Chapter 5: Hungry

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Alari, despite the cold chill that bit at her fur, was quite comfortable where she lay in the sharp crevice of the ditch. Extending her right forearm, she dangled her paw over a large branch, stretching the length of her claws as far as she could to grasp the branch tightly. Earlier that morning, a bird she could have caught, but due to her easily catching attention, she had been distracted In the process, leaving her prey to flutter away, amused by the poor wolf who couldn't even look it's way. Utterly disgusted by her lack of awareness, she left herself to the ditch instead of the nice bramble bush she had been taking shelter in the past few sunrises. With her strength, Alari managed to drag the oak branch closer to her side, where she could swing her head around to latch her jaws around its flimsy tip. She continued gnawing until the branch gave way, then moved further down to continue the process until the branch got too thick to bite through anymore. She rolled her tongue around the new sharpness of her teeth, happy to at least make something good out of the dreadful day. Soon enough, Alari caught sign of the rising moon and emitted a yaw n. She had thought about revisiting the bramble bush for the night, having attempted sharpening her teeth and succeeded at the very least, however the she-wolf could not bring herself to do so, already comfortable under the soft moonlight. Alari repositioned her legs, pushing the remains of the tree branch behind her with a slow extension of her back leg. With a smooth drift, her head lay against the soft fur of her forepaws, and finally, she gave into the tired feeling that had nipped at her all day. Closing her eyes, the wolf drifted into a deep, quiet sleep.

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