Chapter 36: Back To Normal

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"Oh, Naggy Nagatha!!" Suhou screamed as he ran through the garden. He paused for a moment when no one answered him and simply ran again, calling out for this "Naggy Nagatha."

He ran through the trees and bushes, looking around and behind all kinds of things all the while calling for Nagatha. It wasn't until he reached this clear patch of grass did he finally spot someone.

A woman with long white hair was sitting in a clear patch of grass. Her back was to him so he couldn't see her face. This woman had nine tails and ears much like Suhou's except the fur on them were thicker, making them look fluffy. She wore a white dress with no foot wear.

Suhou's ears twitched curiously, "Naggy Nagatha?" The woman faced the young cub, revealing blue-violet eyes and a kind face.

"Did someone send you?" the woman asked, tilting her head to the side, a small smile playing on her lips.

Suhou nodded, "Daddy said that if I find you then we can play!"

" 'Daddy'? " the woman repeated curious. "Can you show me where your Daddy is?" she stood up and pick up the young boy cub.

Suhou giggled and pointed the way back to where the Cloaked man was. The woman followed his instructions, asking him a few questions about himself and even introduced herself. Her name was Harmony and she was a Mixed Number of Dark, Light, and Regular energy, though she often went around in her Light Form.

After some time, she kindly asked Suhou to stop calling her "Naggy Nagatha." At first, Suhou was confused. Wasn't that her name? Oh, wells, if she didn't want to be called that then he guessed he'd have to call her by "Harmony" as she put it.

Soon they reached the fountain of the diapered baby. Beyond that, they saw the Cloaked man with Luna in his arms, both beings fast asleep.

Suhous gasped, "There's Daddy! He's sleeping!" he whispered screamed to Harmony.

Harmony giggled then kneeled down in front of the Cloaked man, setting Suhou down. She looked over him and Luna, a small, mischievous smile played on her lips.

Curiously, she reached out, took the Cloaked man's hood and lifted it ever so slightly just to see the man's mouth. He was snoring softly.

"Daddy's mouth!" Suhou whispered screamed again.

Harmony laughed, "Have you never seen his face before, young one?" Suhou shook his head, "Would you like to see it?"A mischievous grin danced on Harmony's face yet again as she asked her question, her eyes glowing with a devil-like playfulness.

Suhou nodded eagerly, barely able to keep in his excited scream of glee. Harmony laughed softly then preceded to lift the Cloaked man's hood.

She managed to make it past his nose, revealing many scars on the lower half of his face before the Cloaked man stirred and grabbed Harmony's wrist, stopping her from moving any further.

"I'll give you five seconds to explain yourself," he growled angrily, gripping Harmony's wrist tightly.

Harmony laughed, "Oh, I'm just playing, Som-"

"I told you not to call me that." The Cloaked man snapped.

"Well, too bad!" Harmony giggled, "I am and will call you that!"

Internally, the Cloaked man felt like he needed to slap some sense into this woman, but he needed her help so he satisfied himself with an over exaggerated eye roll he knew Harmony could see through his cloak's hood.

A big tuff of orange fur hiding behind Harmony caught the Cloaked man's eyes. He looked at it and noticed that it was Suhou, who was whimpering a bit probably from his short burst of a threat aimed at Harmony from before.

A sigh. The Cloaked man really needed to control himself in front of Suhou, especially since the young cub wasn't his own.

The Cloaked man found the young cub injured with many burns after one of his so-called "experiments," -as many people call them- went rogue and ran out of the cave some time after Luna "escaped" the cave and lived with her family. His experiment was out of control with the ability to control fire and when he ran out of the cave, he accidentally set fire to Suhou's hometown.

After the Cloaked man successfully caught his experiment, he found Suhou crying from the burns he gained from the fire caused by his experiment. With a grudging gut feeling in his stomach, the Cloaked man took Suhou in to care for him since his family most likely died from the fire.

When the Cloaked man took Suhou in, he found that caring for a child that was not only not his own child but was under a completely different lifestyle was difficult and took much more sensitivity to it. He never had this kind of problem before. Most of the time, the Cloaked man would take the child at a much younger age and train their minds mentally and emotionally from there. But Suhou wasn't like that. He was so accustomed to life outside of the cave!

