war torn countries and blasting cities

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Before reading please take a note that this article might be a sensitive topic for some.

How did I come actoss with this?

* well it was a result of me over thinking. But this time around it was not an exaggeration but a bitter reality. My final thoughts made me feel like I live in a sugar coated world that is extremely bitter.!

Also I would like to know your thoughts as well. Bacaise the main goal of this community is actually to gather your ideas and different opinions.... ☺️

Topic that lead me towards the overthinking -   A comment my literature teacher made while teaching us the poem "Explosion"{it's a poem about the 30 year  old civil war in sri Lanka}, what she said was "Before I was born also there was black July and while I was  growing up there was war. And if this lead to anotner ethnic war then I'll spend the evening of my life in the middle of a riot as well. Hopefully the nuclear war will come after my death.

{she stated not exactly this but something along the lines  with sarcasm and in an ironical manner.}

When you think of it it is too hard to believe. It seems too brutal to a level that I almost did not believe it.

When I and my friend came back to the class that Sunday with our lunch from the canteen I saw my teachers not so common  'serious face'.

As I remember it was Samaji that looked at us in the face and said: "There had been a bomb blast!".

And I was like "Oh wow seriously! Cool!". And I shrugged it off.

Because it was unbelievable.

A bomb blast!
Where do you think I live in huh?

Afghanistan? Siriya?

This is Sri Lanka dude!

After almost ten years from the war!

And that stupid,  naïve thoughts of mine came to an end when Seran, the guy who sat on the adjoining desk tilted his phone so that I could watch a live YouTube video of the destroyed church.

It was gruesome. Blood was everywhere. It was an entire pool of blood and the memory haunts me to this day.

So why am I retelling all these things?
Am I gonna continue with the Easter tragedy?

Well no. Not today.

I wanna talk about something that came to my mind while I was thinking about this.

The war that ended in 2009 lasted for almost 30 years.

So let me ask you a question!
How old are your parents?

Mine are in their late 40's.
So when the war began they were almost children. And it continued until they have grown adults.

And before the war, to my knowledge, there were ethnic riots and Black July. { that's what resulted in the war.}

So when you think of it, if the easter attack resulted in another ethnic riot or something, my parents and those that are from their generation would quite literally die in times of war.

When this came to my mind I could not believe it.

It was truly shocking!

And to think that somewhere in the world there can be a person that had experienced only war and nothing else.

Having no experience of what it is like to be living in freedom.

It just breaks my heart!

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