No Place Like Home

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Sorry for the short chapter, but I couldn't make it any longer. Hope you've enjoyed his story. Comment and please enjoy. 😉

Jay opened his eyes and saw he was back in his bedroom. But everything was the same. His room wasn't messed up from a tornado, his foot was still in a cast, and there were no evil warlocks trying to get him.

"It was all just a dream." Jay said to himself. He saw the 'Wizard of Oz' book on the floor. "Yay, it really was just a dream."

Just then, someone knocked on the door. "Come in," Jay called out. Nya opened the door and walked over to Jay.

"Hey, I just came to see how you're doing." Nya said, then kissed his cheek, making Jay blush.

"I'm doing great Nya, just had a weird dream." Jay said, smiling at his girlfriend.

"Okay, also, we finally got the electricity back on, so everything should work now." Nya told Jay.

"Great," Jay said, looking at the clock. It was already past six thirty, so that meant Zane was probably preparing dinner.

Right on cue, Lloyd walked into the room, carrying a large tray of spaghetti and meatballs. He sat it down on Jay's lap and smiled at his friend.

"We also have another surprise for you." Nya said, grinning widely at him.

"We know that you can't come down to the dinner table because of your broken leg, so Nya is going to eat dinner in here to keep you company." Lloyd explained, then left the room.

Jay looked at Nya and said, "You're the best."

"I know I am." She said. The two looked at each other for a moment, then they leaned towards each other and their lips met.

When the two finally broke apart, Nya grinned and said, "Now, shall we eat dinner before it gets cold?"

All Jay could do was nod, then they slurped down the spaghetti. Jay stopped for a moment, then whispered to himself, "There's no place like home." And he was right.

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