Work Studies

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Izuku POV:

After the days off we had, school started back up for me and everyone. "Wish it didn't rain the first day back." "Yeah shroom! It's so dreary out." Yui and Kino had a conversation about the weather while my mind was in another place. "Please pick up the pace you three! We are UA students, so being early is our objective!" Iida came running past us and made a wave past him. "He's fast." "Yeah, like a car shroom." The girls started laughing while I remembered something bad that happened. Upon my time talking with Iida, I learned that he was Ingenium's younger brother. I also found out the other day about the attack on the turbo hero and that he's not in the best condition right now. "Izuku?" "Huh?" I'm pulled out of my thought process when I noticed we were at school. "You ok?" "I'm fine Yui, I was just lost in thought for a few minutes." "You seem to be doing that a lot lately shroom." I smiled and laughed it off. "I guess my mind has been a bit preoccupied lately. Let's go before we're late." We walked into the building to get to our lockers to change our shoes and get to class.

Once in the classroom, Iida seemed a bit out of it and not his normal stiff of a self. I personally thought he could dial it back a bit, but this was weird. "Iida. You ok?" I decided to talk to him with my friend putting on a fake smile. "Why yes. I apologize if I may have seemed a tad strange." I knew he was lying, but I didn't want to call him out on it afraid to touch a sore spot. "If you need to talk, know I'm here for you." "I appreciate the offer Usagiyama." I walked back to my desk with Mr. Aizawa walking in shortly after. "Good morning class." "Good morning Mr. Aizawa." Walking in, our teacher had a lack of bandages which relieved us a bit. "It's good to see you without any bandages on sir *ribbit*." "Yeah, the old lady did a larger amount during the break. Not proud of the fact I was out cold for a large amount of time." He gave some emphasis on some scar on his lower eye. "Anyway, we have a special class for Hero Informatics." Everyone held their breaths thinking we were getting a pop quiz. "You all need to think of hero names." Everyone's fear went to joy. "Shut up!" Mr. Aizawa showed his quirk to force everyone to remain quiet.

"These hero names will be important for a work study you all will be doing a week from now. In this, you will be learning on the field with a pro." Mr. Aizawa turned to the side to present a board of names and numbers beside them. "The people on this board are those who had obtained picks from agencies due to them finding interest in them." Looking at the board, I noticed I had quite a few to make me rather happy that I'm doing something right.

Shoto Todoroki: 4,123

Izuku Usagiyama: 3,901

Katsuki Bakugou: 3,556

Fumikage Tokoyami: 390

Tenya Iida: 301

Denki Kaminari: 272

Momo Yaoyorozu: 108

Eijiro Kirishima: 68

Ochako Uraraka: 20

Hanta Sero: 14

"The picks are normally more diverse, but our top three took most of them." "I'm surprised you didn't get the most votes Izuku." "Yeah. You got first and beat Todoroki, yet you didn't get as many as him." "It's not an issue Sero. Besides, it all depends on who scouted me." "Regardless of how many offers you got, you all will still be performing in this work study. Also, don't get too disappointed in this. An agency can give you an offer or retract it during your time here." I smiled at this knowing everyone wouldn't have to worry about coming up with nothing. "For those that didn't get any offers, you'll be picking from a list of 40 agencies with a respected history with us. Now for the second half. We have a guest here to help with coming up with names." "Hero names can be something for life. So it's best to choose something that isn't indecent, or there will be hell to pay." On cue, Midnight walked in to stand at the front. "When thinking of hero names, it is sometimes best to think of one that specified around who you are or your quirk." "As Midnight said, hero names can be permanent from here onward. So as to prevent any future issues, Midnight will tell you if they're alright or not." Once this was said, Aizawa pulled his sleeping bag up to pass out on the floor. 'I gotta find out how he can be so relaxed enough to sleep in front of his class.'

Midnight passed out dry erase boards and markers for us to begin writing down ideas for names. Once 15 minutes were up, we were allowed to begin presenting what we had. Ayoyama went first with his being well.... "I can not stop twinkling!" "THAT'S A WHOLE SENTENCE!" 'This guy is literally a man that takes the word flamboyant a bit too far.' "If you change the can not to can't and take out the I, it works." Midnight made a small correction for our French classmate to agree with it. "Mercy madam." When he stepped down, Mina went next with hers. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Me next! My hero name will be, The Alien Queen!" "As in that monster from the second movie! Rejected!" Midnight immediately said this for Mina's demeanor to crumble. "Dang it." After her, some others went to have their names accepted. Some went with ideas similar to their quirks, while others went with names to honor some. Todoroki on the other hand used his own name. It was accepted, but I personally thought it was him still trying to get over his personal issues. Finally it came to some of the last few people with Kaachan going first.

