Chapter 9: The Moon Goddess and Free!

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~Moon Goddess's POV~

I was hiding behind a boulder near the Cloaked man's wretched cave. I watched as Luna came running to the Cloaked man. Despite the fact that I saw this everyday, what happened next both surprised and disgusted me. The Cloaked man gripped Luna's hair and lifted her up in the air. I could see from my hiding spot that he was beyond angry at Luna for going down the left path.

I have to do something! I can't let her suffer like this no more! For the past years, I've watched Luna grow up and from time to time, I've tried helping her become a kind and sweet girl, but it was no use.

Once, I was watched as Luna saved a baby bird falling from its nest, and gently put it back. I felt so proud of Luna at that time. She was beginning to have a kind and empathetic heart like I had hoped she would, but the Cloaked man saw her act of kindness and took her away. I never saw Luna again until a whole week later. The moment she came out of that cave, I knew something was different. Something happened to Luna in that week she was gone, but what?

I desperately wanted to help Luna, but I knew that I could not take on the Cloaked man and save Luna at the same time. This would at least acquire two people at the minimum, but where would I find the help needed? I knew that the people around this place would not like to help Luna, let alone save her. Luna's mother and brother would be too busy, and I have no idea where they had gone. The two children from before are impossible to find too. I tried to locate them, sensing out their power, but it was no use. It was as if their whole existence was wiped off the face of the Number Realm.

"Hey, lady! Wha'cha lookin' at?" A sudden voice yelled from behind me. I jumped to a certain extent and quickly composed myself. Calmly, I looked behind me to see a young boy with angel wings, goggles, and dirt all over his young face.

"Young man," I started out, making sure that I was whispering so the Cloaked man couldn't hear me from his cave. "You need to get out of here quickly! It's too dangerous for you to be here!" I warned the boy and gently ushered him out of my hiding spot.

It was then that Luna's scream cut through the air. The young man seemed to react to this and quickly turned around, looking back at the cave.

"I hear screams!" He said, panic filling his face "I-it's sounds like Luna!"

Did he know Luna? I had not seen Luna interact with this boy before. Maybe it was when I was spying on the Cloaked man, trying to find out what he was planning to do "Young man, do you know who Luna is?"

The young boy looked at me, smiling as he did "I sure do, Miss! Luna's my new friend!" He said proudly

"Your new friend?" This gave me an idea. It involved this young boy, but there were too many uncertainties in it-

"Hey, lady! I'm gonna go help Luna!" He ran off towards the cave but before he could even get close to it I grabbed him and pulled him back.

"You're going to save Luna, young boy? I was planning to do the same thing, but it's dangerous for you. Stay here and I will go in and get her." I said with finality, but the boy stubbornly shook his head and looked me straight in the eye.

"Nuh-uh, lady! I ain't gonna abandon my friend when she needs my help! I'm gonna go in there and save her! Don't even think you can stop me!" He protested, trying to break free of my grip.

I smiled. This young boy seemed s determined to save Luna even though they just met.

"Would you like to help Luna, young man?" I asked him

"The name's Free, lady, and yes! I'm gonna save Luna!" He said throwing his fists in the air. Despite the situation, I laughed at the young boy's determined mind. He reminded me of someone I once loved.

"Free, if you wish to help Luna, then I need you to take her away from this place as far as you can."

"I will, lady!" He said, balling up his adorable hands into fist. A thought, it seemed, occurred to him. He looked at me again, and asked "Hey, lady, what's your name?"

"My name? Well, that's something I can't tell you, Free. For now just call me Moon Goddess, alright?"

Free thought for a while. It appeared he seemed to be absorbing that little piece of information I gave him, but nonetheless, he smiled "Alright, Moon Goddess!"

I smiled at the young boy. He would certainly make a lovely friend for Luna. I'm sure they'll become great friends with each other one day.

"By the way, M.G., are you a Dark Number or a Regular Number?" Free asked seemingly out of the blue.

"I am neither of those, Free." At this Free's mouth dropped and was practically on the floor. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. "I am a Light Number."

Free gave me a confused look. My guess is that he has not ever heard of Light Numbers. It does not surprise me. Light Numbers aren't as famous as Dark ones.

A Light Number is a Number of pure Light Energy. Most of them are kind and respectful, but there are some who are ruled by their hate for Dark Numbers. Light and Dark Numbers are complete opposities and rival each other's power. I, myself, love Dark Numbers, though that does not mean that I fully trust them. I think that Dark Numbers are able to live and love just like any other Number in the Number realm, though that does not include the Cloaked man. He is a cruel man.

"What the heck is a Light Number?" Free asked me, scratching his head in confusion

"A Light Number is a being of pure Light Energy. It's like a Dark Number, but with Light Energy." I stated

"What's Light Energy? Do you and Dark Numbers get along? Do you know Luna? Do you guys get along well? What's her favorite food? Does she like tapioca? Is there any dragons around here?" He asked. Oh, my. This young boy seems to have many questions for one so young. At this rate, neither of us would be able to save Luna.

