Back to School

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Laura: Hi, my name is Laurnea Loud, though I prefer to be called Laura. It is that time of year when we all go back to school. I am now entering Grade 10. I need to make sure I have all my supplies: pencils, check, binders, check, and I can't forget to bring my phone. I never know when I might need it.

(Laura heads downstairs)

Laura: Mom, dad. I'm heading out to school. See you later.

Jordan: See you later, sweetie. Have a great first day of school.

Laura: I'll do my best, Mom.

Lincoln: Are you sure you have everything you need, sweetie?

Laura: Don't worry, dad. I have this covered. Don't you trust me?

Lincoln: I do, but it is still my job to look out for you.

Laura: If there is anyone you need to look out for, it's Little J.

Lincoln: Wait, yeah, why hasn't he woken up yet? (rushes off, panicking)

(While walking to school)

Laura: That's essentially every morning for me. My dad is a good father, and I do love him, but he tends to worry a bit too much. Ever since I turned 12, I have been running to school. I happen to be a very fast runner and my school, Royal Woods Higher School, happens to not be too far from my house.

(Starts running to school)

Laura: The most exciting thing about this new year is that my best friend Emily Zhau, though I call her Emma, is coming to my school as she is now in that grade, so we get to spend even more time together than we haven't had since we were both in Royal Woods Elementary School.

(Arrives at school)

Laura: Well this is the place most people would dread going to school, but honestly, I don't mind it much. After all, it is where I see many of my friends.

(Inside the locker room at school)

Laura: I keep a lot of stuff in my locker, and sometimes I have trouble getting everything in.

Emma: Hey Laura (waves to her).

Laura: Oh Emma, my very best friend (runs up to hug her).

Emma: (hugs her back) I will admit, middle school is a weird new experience, but having you here will make it so much easier.

Laura: (ends the hug) So Emma How have you been getting in well? Have you picked a locker yet?

Emma: Now I have not yet, and it is a difficult choice.

Laura: Well, I have an idea for you (pulls her towards her locker). You can take this one right next to mine. The student who was using it recently graduated, so it's now free.

Emma: I think I will do that. Thanks for your help. Laura (catches Laura staring away, not paying attention to her anymore). What's wrong, Laura? (sees the girl she has been staring at). So that must be the Lorinda girl you have talked about before.

Laura: Yeah, sorry. I don't know what came over me. I can't let myself get distracted.

Emma: Laura You don't need to try to ignore it. You have told me that you have feelings for that girl. For reasons you already know, I can't claim to fully understand it, but I am not an idiot.

Laura: Yeah, you're right about that. I often find myself staring at her way more than I probably should be. She is just so pretty and so nice when I can talk with her.

Emma: Well, why don't you go talk to her? She is right there (pushes her closer to Lorinda).

Laura: Oh, hi, Lorinda.

Lorinda: Oh hey, Laura, how has your day been? Welcome back to school (monotone voice).

Laura: Well, it's nice to see you back (runs up and hugs her).

Lorinda: It's nice to see you again, someone who treats me well.

Laura: Thanks, Lorinda. That means a lot to me.

Lorinda: (blushing heavily) Sorry Laura. I need to leave for class (walks away quickly).

Emma: Well, that was the most awkward thing I've ever seen.

Laura: Yeah, Lorinda is rather shy, so us interacting is always a weird experience. I have managed to make some level of friendship with her, but I don't feel like I know her as well as I want.

Emma: Look, Laura, I don't understand your whole crush experience, but I do know that we have been best friends for as long as I can remember. What I would suggest is maybe trying to hang out with her and get to know her better.

Laura: That is a good idea. Thanks for that, Emma.

Emma: Hey, that is what a best friend is for.

(Bell Rings)

Laura: For now, though, we need to get to our classes. See you later.

Emma: Before you go, Laura, remember that I am coming to your place tonight, so if you are going to ask Lorinda to hang out, make sure it's not today.

Laura: Alright, Emma I will keep that in mind.

(In Laura's Class)

Teacher: Welcome to the new school year, students. I hope you all have a wonderful year. I see that most of you are returning from last year, but we have a few new students, so everyone say hi to them. Emily Zhau: Why don't you begin?

Emma: Hey, everyone I'm Emily, though I would prefer to be called Emma. I look forward to making friends with all of you in this new school.

Laura: Emma is my best friend, so I hope you all treat her well.

Teacher: Well, that is very nice. Well, next student.

(After a few kids).

Teacher: Lydia Loud is up next.

Lydia: Hello, everyone.

Teacher: So Lydia, you are Laura and Loni's cousin, correct?

Lydia: Well, correct for Laura, but Loni is my older brother.

Teacher: Well, it's nice to have you.

(talking quietly to each other)

Emma: You never mentioned your cousin was coming over.