"King Explosion Murder." "That's too violent." "FINE! LORD EXPLOSION MURDER!" "Again, too violent!" Kaachan seemed to have an issue finding his own name with my searching coming up useless as well. Since it's hard for someone like me to think of a name that describes my quirk, I didn't put as much thought into it growing up. I thought of going with something like Copycat, but that's kinda incorrect since I use the other person's quirk in my own way. 'What should I choose?' I'm pulled out of my thought process when I noticed Ochako walk up to the podium. "The Gravity Hero: Uravity." Her's was accepted with Iida, me, and Kaachan being the only ones without a name. Eventually, Iida went to the podium to show his first name. "You're using your first name as well? Alright, accepted." 'Now the tension is on. Everyone's thought of a name, but I can't at all.' At that moment, I remembered a name that my mother said that I was like to write down.

Once I finished, I walked up to the podium to reveal it. "Why that one man?" "The way wolves hunt is never alone. Each wolf has the backing of the entire pack when facing someone kinda like me. My power comes from those that have my back, so I decided to make a name similar to this. The Friendship Hero: Okamure(A shortened version of Okami no mure or wolf pack in Japanese)." Midnight gave a thumbs up for me to smile. 'At least that's over.'

Later that evening

For the last two hours, I've been sitting on the couch organizing my offers to try and think of what I should do for my work study. 'If I think about this rationally, I have the ability to do combat, support, and ground control. When that's in the mix, my options are linked to ones that can give me the chance to do all three. Only issue is, rarely does a pro hero agency offer things like that.' I was so focused on my work that I completely missed the door opening and mom charging me. "Look out!" I looked to see her tackle me to the ground and put me in a choke hold. "You give!?" "Gah! I give! I give!" She let go shortly after for me to catch my breath. "Can't you just say hello like a normal person!?" "Not my fault you're so caught up in your stuff that you can't see an obvious attack coming." "SAYS THE WOMAN ATTACKING ME!" We started laughing a bit before getting up to recompose ourselves.

"So whatcha ya up to?" "I'm trying to think of a good offer I can take for a work study I'm doing. I was thinking of doing one where I can train in all three positions of heroics, but not many specify like that. After that, I was thinking of someone that could maybe think outside the box for fighting so I can help get into that area of thinking more. But again, that's a bit of a shot in the dark." Mom started looking through the offers a bit to smirk. "You got a lot of offers here. Not bad." "Doesn't make going through them any easier." I started to sigh a bit with mom noticing it. "What's wrong?" "...It's nothing." "Izuku, don't lie to me. I know when you lie." I glanced away a bit before mom grabbed my neck to put me in a choke hold. "What's the problem!?" "Gya! I can't breathe!" "Tell me what has you looking like a mopey sack of crap!?" I started to have difficulties breathing to admit defeat. "Ok! I'll tell you, so just let me breathe!" Mom let go for me to point out my issue. "You remember what happened to Ingenium, right?" "He got attacked by the Hero Killer. What about it?" "....Iida might be thinking to go after Stain."

Mom stayed quiet before beginning again. "You realize I may have to report this now that you said someone is willing to act on vigilante acts, right?" "I know you have to, but can you please just let this play out as is for now? You go and stop Iida now, that'll only push him to go after him more with right now me being physically scared he might get hurt. If he does and I could've stopped though, I don't think I can live with myself. Unfortunately, I can't jump right into this issue since his brother meant the world to Iida." "So you're saying that you wanna help, but don't want to get involved in something bad?" I nod for mom to think about this. "Then why don't you try and go with an agency near Hosu that's on the case?" "Great idea, except for one problem. Who's on the case?" Mom went through her phone on the pro hero page to write a couple of names on the piece of paper. Most were big names that everyone knew. "These guys are the ones on the Hero Killer case with them going into Hosu. If you wanna help your friend, going with one of these is your most likely best bet." I glanced at the names to find any that offered me an offer to circle about ten. This alone dropped my amount of offers amazingly.