"Last question and then we save Luna, alright?" He nodded eagerly "Light Energy is like Dark Energy. No one knows where, when, or how it came to be, but we do know that it comes from the more positive of emotions, like happiness, love, joy and so on."

"So, does Dark Energy-" I cut him off, placing a finger on his lip

"We have to save Luna now, Free. I will answer your questions later."

Free huffed, but agreed to save Luna. Secretly, I saw him hide his smile. I'm assuming he's excited to save Luna.

~Cloaked man's POV~

She's near. The Moon Goddess is near. I can fee her very presence as if she was standing next to me.

Honestly, why couldn't that woman just leave me alone?! I have enough problems dealing with Luna and her "heart" and "curiosity"!

I don't need that woman coming in here, trying to convince me to "release" Luna and let her live a normal life. Hah! Never in my life would I ever do that!

"Are you sure about that?" An all too familiar voice asked behind me. Slowly I turned around to see the one and only person I dread to see. The frickin, frackin, friggin Moon Goddess!

"Honestly, you need to stop voice out your thoughts like that. It's quite embarrassing." She said, smirking

"I do not voice out my thoughts." I stated, point an accusing finger at her.

"You just were doing it." She said in a CLEARLY mocking, MOCKING, way. I HATE being MOCKED!

My eye twitched in annoyance. "What was I just saying then, Miss, who thinks I voice out my thoughts?" I filled my voice with venom as I said each and every word.

She smirked and placed a hand on her hip. "You were saying about how you felt my presence near and how you don't want me coming here, ruining your plans, causing you more trouble because you've got a lot to deal with because of Luna."

I glared at her, crossing my arms.

She pouted. In all honesty, she looked cute, but she still annoyed me! Don't you get any thoughts! "Oh, quit acting that way, Sombra." She said. D-did she...? She did! That fucking bitch just said my fucking name, that bitch! She knows how much I HATE to be called by my name!

"You. Did. Not. Just. Say. My. Name. You. Bitch."

"And what's wrong with that?" She smiled, giving me another cute, BUT ANNOYING, look.

"Shut your god damned face!" Summoning my skull scythe, I charged at the Moon Goddess. This time! This time, I will kill that damned bitch! I won't fail! I won't hesitate!

~Third Person POV~

Hiding behind one of the many rocks in the cave was Free. He watched with wide eyes full of amazement as the Cloaked man charged at the Moon Goddess, scythe raised, ready to kill.

The Moon Goddess looked at Free and gave the slightest gesture with the hand on her hip. Moving her point finger along her hip; this was the signal that told Free to search for Luna and escape.

Free nodded and ran deeper into the cave, trying his best to keep quiet.

"Go away! Go away!" Luna screamed from somewhere in the cave. Free heard more screams and immediately whipped his head around, quickly scanning the cave for the source of her screams.

Luna screamed again, this time it was high-pitched and shrill, almost like a banshee. The screams were echoing off the cave walls which made it difficult for Free to locate the source of Luna's scream. He closed his eyes and concentrated Wait... Just wait... Concentrate... There! Free found the main direction of the screams and followed it.

Free ran as fast as he could, then out of the blue, he tripped over a stray bottle on the floor. Free fell to the ground, but he got up again. When he got up, the screams stopped. The cave was now filled with an eerie silence.

"Luna!" He called out "Luna, where are you?! Can you hear me?!" He called out desperately to Luna, but it was no use. All around him there was silence. The screams had stopped, and now Free was lost inside the Cloaked man's cave.

~Meanwhile in the pit with Luna~

Luna watched as the black figure before her smiled. "Well? Don't you want to be strong, Luna?"

"I-I..." In her mind, Luna knew exactly what to say, but those words never came out. She was more scared than she had ever been. Fear striked her, immobilized her. She couldn't speak, she couldn't move, she couldn't do anything.

"A-away...G-go...away..." said a small voice from behind the black figure

"Hm?" The black figure turned her head to see the white Grotesque from before standing and staring at her with a determined gaze.

The black figure smirked and approached the little Grotesque. Meanwhile the other Grotesques back away from the two until they were squeezing themselves around the wall.

The black figure smirked. It brought its hand back and smacked the little Grotesque right across her face.

Luna watched with bated breath as the little Grotesque was thrown across the pit.

The little Grotesque landed on the floor, limbs sprawled everywhere. As the black figure approached her once more, the little Grotesque looked up and smiled at Luna.

She's different from the others... Luna realized from the moment she saw the girl, she was smiling, but it wasn't with the wicked glee the other Grotesques had. It was different, but Luna couldn't explain how it was different. It just was.

The little Grotesque shakily stood up and looked the black figure straight in the eye. "Go...away...!" The little Grotesque repeated

"Me? Go away? Now, that's adorable~! A little brat like you needs to be taught a lesson!" The black figure advanced on the little Grotesque.

