history Part 2

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The large were-wolf snarled as it ran at Tristen, jaws wide and teeth bared. The Mandalorin threw himself out of the way, covering his neck and head. Sabine skidded on her paws and swung round to face her brother.

"S-Sabine" Tristen stuttered.

"It's m-me, try to think."

Sabine snarled viscously before her ears pricked up and her head snapped in the opposite direction With a soft growl, the wolf ran through the alleyway.

"No no no no no, Sabine come back!" Tristen yelled.

"You're heading for the town!"

The wolf ignored the Mandalorin and ran further through the streets. Hungry for blood, bones crunching in her teeth, and the dying screams of her victims. All sense of humanity had vaporised from Sabine's brain. She was a werewolf, a predator, a monster.
She entered the town where people were everywhere. This sight to others was a normal crowd, but to Sabine, it was a feast. She gave a long howl and bolted at the civilians. Screams pierced the still night like a knife striking ice. It was havoc as people tried to run from the horror that was Sabine Wren. The wolf was going mad with excitement. So many people to kill, so much blood and meat to feast on. It was like a street full of free food to Sabine.


The wolf swung round to see Tristen standing defiantly a few meters away.

"Stop it, don't you realise what you're doing?" The boy asked.

"You're killing innocent people. Please, see reason. This isn't my sister, this is a monster. Show me my little sister is in there. Please."

Sabine growled softly before her pupils dilated slightly and she looked at her brother.

"T-Tristen?" She asked with difficulty.

"Sabine? Come on, you can fight this. I know you can, you're the strongest Mandalorin I know" Tristen encouraged.

Sabine gave a strange purr, eyes full of emotion and longing. Suddenly she snarled, her pupils changing back into slits. She gave a deep, throaty growl that made Tristen's heart drop. The wolf thudded towards Tristen and smacked her paws on the boy's chest. The blow was so powerful, Tristen thought his ribs cracked. He was thrown to the ground roughly and felt a heavy paw keep him in place. Sabine pinned Tristen down, snarling angrily.

"Sabine" Tristen begged, finding it difficult to breathe.

"Please, come to your senses..."

Sabine's eyes were full of wildness and rage, a deranged expression on her pointed face. Tristen's eyes widened as he realised the cold truth. This wasn't his sister, Sabine Wren was gone. This was a monster who didn't care about his wellbeing. A werewolf who was going to kill him. Sabine snared softly, amber eyes angry. A few suspenseful second passed before the wolf's head lurched forward. Latching her jaws around Tristen's left shoulder, Sabine bit her brother harshly. The Mandalorin screamed in agony, blood pulsing from the wound like a never ending red river. Tristen's clothes were soaked scarlet within a matter of seconds. Sabine growled deeply before bolting, leaving her brother to die in his own blood.

Ezra and Sabine didn't say a word to each other for quite a while after the Mandalorin finished her story. Ezra found it difficult to accept the truth. Sure he knew werewolves could be dangerous but after hearing all that, he was feeling a little scared of Sabine.

"Wow" he said after a while.

It was one word but it was all Ezra could say. Sabine seemed to understand.

"It's a lot" she said quietly.

"I won't be offended if you're scared of me. I'm used to it by now."

"Just a bit scared" Ezra admitted.

"Isn't there an antidote for this?"

"I've tried to find one for years, couldn't find anything" Sabine sighed.

"I'll help you find it" Ezra told her.

"You shouldn't have to go through all this."

Sabine gave Ezra a grateful look.

"Thanks Ezra" she said meaningfully.

Sorry for the long wait!
Pwese give me ideas! Got no idea what to write next.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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