"So you've got an idea for one yet?" Looking at the ten, I figured four of the ten would be kinda pointless since they weren't high ranking names. Native wasn't exactly a hero I could take much on, but one in particular stood out for me. "I think I did. For my work study, I'll put in a request for Gang Orca." "With the way you act around other people, that's probably the best offer. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some grub." "I made a plate for you in the oven, should still be warm." "Thanks." I began to clean up and put everything into a folder that I can come back to later. 'If I was given them as offers, there's gotta be something down the road that these can help with'

One week later

The time of the work study had begun with all of us preparing to leave. "Make sure to be on your best behaviors for the pros you're doing this with. Also you do not have authority to wear your costumes unless you're told it's alright." "Yes sir." We started heading our separate ways before I stopped Iida for a second. "Iida. I don't know what you're going to do exactly, but please be careful." "It's alright Usagiyama. I'll be fine." He walked away with my gut not exactly calmer. 'Guess I have to trust him.' I got on my train to notice Jirou on it as well. "Hey." "What's up man?" I sat by her as we talked a bit. "So where are you doing your work study?" "Death Arms. I figured learning a bit of combat from a pro like him could work well. Yourself?" "Gang Orca. He's pretty dependent and throws an aura of leadership with him. If I can gain some form of motivation like that, I can be pretty strong on my feet." "I think you're strong on your feet already though. You're really cool and awesome with how you throw your weight around."

I smiled a bit at this before hearing someone speak. "Check out that kids eye?" "Shesh, bet that must've stung." I immediately regressed hearing them talk about my eye to hide it with my hand. "And just like that your confidence drops. Not surprised though." We continued talking a bit until my stop came to say goodbye. Jirou gave me a fist bump before I went off to walk towards Gang Orca's agency. Once outside, I started to feel a bit nervous. 'Just relax Izuku. He's not a villain.' I opened the door to see a receptionist. "Excuse me, but my name is Izuku Usagiyama and I had spoken to Gang Orca about a work study with him. Is there a chance you could help me with where to go." "Oh yes. Follow the hall down and Gang Orca's office will be the one at the end. You can't miss it." I thanked the woman before walking down the hall. When I got to the door, I knocked a few times for someone to answer. "Enter." When I walked inside, I noticed the whale looking pro hero behind his desk.

"So you're my work study student for the week." "Y-yes sir. My name is Izuku Usagiyama. M-my hero name is Okamure" "Miruko's son, huh? I heard you're quite the little spitfire from what she's said." Gang Orca got out of his seat to walk towards me. He seemed to look really mad before being directly in front of me and looking down. My anxiety was starting to go through the roof seeing the hulking killer whale stare me down. "Nice to have you on board." Gang Orca gave his hand out for me to shake. "T-thanks." "Now that we've got introductions out of the way, we can get down to business. Sit." I sat in the chair across from him as he sat back behind his desk. "Your mother told me that you have a friend you wanna help and that the main reason you chose my agency is to try and help him?" I turned away and nodded. "The Hero Killer hurt my friend Iida really badly by attacking his brother. He prided himself to be just like Ingenium to the point I'm afraid he may do something he'll regret. I don't know what I can do, but as a hero in As his friend, I need to do something to help him."

Gang Orca stared at me before answering. "You don't need to hide the fact you're scared out of your mind. Anyone who'd be worried about possibly facing the Hero Killer is. However, you aren't a hero and saying this to me is grounds for me to bring in the boy you're talking about." I started going pale hearing this. "Though your worry for your friend overwhelms your fear of what'll happen. Your heart's in the right place with you wanting to help someone because you deem it right. For us heroes, courage and our self morals go hand and hand. Now I will say going against the Hero Killer is foolish on both your parts, but diving into hell just to save someone who could die is the exact example of what heroes do on a daily basis." Gang Orca went into his desk to pull out a form. He passed it to me with the name of Chizome Akaguro on it. "That's all the information on who your friend is targeting. Learn what you can before we go out tomorrow to Hosu." I nodded my head as he led me through the agency for a tour.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku's work study will be with Gang Orca instead of Gran Torino. See how the two manage to help Iida and possibly face the Hero Killer. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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