just sit around and wait for things to get better.' A sharp pain from his still broken legs forced Izuku to crawl away as fast as he could before several blobs of sludge came out of nowhere. "What the?"

"Do not think getting away will be easy boy. Tomura. It is time we show Izuku Usagiyama just what it means to be outmatched."

A smirk came on the hand villain's face as he came at Izuku. "I can't kill you, but I can at least decay off those legs of yours so you can't move around like that stupid rabbit hero anymore."

Seeing the situation was getting worse, Izuku had to move out of the way by using 'Big Fist' to push his body up and use 'Explosion directly after to get away from everyone. "Not gonna work." Magna held her magnet up while making Izuku get drawn towards it by the effects of her quirk. "You don't have those rude legs of yours, so hitting me won't be that easy for you."

Trying to think of something quick, Izuku activated 'Creation to make a large metal object to swing at Magna. This hit the magnet and stopped the magnetism. However, Spinner came behind to try and stab Izuku's legs in the fact they were a wide weak spot. The multiquirk user decided that he needed to do something in order to avoid letting his legs dangle around waiting for someone to hit them. 'Iida. I'm gonna have to use your quirk for this.' Izuku activated 'Engine' for his legs to grow out mufflers and swirl around him to hit Spinner in the face. "AH!" The feeling of his legs having pressure applied aggravated the pain already present with the lack of resistance doing little to take out the gecko villain.

"YOU LITTLE PUNK!" Spinner got pissed off to try and attack again with a knife while Twice came behind with what looked like measuring tape to try and slice Izuku. He evaded these attacks narrowly before seeing Shigaraki behind him grab ahold of his kneecap and force excruciating pain onto Izuku. He was able to use Iida's 'Recipro Burst' to kick Shigaraki in the jaw and have him spew a bit of blood while also taking his hand off. Unfortunately, the time spent on it made Izuku's knee feel as if the plate was turned to dust and barely holding out.

"Young Usagiyama! I'm coming!" All Might tried to head over to help Izuku, but was pulled back by AFO.

"You aren't going anywhere as long as I'm here."

"YOU BASTARD!" Miruko came at the villain with another kick to the head before being grabbed by her ankle and slammed into the ground.

As the battle kept going, Yui and everyone was watching in horror as their friend was unable to do anything while fighting the villains. "Dammit." Bakugou was the first to have enough with activating his quirk to begin heading out.

"Don't even think about it!" Iida grabbed his arm for the two to glare at one another. "If we go on the field right now, we'd only be causing more problems not even counting the repercussions of our acts."

"Then what the fuck do you suggest, four eyes!? Let Deku die?"

"Of course I don't want that nor am I suggesting it, but remember where we are and what we're doing."

Yui tried to think about what to do with her holding her head down unable to understand what they should do to help and not cause problems. 'C'mon Yui, think! You have to know something that can help you right now. If not, Izuku's gonna die. THINK DAMMIT!' She ran through everything she could in her head for ways to help Izuku for each and every situation to end in a similar act. 'THERE HAS TO BE A WAY DAMMIT! THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY THAN JUST LETTING IZUKU STAY OUT THERE! If only we could use our quirks, we could do more.' At that moment, a lightbulb popped in her head. "Real quick, what's the worst charges you could get for using a quirk in a public place without combat or causing property damage?"

Momo thought for a second before answering. "Unless it's a repeated offense, a slap on the wrist. Why?"

"I think I have a plan to save Izuku. But for it to work, I need you four to work together." She stared at Kirishima, Bakugou, Iida and Todoroki who looked at one another for a moment before waiting to see where she was going with this. "To make a long story short, Izuku can't get help from either Miruko or All Might because of the villain, but the same can be said to Shigaraki and the League. So right off the bat, Todoroki will make as high of a glacier as he could while Iida and Bakugou use Kirishima as a battering ram to break down this wall. As far as we know, we're still invisible to them, so this will catch everyone by surprise. Once you're clear of the wall, Bakugou and Iida will use their quirks to fly over the battlefield using the ice pillar as a jumping point and take Izuku back as he comes up to you all using 'Explosion'. When that's done, you all will escape the same way you jumped with Izuku going with you. This plan though will only work if you all work together in unison. If you don't, this plan won't work at all." Everyone understood for Bakugou to click his tongue before grabbing Kirishima on one side as Iida did the same.

"So what are the chances of this succeeding?" Momo questioned.

"My best guess, 45% it works."

"So you're putting everything on a gamble that this works out the way you want it to."

"Do you have a better idea?" Yui questioned Itsuka for her to see Izuku struggling now to prove he's in over  his head due to his injuries. "To be fair, I'd rather it be in a higher, but we don't have that privilege right now. This is the best way we can help with there at least being a good enough chance of saving Izuku."

"I'm with you on that one, sister. If anyone's gonna beat Deku, it's gonna be me." Bakugou held a smirk as everyone stared at him with unease.

'You could at least try and say something a little nicer.' Momo noticed Izuku start to really struggle to look at the group.

"If we're going to do this, now is probably the best time. Izuku's starting to run out of steam."

