Chapter III Trip into the Magma Land

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I was cleaning from that Willy weirdo. He requires money! And I mean £hundreds of thousands of millions! Suddenly, when I was skipping with Bu to the repair shop, We tripped over a mine that made us a crack.
In that crack, it was a ship!
"What does this button do?" Bu asked.
"Don't press that butt-"
"I told you!"
"You said 'Don't press that butt.' I didn't press a butt. I pressed a butt-ON!" said Bu.
"Well, you're a butt-HOLE!"
"Says the one who is being a butthole to his s-AAAAARGH!"
We crashed into Mustafar. That hot planet.
"There's a reason God named us the Bacca family," I moaned.
"'Cause of YOU, CHEW!" roared Bu. Wait! I forgot to add the two t's! His name is Butt! And, he called me Chew, not Dad.
"Technically, it's your fault we landed in MUSTAFAR!" I roared back.
Our fur was making us melt.
"We're melting!" cried Bu.
"Help! Call the Mos Eisley Barbery!" I yelped.

To be continued in the next chapter!

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