Epilogue: Welcome Home

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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This is the final chapter of Wonderful Beauty for the Beast.  Also this is the last smut scene, so as usual, no one under 18 should read this part.  You have been warned.  Hope you'll enjoy this ending I have for Riddick and Ally.

5 years later...

Ally was numb.  For five years, she couldn't feel anything.  When she, Kyra, Imam, and Riddick all escaped that horrible planet, barely survived the clutches of the man-eating raptors, they managed to get picked up by friendlies. 

Just as Ally got off the ship, she was shocked to watch the skiff take off...with Riddick driving.  Why did he leave her? All that sweet talk about keeping what was his? Yet...he left her.  She heard rumors about him for years. He was hunting but no one knew what...or who. 

Imam settled in New Mecca like he said. He found a wife...and had a child. A daughter.  But a year ago, Ally heard that New Mecca was destroyed by the Necromancers. Imam was killed.  His wife and daughter managed to escape.

Thankfully, Ally and Kyra never settled in New Mecca. The universe was their home. But, most of all, they wanted Riddick back. So, they searched for him for years. Till Kyra decided to split to widen the search. Mainly, she was on a personal mission.

A week after, Ally discovered that her sister was taken to Crematoria, the prison moon. The worse slam to be in.  She knew Kyra would never do something terrible enough to be thrown in that place. But...she remembers how much of an influence Riddick was to Kyra. She remembers how Riddick got his eyes and how Kyra constantly asked about them. When Riddick left, Kyra didn't take Riddick's departure well, but no worse than how Ally felt. To be apart from her mate was something that no words could describe. The pain numbed her heart.

When rumors spread to her ears again, she learned that Riddick was thrown in the same slam. Ally's heart cracked further beyond repair.  She feared for Kyra and Riddick.

Weeks later, the worse news was delivered to Ally.  The Lord Marshall finally took the only person Ally cared and loved.  Her sister.  Ally cried for days when she heard that the Necromancers have killed Kyra. Afterwards, when she finally stopped crying...she learned that Riddick has killed the Lord Marshall.  One morning she found herself laughing. She wasn't in shock how great it felt to learn that her nightmare was dead. Maybe now her parents...and Kyra will finally find peace.

But sadness rushes back to Ally's heart. She was alone.  No family. It was just her.

Right there, Ally made it her mission to find her home planet...and Riddick. It took her a few months to find Furya. Everyone warned her how the system was unstable and rumors of it being cursed was mentioned. Ally couldn't help but think...it's the perfect hiding place for Riddick. No one would dare to go there. 

When Ally arrived at the Furyan system, the people weren't kidding about it being unstable. It was harsh to land her ship, but Ally managed to settle safe and sound. 

Systems declared the air was breathable, no toxins. But some parts of the planet suffered from tidal wave of geological forces that fluctuate, creating a harsher environment and forcing any lifeform populace to adapt. But Ally managed to land on the southern part of the planet. When Ally took her first step outside. She was welcomed by warm air. Grass. A view of mountains, lakes.  She could see wildlife.  After years of no human inhabitants, it's not surprising that wildlife took over.

It took Ally almost a year to build her life on Furya. She built her cabin home from scratch. The blood, sweat, and tears were worth it when she took a step back to admire her work. The worse part of the process was getting the plumbing to work but she figured it out after 6 months.

Now that she had a new home. A permanent home, she can now find Riddick. Every second she kept her radio for any hint and sign or Riddick. After months of waiting, she came across a distress beacon.  It wasn't far from Furya.

Something was screaming at her that it was Riddick, and she didn't want to miss any chances.  


Riddick grunts as he feels the tranquilizers hit his arms and chest, feeling the effects try to slow him down, but he had to fight.  He watches his guide, the hyena, kill one of the men for him.  Protecting him.  He struggles to stay on his feet as he grips on the shives tightly, but the more they hit him with the darts, the more sluggish his feet felt.  He couldn't stop himself from falling to his knees.  

One more shot sent him to the ground, and yet, he struggled still to stay alert and awake.  The voices around him begin to distort.  

"Bound him.  And someone kill that fucking dog!" A voice yells.  

Riddick slowly closes his eyes and welcomes the darkness.  But not before he hears the sound of a ship coming and people begin shouting. 

"What the fuck?!  Who is...?" The voice grunts as he's hit several times by the bullets from the machine gun that was attached to the ship.  