The little Groyesque's eyes widened, but she never showed her fear. She had a look of determination and bravery that amazed Luna. Never before had Luna seen a look like that and seeing it on the little Grotesque amazed her even more. To Luna, the Grotesques were nothing more than mindless creatures, but here was this little Grotesque willing to risk her life just for Luna.

With a shaky voice Luna spoke out to the little Grotesque "Wh-why...?"

The little Grotesque looked away from the black figure and looked at Luna. She smiled. It seemed that the little Grotesque was having trouble with something. Her mouth pursed together, and she started to mouth something, as though she was trying to say something to Luna. Finally through ragged and mangled words, the little Grotesque spoke "Nee-san strong... Nee-san really strong..."

"Nee-san...?" Luna said. She had heard that word before. Many times when she was walking through the town with Lana and Solaris, she'd hear it when little children were addressing a girl who seemed to be a few years older than them. "Nee-san," she concluded, meant "Big sister." But, why would this little Grotesque be calling her "Nee-san?" Luna had never seen this little girl before and by what she could tell, this little Grotesque was a new one, so there was no way that Luna or this little Grotesque saw each other by chance.

The black figure laughed at the little Grotesque "Nee-san? You think Luna is your nee-san, huh? How ridiculous is that?!" The black figure continued to laughed at the little Grotesque.

Luna huffed. She had just about enough of that strange black figure! Luna stood up and charged at the black figure, tackling it to the ground when she made contact "Go away!" She screamed.

The black figure could only manage to get up and look at Luna in surprise before she was punched in the face. The black figure stumbled back by the sudden attack. It rubbed its face while facing Luna. "What was that for?"

Luna stared at the black figure icily, punching her fist together "You need to leave."

The black figure laughed again "Me? Leave? But don't you want to-"

Luna cut her off mid-sentence "No. Get out. Never come back." She stared at the black figure with a determine expression, willing it with her mind for it to leave.

The black figure refused to leave, but slowly started fading away. It looked at itself, an expression of pure shock crossing her face.

"You're fading away." Luna stated nonchalantly.

The black figure looked at Luna. It knew that its fading body had something to do with Luna, but what? The black figure cursed at Luna, slowly fading away as it did until finally it was no more.

The black figure was now gone, leaving no trace or hint that it was ever there.

Luna fell to her knees. She was glad now that it was over. Relief spread through her like a virus, but for some reason, Luna now felt tired. She grew confused. What had she done to make her so tired? The walk here wasn't that bad, maybe it was because of the injuries she had received from the Cloaked man, but by this time, Luna was used to it all. It wouldn't have caused her to suddenly lose her energy.

Luna was too tired to notice the Grotesques gathering around her. She finally saw them, but was too tired to do anything about it.

Unable to keep herself up, Luna laid on the floor as the Grotesques continued to surround her. Damn all of you... Damn you all... Though she didn't wanted to and even willed herself not to, Luna fell into a restless slumber.

The Grotesques frowned when they saw Luna's eyes closed. They knew she was asleep, but they didn't like it; not one bit. They all wanted Luna to be awake for when they tortured her like last time. Having her asleep like this would not do them any fun, oh no.

They began to crowd Luna, taking slow steps toward her. They felt a rush of adrenaline, excitement, and a hint of insanity surge through them. Soon they were upon her, looking down at Luna with wide, wicked grins.

"S-stop...!" The little Grotesque from before, the one who had tried to protect Luna, pushed through the crowd and stood by Luna. She raised her arms and looked at her fellow Grotesques with the same determined look she had given the black figure.

She struggled with her next words as though she was not meant to talk at all "N-no...! B-black f-figure come back if h-hurt N-nee-san...!"

The Grotesques snarled at her, not believing a single word she had just said. How could something like that come out when Luna was in danger? Their insane minds were unable to process these thoughts. All they wanted was to torture Luna like they had done the last time she was here. They wanted to hear her scream and beg for mercy again, and again, and again. It brought pure joy to their hearts to see Luna like that and they wanted to savor it.

A sad attempt of a growl was heard inside the crowd of Grotesques. Whoever had tried to make that growl, attempted to make another one, trying to sound more menacing this time, but utterly failed. The Grotesques all turned to a little boy, about the same size as the little girl Grotesque, standing at the end of crowd.

He had black skin and jet black wings. His hair was messy, as though he had just flown around in a tornado. His eyes were red, and there seemed to be an angry glint to them.

The little boy Grotesque growled once more, this time he managed to make his growl sound menacing, but the other Grotesques ignored him and looked back at Luna and the little girl Grotesque.

They pushed the little girl Grotesque aside until she was in the back with the little boy Grotesque. Both girl and boy tried to push past their fellow Grotesques to Luna, but to no avail. They couldn't do anything. The other Grotesques towered over them, and they were much too strong to be pushed aside by the little boy and girl.

Little lesson language thingy~!

"Sombra" means "Shaodw" in Spanish~! ^^ If you guys remember well, that was the name of the Cloaked man, which he HATES to be called

Thanks for reading and voting and what not, guys! ^^ Your support is much appreciated! Have a nice day or whatever time it is~! Mahalos chokes much!

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