Unfortunately, since the Cloaked man had no idea what to do, he had to frequently ask Harmony, the Moon Goddess, how to raise a child often since he had absolutely no idea how to. Even though the Cloaked man hated asking her for help, he just had to like now.

"Harmony," the Cloaked man sighed, "I need your help with something."

Harmony looked down at Luna and nodded with a sigh. She handed Suhou over to the Cloaked man while she took Luna. She gave Suhou a kiss on his forehead then stood up and walked back the way she came from.

Suhou pouted, "I thought she was gonna play with me..."

"She'll play with you after she fixes Luna, okay, Suhou?" the Cloaked man chuckled.

The young cub perked up, "She's going to make Luna feel better?" He asked happily. The Cloaked man nodded, a faint smile on his lips, "Then she'll play with Susu?"

Again, the Cloaked man nodded, this time stroking Suhou's mane, "Why don't you play with me for now, Susu?"

~.Harmony and Luna.~

Harmony entered a small cabin near the edge of the garden. The cabin was only one room. Inside was a single white bed with a flora blanket folded neatly on top. Across from the bed is a wardrobe with two smaller wardrobes on the sides of it. A table sat in one corner of the cabin, a chair tucked underneath.

Laying Luna on the bed, Harmony strode over to one of the smaller wardrobes and shuffled through it. She took out an elaborate dream catcher, a roll of bandages, and finally a bottle filled with gray liquid.

She walked back to Luna, placing the dream catcher on a nail on the wall, then she lifted the girl'head, opening her mouth ever so slightly.

"Hmm..." Harmony hummed to herself, "Looks like her Light Energy is active now..." she sighed, lowering Luna's head down. She grabbed the bottle, opening it with a pop sound as the cork was pulled out.

Carefully, the Moon Goddess tilted the bottle, the fray substance inside sliding into Luna's mouth. She tilted the bottle back when all of the gray was gone, flooding Luna's mouth.

It didn't choke but something did happen. The gray substance started changing color from black to white to gray again. In one small instance, Luna's eyes shot open, her body convulsing.

Harmony grabbed Luna and held her twitching body down with four of her tails, one for each limb. It was no struggle for her and she continued to watch the girl before her twitch and turn as though she was having a seizure.

With a sudden ear splitting scream from Luna, her body started changing back to its regular form. Her tails fell off her lower back, falling to the ground, making a thud sound. Her ears looked as though they were burning for steam was coming off of them, one regular ear on each side of her head forming. Luna's skin constantly changed color, from blue to peach to other shades of blue.

Some minutes and screams later, the transformation stopped and Luna was back to normal. There was sweat all over her body and her breathing was heavy. Her eyes were closed but she was no longer asleep.

Harmony smiled then released Luna, "How are you feeling, Luna?" she asked calmly so as to not startle the young girl.

It took a while for Luna to answer but when she did she said, "Like the Cloaked man threw in that god forsaken pit again..."

A sudden outburst of laugh came from Harmony, "I-I see!" she said through short and small breaths.

Luna opened her eyes, looking at the woman before her up and down, "Did the Cloaked man bring me here to you?" Harmony nodded, her laughter ending, "But I thought you guys hated each other." Luna stated flatly, trying her best to sit up.

Harmony pushed her down, "Sit, and that's a long story that I don't have enough time to explain unfortunately."

Curious, Luna looked up at Harmony, wondering what she meant by it. The older woman looked down at her and smiled, "I'll explain it later."

"You mean when I'm older?" Luna growled, hearing the words that the Cloaked Man always told her when asking questions; I'll tell you when you're older

The older woman shook her head, "No, maybe when we meet again." she sat next to Luna on the bed, taking her head and placing it on her lap. Gently, she stroked the Moon girl's hair as if it were as delicate flower, "You have lots of problems with the Cloaked man."

Luna rolled her eyes, "You can say that about our 'relationship.' The bastard's a cruel man and he's a jackass for trying to raise me as his own."

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Nyah, so today, @Millie_Astral was having a bad day so I decided to post this chappy to make her feel better! :D

I hopes you likes it, Minty! :3

As always, mahalos do reading, commenting, and voting for this story!

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