"Shoot that fucker down!" Boss Johns shouts.  

Ally glares at the people who were surrounding Riddick and continues to shoot at them.  She grunts as she takes a sharp turn to avoid their gunshots.  Turning around as fast as she could, she aims once again at the people.  Chasing after one with her bullets hot on their trail. One trips and falls into the gunfire.  Grunting in pain as blood sprays everywhere from the holes in their bodies.  

She watches a few retreating, but one stayed.  She glares at those eyes.  She knew who he was.  Rumors and scanners did no justice to those cold eyes.  Boss Johns.  William Johns' father.  And Ally knew he was on a hellbent mission for Riddick's head.  But he'll have to go through her first.  

Ally grits her teeth as she yanks on the lever and dives the ship towards Johns.  Chasing after him as he runs away.  Ally yells as the force of the speed shoves her against the seat.  Finally, she watches him slam into the glass windshield and practically holds on to his dear life as she gives him a lift.  

Boss Johns grunts as he struggles to get off the glass, but the speed shoves him tight against it.  He grunts and squints his eyes to see who was driving the ship and he sees a woman.  He frowns in confusion while she gives him a cold, deathly stare till she flips him off and reaches for the lever again.  His eyes widen in realization. 


Ally yells and yanks the lever back, forcing the ship to come to a complete halt, and watches Jonhs fly off the windshield and down a canyon.  She pants heavily as she listens to his screams grow distant till there was nothing.  

After landing the ship, Ally rushes out and towards Riddick, but skids to a halt when the hyena jumps in between her and Riddick's unconscious body.  She holds her hands up in surrender as it stares down at her, growling in warning.  

"Easy.  Easy, now.  It's ok.  I'm a friend.  I promise." She says softly.  

It continues to growl at her and watches her with caution as she slowly walks towards and around to reach for Riddick.  She slowly gets to her knees next to his body. 

"Please.  I want to help.  Please." She begs and watches carefully.  

The hyena growls softly and watches her still with caution.  It snarls softly when she begins to slowly touch Riddick's form, but his growls soften when he watches how gentle she was towards his master.  Unlike the others who he ate for a meal.  

"Good boy.  That's a good boy." She whispers as she keeps her eyes on the hyena.  

Suddenly, they both snap their heads towards the loud sound of a storm that wasn't too far from them and growing closer.  

Ally gasps and looks back at the hyena as it watches her with caution again, but she could see his worry. 

"Look, we both care about him.  Let's work together and get him to safety.  Ok?  I'm here to take him home.  But I guess I can spare another seat." She grins at the hyena as it perks up.  "Come on, boy." She slowly holds a hand up and lets him sniff her.  

Growling softly, the hyena slowly brings his nose to her fingers, sniffing something familiar.  She knew it could smell the Furyan side of her.  He perks up and begins to pant excitedly.  Like a pet dog.  Ally smiles and begins to struggle to get Riddick to her ship.  

After a lot of pulling and yanking, even with the hyena's help, she finally got Riddick safe and sound in her ship.  


Finally...they were home.  Safe and sound.  Riddick was safe and healing in bed, still out cold from the tranquilizers and Ally knew he was going to be out for a long time.  She leans on the door frame as she watches her mate sleep.  He was going to be hungry.  Who knows how long he's been on that planet?  She turns and looks down at the hyena, watching with her as it looks up at her.  

"You hungry?  I bet you are.  You're gonna love it here, yes you are." She coos as she heads into the kitchen to fix something for the hyena and Riddick.  With a hot soup going, she giggles as she watches the hyena chow down in his bowl.  

"Hmm, you need a name.  I wonder if your master gave you a name." Ally couldn't help but wonder and watches the hyena look up at her with a tilt in his head.  "You honestly look like a zebra.  The stripes and the hair.  Hmmm...how about...Garm?" 

The hyena perks up at that name, wagging his tail excitedly.

"You like that?  You like the name?  It means guardian.  Also means hellhound.  But I think you're more of a guardian." Ally says and smiles, she reaches and scratches Garm's ears, earning a pleasurable grunt as his body goes limp.  "Bet he never did this for you, did him, baby?" She coos and kisses his nose.  "You be a good boy, Garm.  I'm going to shower." She pets him one last time and turns to leave him be.  


