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Ezra had never seen such a dark planet. Grodolor was a large, nightshade black and purple sphere with two pure white moons overlooking it. He shivered a little. The place reminded him of Vader. He noticed Sabine's hand tighten on the steering of the Phantom and put a hand on her shoulder.

"We'll be okay" he said.

Sabine gave Ezra the most positive smile she could before piloting the shuttle down to the planet. The clouds were thick and once the Phantom broke through the surface, Ezra felt his stomach drop. It was like the land was covered in ash and violet glitter, the only source of light was the two moons above.

"How are we supposed to find Rocksite here?" Ezra stared.

"Don't know, but we need to do it fast" Sabine replied.

Carefully, the Mandalorian landed the ship on the ground near what seemed to be trees. Standing from the seat, the girl went to the door. Pressing the button, she stepped out as soon as the door opened. To be entirely honest, Ezra wasn't expecting what he felt. The air was cold, and carried a scent of soil and wet grass. The ground didn't look like dirt, instead it was like flakes of burnt petals. Not a single sound could be heard except the two teens breathing. No animals called, no wind blew, not even the sound of birds could be located. It was if there was no life on the planet.

"This is creepy" Ezra couldn't help but speak his thoughts.

He looked over at Sabine. Her gaze was locked on the two moons that were in Waning Crescent phase.

"Hey" he shook her shoulder.

"You okay?"

Sabine blinked and shook her head.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay, just- wait. Do you hear that?"

Ezra lifted his head and strained his ears. 


" sounds like a ship."

The two rebels looked round and Sabine put on her helmet. Flicking down the range finder on the side of her helmet, Sabine narrowed her eyes.

"We've got Imperials incoming" she gasped, locating a cluster of TIE fighters.

"Oh karabast, like this day couldn't get any better" Ezra rolled his eyes.

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