Follow the Yellow Brick Road

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New chapter, hope you enjoy, also can anyone guess who those two kids were in the previous chapter? If you think you know comment and enjoy the story. 😉

The black cloud disappeared and Nya and Jay could see a man looking around the village.

He was a very unusual man. He was pitch black skin and hair, very red eyes, and, most disturbing, had four arms. Like Misako and the two munchkin children, the man looked familiar to Jay, but once again, he couldn't place him. He also carried a golden sword, scythe, and shurikens.

"Who's that?" Nya asked Misako.

"That's Garmadon, warlock of the Underworld, he's worse than Samukai." Misako said.

"Who killed my general? Who killed Samukai?!?" Garmadon growled at them. "Did you two?"

"No, it was an accident! We didn't mean to kill anyone!" Jay said and held Nya close.

"Well my ninja, I can cause accidents too." Garmadon said to him.

"Aren't you forgetting the Nunchucks of Lightning?" Misako asked.

"The nunchucks! Yes," Garmadon said, and walked over to were Samukai's body was. He reached for the nunchucks, but they disappeared before he could even touch them.

"Then nunchucks!" Garmadon yelled and turned to Misako "What have you done with them? Give it back to me or I'll-"

"It's to late. There they are, and there they shall stay." Misako said and pointed to Jay's hand.

Jay looked and saw he was holding the Nunchucks of Lightning in his hand. He looked at Nya and saw she had the same surprised expression on her face.

"Give me back those nunchucks. I'm the only one who knows how to use them, there of no use to you. Given them back to me." Garmadon said, his free hand stretched out for the weapon.

"Keep ahold of them. There power must be very great, or he wouldn't want them so badly." Misako said and put a hand on Jay's shoulder.

"Stay out of this Misako, or I'll fix you too!" Garmadon shouted at her.

"Rubbish, you have no power here." Misako said, "Be gone, before someone drops a temple on you."

Garmadon looked up, fearful, then back at the others. "Very well, I can't deal with you two here and now as I like, but just try to stay out of my way, just try." Garmadon said "I'll get you my ninja, and your little girlfriend too."

With that, Garmadon disappeared in a cloud of black smoke, just like he arrived. Everyone stood still for a minute, taking it all in.

"It appears you two have made a powerful enemy here today." Misako said.

"Yay, I think it's time we go home." Nya said.

"But how, we can't go back the way we came." Jay said, pointing at the temple.

"That's true, the only one who can help you now is the Wizard of Ninjago." Misako said.

"Is he good or is he evil?" Jay asked.

"He's very good, but very mysterious. He lives in New Emerald City." Misako informed them.

"How do we get there?" Nya asked.

"All you do is follow the yellow brick road. And never let the Nunchucks of Lightning out of your sight for a moment." Misako said and gave them a little push towards it.

"But what if-" Jay started, but Misako cut him off.

"Just follow the yellow brick road." She said, then her bubble reappear around her and she floated off.

"Shall we begin?" Nya asked

"Yay, lets follow the yellow brick road." Jay said, as their journey began.

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