Under the showerhead, Ally washes her body and massages her muscles.  After trying to carry Riddick's body back and forth to the ship and from it, she was sore to hell and felt so dirty.  But...she felt so much better.  The feeling of the pull was rushing back inside.  Yet...she was still so angry with Riddick for leaving her in the first place.  She wasn't even sure what she was going to say to him when he wakes up.  All she wants to do is just be in his arms, yet she wanted to punch him so badly.  

Lifting her face against the spray, Ally sighs softly at the wonderful feeling of hot water against her.  Maybe she should give Riddick a cold bath.  That'll teach him something.  

Suddenly, the lights begin to dim.  Ally frowns and looks up, wondering if the panels outside were being blocked again.  But when she turns, she welcomed to the sight of Riddick.  Watching her behind the glass door with his silver eyes shining in the dimmed light.  Ally slowly turns and faces Riddick and looks down to notice that he was naked.  But her heart broke at the sight of the scars all over his body.  The sun burns and where the tranquilizers hit him.  

Ally gasps softly as she hears him growl lowly as he continues to watch her, eyeing her wet naked body with raw lust.  She looks down and sees his manhood standing at full salute at her through the glass.  How she missed him so much.  

Walking slowly towards the glass door, she watches his breathing hitch and fog around the glass.  Slowly she opens it for him, removing the barrier that stopped them from touching each other.  Lifting his hand towards her face, Riddick slowly cups her cheek, brushing his thumb over her jawline.  As if he was savoring ever inch and moment of her.  Was he thinking he was just dreaming of her?  Was she an illusion?  He wasn't sure.  

Ally reaches and places her hand over his, "It's me, Riddick.  I'm here." She whispers.  

Riddick wasn't sure what to believe, but he didn't want to wake up if this was a dream.  Wasting no time, he leans down and slams his lips over hers, pushing her back against the wall.  Ally grunts as her back hits the wall, but she moans as he kisses her with raw sexual passion.  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she holds on to him as he deepens the kiss, thrusting his tongue against hers.  She pants heavily as he moves his lips down her neck to her shoulder, leaving trails of bite marks on her flesh.  She moans as he presses himself against her body and roughly grabs her leg to wrap it around his hip, feeling him slide himself between her wet folds.  Both were panting heavily as the wonderful feel of each other.  

Riddick has missed his Beauty for so long.  It was understandable that the pull was going to give him this wonderful vision of her.  It was so vivid; it was torturous for him.  Soon, he'll wake up and she'll be gone.  But he struggles to keep himself here.  With her.  Loving her like he should be.  He didn't want to leave her, but he wanted her safe.  From the Marshall of Necromancers.  With him dead and gone, they both could live in harmony, but the followers of the Underverse betrayed him.  Damn them all.  

Riddick couldn't stop a moan escaping his lips when he feels her teeth against his neck.  He frowns at this.  If this was a dream, pain wouldn't be here.  If there was pain, he would wake up with no trouble.  

"Beauty." He whispers softly.  

Ally lifts her head and looks up into his silver eyes, she could see his walls dropping.  All that hard, dangerous aura he carried before has faded into vulnerability and yearn.  Relief.  As if he was now seeing that it was her and this was real. 

"Hi." She smiles.  "Beast." She grins.  

Suddenly, the hard vibe was back, and lust filled those eyes.  With a low growl he drops her leg off his hip and bends down to carry her out of the shower.  Ally shrieks and slaps the water off before Riddick rushes them out of the shower and towards the bedroom.  Both of them grunt when they fell against the cushion and Riddick moves to cover her body and continues the hot make out.  Moving his hip to grind against her, making her moan in pleasure as she feels him rub against her pearl.

Riddick trails kisses down till he catches a nip with his lips and teeth, sucking strongly on the flesh and biting down.  Causing Ally to moan louder and cradle his face as he feasted.  He lets go of her nip and growls as he latches on to the other one, sucking strongly and making her cry out a whimper.  When he lets go, he looks up at her with that hard glare that made her tremble strongly with need and moves down lower towards where she was soaked for him.  She screams in surprise when he gave her no warning and just feast like a starving man.  

Riddick closes his eyes as he tasted his Beauty against.  She was so wet, so incredibly sweet like he remembers.  Creamy.  He loved her taste.  He moans around her clip as he sucks on it, holding her down strongly as she wiggles over the mattress.  He reaches up and squeezes her breasts as he feasts, feeling her grip his wrist tightly.  

"Riddick." She whimpers with need.  "Please.  Ri...Richard." She whispers. 