"Right then. Get moving Icyhot." Bakugou stated for Todoroki to create a giant pillar of ice in the middle of the field. This stopped everyone before the wall the group was hiding behind was destroyed by Kirishima's head in his hardened form with Bakugou and Iida going up the pillar as fast as they could. As they did, Izuku punched Shigaraki away and saw his classmates above. "DEKU!" Bakugou shouted for everyone to acknowledge him. "C'MON! WE'RE HERE TO HELP, SO GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR!"

Understanding that this was their way to save him, Izuku activated 'Explosion to send himself flying up over the battlefield. Kirishima gave his hand out for him to grab. "You're all insane, you know that!?"

"You think you're much better!?" Izuku laughed at this as Iida reeved his engines.

"Everyone, on my mark!"

"FUCK YOU, FOUR EYES!" Bakugou shouted for Izuku to activate both 'Explosion' and 'Engine' to send them out of the area as fast as they could. Meanwhile, the villains noticed this for Magna to attempt to send Compress after him.

"Get the kid!" The villain was sent flying with her quirk and was about ready to hit the four. However, Mt. Lady grew at the last minute to take the impact right to her face as a way to help.

"Mt. Lady!"

The force was enough to topple over the injured giant pro as she smirked at the group. "Get him outta crazy kids." She fell over with Magna attempting to do this a second time.

"YOU THINK I'M GONNA LET YOU DO THAT!?" Miruko came charging from the side to the villains to knock out every one of them and leave Shigaraki as one of the last few. "You wanna try next, crusty?"


"We're pros, dumbass. We stop those that wanna hurt people. Now, would you like me to knock your teeth out, dislocate your arms or hit you in the junk first?" Miruko began cracking her knuckles before a shockwave came from AFO to push her away and send Shigaraki and the rest of the League into a portal forcibly activated by the villain sending his tendrils into Kurogiri.

"Do not think I shall allow Tomura Shigaraki to be captured or defeated by the likes of you just yet. He has quite a bit of growing to do before he fulfills the plans I have laid out in front of him." In the heat of the moment, All Might was able to land a solid blow on the villain and send him to the ground. The covering over his face was destroyed to show his head having a nasty scar that left the villain blinded with only his mouth visibly present.

'So that's why this guy needed Ragdoll's quirk. He can't walk around or fight us seriously without it. Search is the only thing that's allowing him to fight back easily.'

"Do you admire your handiwork? It had been quite some time since I felt a horrid injury like this one when we last fought. I will say it was amusing though to have you believe I was dead. It was almost as interesting as the day I took her life." All Might started to boil in anger at this statement. "You remember that day vividly, don't you? The day I took your master, Nana Shimura's life."

"Keep my master's name out of your filthy mouth!"

Understanding things were starting to get dicey, Miruko began running back to jump up and get some air before coming downwards to AFO's face. "A shame OFA had to go to a woman like her, it was such a waste. Almost like how much it's wasted on the likes of that boy."

Hearing Izuku be talked about, Miruko was extremely enraged. "KEEP MY SON'S NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!" 

"It appears that both your master and him hold a common trait. Both are fools that will meet an early grave because of their idiocy."

"ENOUGH/ENOUGH!" Both were sent back to land on the ground after recovering.

"He's gotta be using our emotions to mess with us. Mind game using asshole." Miruko prepared herself for another attack as All Might went charging for a frontal again. As he did though, a portal came in front of them for the pro to unintentionally hit the rabbit hero instead.

"I'm sorry!"

"You never did learn to work well with others, did you All Might? All you did was go in like an imbecile and think you could do everything alone and that all the problems could be solved by punching something very hard." AFO was pushed back by another punch by All Might who pulled Miruko out of the way in order to take her out of the portal.

"YOU THINK I'M GONNA SIT BACK AND PLAY YOUR LITTLE CAPTIVE, POTATO FREAK!?" The rabbit pro turned her body to roundhouse AFO and slide him back even farther.

"Seems now things are getting a little more intense. Perhaps I should focus on facing you all more seriously now." The villain's arm began to alter and grow larger before pointing towards the two.

"A big one's coming. Get ready." Miruko and All Might started to move before the blond pro noticed a woman trapped under a set of rubble. "ALL MIGHT! MOVE!"


"Then you can both die together." A massive shot of air came at All Might for him to try and tank the attack. The act had forced a massive dust cloud to form and have everyone watching to wait in agony for the outcome.

With Izuku

Being unable to walk on his own, Kirishima carried Izuku on his back for them to cross by a screen showing the fight. "Kirishima. Stop for a second." The group looked up at the screen to see the dust settle and All Might in the center in his weakened state.

"Is that...All Might?"

"What happened to him?"

'Oh no. His secret's out.' Izuku started to worry as Yui, Itsuka, Momo and Todoroki met back up with them.

"Izuku. Are you alright?" Yui asked for her to see Izuku's eyes glued to a direction to see what he was looking at. There, she saw All Might and went pale. 'Oh no.'

All round the country, people saw what was happening with All Might and began talking about it immediately. Their Symbol of Peace, reduced to a pile of bones. Even those that were just arriving on the scene as pros looked in confusion at what was happening. Even Miruko who was aware of what was going on started to worry. 'He's reaching his limits now of all times. This is really bad.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how things go next time with the world learning of All Might's secret. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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