Suddenly, he lets go with a wet pop when she said his true name.  He slowly lifts his head and looks at her with his eyes shining at her.  He slowly crawls over her body and covers it with his over.  

"Say it again." He whispers.  

Ally shudders at that look he gave her, "Richard."

He lifts his hand and cups her face, leaning down to give her a soft kiss, thrusting his tongue to dance with hers.  

"Again." He whispers against her lips and reaches down between them to grip himself.  

"Richar....ohhhh!" She cries out when she feels something hard and warm slide inside her.  Ally whimpers as he continues to push himself deeper without giving her time to adjust.  He pushes through her barrier and feels her cry out.  He holds her tightly and stops when all of him was buried deep inside her.  

Riddick moans at the feel of her surrounding him.  She was so incredibly wet and tight.  So hot.  He pants hard as he forces himself to stay still.  He was honestly surprised that she kept herself untouched for so long.  He feels her run her hands up his back, her nails digging into his skin.  He looks down at her as she looks up into his eyes. 

"Richard." She whispers.  Why does his name have such an effect on him when it comes from her lips?  And what she says next... "I love you." 

Riddick couldn't speak when she said those words to him.  He felt his heart flip, do things he never felt before in his entire life.  All he could do...was move his hips. 

Ally cries out when he begins to move in and out of her, loving her body the way she deserves.  She moans and holds on to him at every thrust he gave her.  Riddick grunts and moves his knees to make her widen her legs, burying his face against her neck as he pleasures her body.  She drags her nails down his back as she holds on to him for the ride.  She never thought it would be like this.  It was more than she ever imagined.  The feel of him filling her.  She felt so complete now.  

"Oh! Ohhh!" She moans when she feels him roughly grab her leg, gripping her thigh to spread it more so he could move deeper.  She didn't think it was possible he could go deeper.  

Riddick lifts his head to watch her, "Beautiful." He whispers a growl and slams his lips over hers to kiss her with rough passion as his thrusts begin to pick up.  

Whimpering as she feels her end coming, she didn't want this to end so quickly.  But she could tell his was coming as well as she feels him twitch inside her.  

"Richard!" She cries out.

"Ally.  My beauty." He growls lowly.  "Mine.  Mine!" He grits his teeth and begins to thrust harder, making her scream in pleasure and pain. "Fucking mine!" He digs his nails into her flesh as he holds her tight and roughly.  

"Oh, my god! Ohhh! AAH!  Ah!" Ally couldn't stop the cries escaping her lips, the way he was loving her body so roughly was both amazing and terrifying at the same time, but...she loved it!  He kept thrusting over and over at a fast pace, making her scream more and his grunts turned into loud moans as well.  

When she tightens around him, she watches him throw his head back with a loud yell and feels him thrust harder.  

"Come on, Beauty.  Let me feel you.  Come on.  Come on!" He growls and grits his teeth.  

With a scream from her and a loud roar from him, they both come together into oblivion.  Feeling the pull grow so strong between them as moves through their bodies.  Riddick fills her deeply with all his love for her as she grips him like a trap and milks him dry.  Both scream out their pleasure and feel it slowly fade.  

"Ohhh.  Ohhh." Ally pants heavily and sighs as her body goes limp under him.  

Riddick grunts as he falls over her, cover her completely, still buried deep inside her.  Panting heavily against her shoulder.  He didn't want to move from this spot.  He loved it.  Even loved the small noises she made.  The murmurs of comfort and bliss.  

Together, they laid in that spot for what it seems like hours.  Finally, very gently, Riddick moves to slide out of her.  Ally gasps softly as she feels the soreness begin.  Riddick lifts his head and looks down at his love.  Finally, she's forever his.  He leans down and gives her a soft kiss.  

Later, they spooned in bed with Garm sleeping outside their door.  Riddick holds her tightly in his arms, never wanting to let her go.  He was still afraid of waking up and finding out this was just a dream.  He wondered how much she knew what has happened over the last 5 years.  

"Beauty..." He sighs heavily before giving her the news about her sister.  "Kyra..." 

"I know." She whispers softly, stopping him from saying more. "She's gone.  And I have shared my tears for her and mourned her death." 

"Beauty..." He murmurs, but she cuts him off again. 

"Why did you leave me?" Her voice cracks.  

Riddick sighs and pulls her tighter against him, "I told you, Beauty.  I protect what's mine.  I knew you weren't safe with the Marshall of the Necromancers still out there...hunting you and Kyra.  I did everything to find him...and kill him.  I failed when he killed Kyra in front of me.  But I didn't fail when I killed him for you." 

Ally turns and looks at him over her shoulder, "For five years, you left me...to hunt him?" She frowns at him, making sure she got that right. 

"I live a dangerous life, Ally.  Everyone wants my head on a stake and having you in my life..." He swallows hard, he can't believe he was admitting this to her.  "It terrifies me.  I want to protect you in any way I can.  Even if it meant to be apart from you." 

Ally sighs heavily, "And yet, I'm the one who saved you on that planet." She snorts at his frown. "Richard, we belong together.  No more parting ways.  We can protect each other.  And besides...I don't think we have to worry about people wanting your head anymore." She gives him a knowing smirk.

He frowns in confusion at her.  

"Look out the window.  Don't worry, the glass is tented." She says as she nods at the covered windows. 

Riddick slowly turns and looks at the curtains, he slowly gets up, letting the sheets fall off his naked body.  He reaches and grips the curtains and pulls them open.  He squints his eyes to protect himself from the bright sun, but to his surprise, it wasn't so bright.  He slowly opens his eyes and looks to see the sun was up, but not so bright.  The windows were tented to help protect his eyes from the sun.  

He looks around and sees a forest.  Mountains.  He could hear birds and wildlife all around them. 

"Where are we?" He asks.

Soon, he feels Ally's naked body press against his back as she wraps herself around him, "We're in Furya." 

Riddick frowns and turns towards her, "Furya?" 

"Most of the planet is in bad shape, but I managed to find half that was suitable for life.  Everyone has told me that many believe this place is cursed because of the genocide.  Which makes it perfect for you." She gives him a small smile.  "For us, to live in peace." 

Riddick was in complete shock.  He was back on his home planet.  With Ally.  He turns and looks back at the window.  He finally felt at ease.  All the stiffness in his body, his heart releases from his nerves.  He sighs as he feels her again, pressed against his body. 

"Welcome home, my Beast." She whispers and wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head against his hard back.  He pants softly when he feels one of her hands slide down to his member, gripping it tight in her hands and strokes it.  

Riddick closes his eyes and savors her touch.  He growls lowly as he feels himself grow hard again for her.  Her lips trailing over his shoulders and back.  

"What are you doing to me, Beauty?" He purrs.  

"Should be pretty obvious.  I'm stirring the beast." She smirks and gives his member a good squeeze, earning a groaning moan from him.    

He swiftly turns around and grabs her.  Shoving her towards the bed but turns her to force her to bend over.  Her face buries into the sheets and blanket.  He knew he didn't need to prep her.  She was wet still for him.  

Ally cries out when she feels him slide inside her once again and begins to pound her into the mattress.  She became so wet when he got up from the bed.  Watching the sheets slide off his body sent shivers down her spine to her womanhood.  Moaning over and over as he continues his fast, hard thrusts.  He didn't hold anything back.  He roughly and wildly loves her body like the animal he was.  

He grips her hips tightly and continuously pounds her over and over, feeling her soft ass slap against his hips.  He growls lowly and shoves her into the middle of the bed so he could get on his knees behind her.  He drapes his body over hers and uses his weight to hold her down while he grinds himself deeper inside, making her cry out more for him.  

Riddick grunts and presses his lips against her ear, "All for me, Beauty?" He grins.

Ally pants and grips the sheet tightly for support as he continues to roughly grind inside her.  She almost frowns at his words, but she knew what he meant.  All this.  This home, this planet, this life.  It was all for him.  And her, together.  

"Yes.  Yes, all for you. For us." She pants out and moans as he gives her an award. 

"My beauty." He growls out and begins to thrust hard again.  "My love.  Mine!" He grits his teeth and moves to get back on his knees to deliver rough love play.  He grunts and growls rhythmically as he pounds her from behind, making her scream and cry out in pleasure.  

"Oh my god! Oh my god!  Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!  Ohhhh! AAAH!" Ally screams for Riddick, gripping on the sheets for her dear life.  The whole bed was shaking from their movements.  

Riddick reaches around and between them and when he touches her pearl, rubbing it as he pounds her.  She falls forward and screams into the sheets as a glorious ending rush through her body and tightens around him, making him shout and roar his release out.  

Both lie in a sweaty, messy pile over the bed. Holding each other as the high of the climax fades with their heavy pants.  Riddick holds Ally against him and moves them both to lie in bed again.  He sighs in bliss and for the first time in his life, he actually smiles with pure happiness.  He was...happy.  It was such a new feeling.  Strange.  Foreign.  But...in a way, he liked it.  

Suddenly, he sniffs the air and smells something cooking, and it made his stomach growl loudly, "Are you cooking something?" He asks.

Ally gasps and wiggles out of his grip, "My soup!" She grabs his shirt and yanks it on without thought, rushing to get to the kitchen.  

Riddick chuckles as he watches his shirt cover her like a dress.  She looked so cute.  He grunts and rolls over the bed, getting his pants back on.  Walking into the kitchen, shirtless, Riddick leans on the frame and watches her cook for him.  

"Why is it so sexy to watch a beautiful woman cook?" He asks. 

Ally laughs, "Maybe it's because you haven't had a decent meal in, what, five, six years?"

Riddick sighs, "30 years, Beauty.  It's sexy because you're cooking just for me..." He grins and walks up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, "And even more sexy when you're dessert." He growls in lust.

Ally giggles and turns to look over her shoulder at him, "You're really restless, aren't you?"

Riddick grins, "It's an animal thing." 

Ally laughs and feels him kiss her softly, holding her tightly against him.  Never wanting to let her go.  

Riddick makes her let go of the spoon and turns her to completely face him, cupping her face in his hands. 

"I love you, my beauty." 

Ally's heart races at those words and smiles at him, her eyes glowing with happiness.  She wraps her arms around his neck and holds him tight.  Riddick cherishes the feel of her in his arms then pulls away to kiss her softly and passionate.  Putting his love for her into that kiss.  


12 years later...

"Pace yourself, Erick.  Feel your surroundings." Riddick says as he trains his 11-year-old son.  Watching him blindly be aware of his surroundings as the blindfold prevents him from seeing any threat.  

Riddick throws a rock at his head, but Erick quickly turns and catches it with ease.  Riddick grins and throws another, watching him catch it again.  Erick tosses the rocks away and continues to be alert until Riddick gets to his knees and pulls the blindfold off his eyes.  His eyes were almost like his, without the shine.  

"You're getting better and better every day." Riddick says, proud of his son.  

Erick grins, he was like a carbon copy of Riddick, but with hair.  

Ally walks out of the cabin with Garm in toll along with his female companion, who Ally found around the time she was pregnant with Erick.  She named her Hera. Ally looks down at her 6-month-old belly with their second child.  She strokes her belly softly and looks up to see her husband and son train.  Riddick was determined to make his children warriors.  So, they protect themselves and each other.  

As Ally walks towards them, they both perk up like animals hearing their prey.  Riddick sends her a grin and Erick rushes towards her.  

"Mama!" He shouts happily and wraps his arms around her.  

"Hope you boys worked up an appetite.  Dinner is on the table." She says as she hugs her son back and sighs as she winces a little bit.  Her daughter was a hell of a kicker.

"She's kicking?" Riddick grins and walks up to her to place his hand on her stomach, smiling proudly at his daughter's strong kicks.  

Riddick and Ally knew this was going to be a girl.  It was the genes inside them that said it for them. Per Ally's request, they decided to name their daughter Kyra, after her sister.

Ally places her hand over his and smiles lovingly at him, "Nothing I can't handle.  I love feeling her kicks.  She's gonna be one hell of a fighter.  And a spoiled little daddy's girl." She chuckles. 

Riddick laughs, "No other woman will be my Beauty." He grins and leans down to give her a loving kiss, chuckling as they hear their son make disgusted noises.  

For the rest of their lives, Riddick and Ally lived on Furya with their children.  Over the years, Riddick made trips to other planets, and they were both surprised to find more Furyians who survived.  Some were welcomed back to their dying planet and regrew the population in the livable part.  It took a while but soon the planet became home again for the Furyians.  Enemies slowly died off and believed Riddick was finally dead and gone, but others always suspected he was still out there...waiting.  Truth was...Riddick was done waiting.  He was home...with the woman he loves and his beautiful strong children.  After years of hiding...years of fighting for survival, the bounties, the killing, the stealing.  It was time to retire and live for himself at last.  He can finally sleep with both eyes closed...but that doesn't mean he doesn't have his hand on the shive.

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