Laura: I must have forgotten. Me and she aren't exactly the closest, and we don't talk much. She is a nice person, but we just don't have much in common.

Emma: That is understandable.

(After class in the hallway during lunch)

Laura: So, Emma, how are you? How have you been fitting in so far?

Emma: It has been going smoother than I expected. I've already managed to make a few friends.

Laura: You were always the master of friendship, so I am not surprised.

Emma: How else do you think we have managed to stay such good friends?

Laura: By the way, Emma I have another question for you. Would you like to join the school's LGBTQ club? Of course, I am a part of it.

Emma: That is a cool offer, but does being asexual count for the club?

Laura: It does, and even if it didn't, it's not like we have some kind of gay test that you need to take to join it.

Emma: Sure, I will join if not just to hang out with you more.

Laura: I swear, one of these days, someone is going to think we are lovers.

Emma: It has probably already happened.

(Inside the cafeteria)

Laura: (Sees Lorinda sitting on a table and heads towards her) Hey, Lorinda, could I sit with you?

Lorinda: Sure, I guess.

Laura: (Sits down) So Lorinda, how has your day been?

Lorinda: It has been alright, nothing really special.

Laura: My day has been great, especially gym class. It feels good to be back to where all my friends are.

Lorinda: I am glad to see you are enjoying yourself.

Laura: So, Lorinda I was thinking of something. I feel I don't know you well, despite being friends for some time.

Lorinda: Where are you going with this?

Laura: I was wondering if you would like to hang out at some point. It can't be today as I have something else, but are you free tomorrow?

Lorinda: (blushing) Um, sure, Laura, I am free tomorrow. Why don't you come over to my house?

Laura: Cool (leans over and hugs her).

(After school on the walk home)

Emma: So you did manage to set up a hangout with Lorinda at her house.

Laura: I did it, and it was a lot easier than I expected. We are doing it tomorrow.

Emma: Well, I hope you enjoy it. I do have some news. I recently found out that a burglar is being reported.

Laura: I had not heard of that. How did you figure it out so quickly?

Emma: Let's just say I have my ways.

Laura: Well I guess it's handy to have a news reporter for a mother.

Emma: Your one to talk, Ms. Wealthy Mother.

Laura: Point taken. Well anyway, we are at my house now.

(Both heads inside)

Laura: Mom, dad. I'm home, and I brought Emma over.

Jordan: (Walks by after hearing Laura) Hey sweetie, I hope you had a good day at school (hugs her). Hey, Emma It's always nice to see you (hugs her).

Emma: Hey, Aunt Jordan.

Jordan: So Emma how is your mom doing? We haven't been able to talk in some time due to our jobs keeping us busy.

Emma: Oh, she is doing well. Yeah, she doesn't like how little you two get to see each other.

Jordan: Yeah, it's a shame. Well, anyway, you two enjoy yourselves. I am going to be ordering dinner soon.

Laura: Yeah, because you can't cook to save your life (slight laugh).

Jordan: (Slight annoyance) Yeah, very funny, Laurnea.

Lincoln: (Opening the door) Honey, I'm home.

Laura: Welcome back, dad. You too, Little J. I hope you had a good first day at school.

Jeremiah: Don't you dare call me that, sister.

Emma: Man, someone is in a foul mood today.

Lincoln: He didn't have the best day at school, but there is no need to talk to your sister like that, sweetie.

Jeremiah: Okay, dad, I will be in my room alone if you need me (walks away).

Lincoln: I suggest we just leave him alone for now. So girls, how were your days at school?

Laura: We both had a great day, Dad. It feels good to be back.

Lincoln: Well, I'm glad you had a good day. Oh, by the way, I brought someone over.

Luna: What's up, my awesome niece?

Laura: Aunt Luna (runs up and hugs her) It's nice to see you again. So what are you doing here, Aunt Luna?

Luna: Nice to see you again, dude. Lincoln and I had just run into each other, and I had some free time, so I decided to come over.

Emma: Nice to see you again. Aunt Luna as well. Me and Laura were going to play some video games.

Luna: Well, have fun with that; me and Linc have some things to discuss.

(Inside Laura's room)

Laura: (while playing a video game) No, no no, I can't lose this one.

Emma: (Also playing) Yes, I am going to beat you this time, Laura. I just need to get a few more hits in.

Laura: (After her character dies) Dammit, well played, Emma.

Emma: Hey Laura, is something bothering you? You aren't playing as well as you normally do.

Laura: Is it that obvious?

Emma: Yeah, it is.

Laura: It's just that I can't stop thinking about my hangout with Lorinda. I am worried about how I will impress her.

Emma: Look, Laura, just be yourself around her and get to know her better.

Laura: It's easy for you to say you have never had a crush in your entire life. You don't understand anything about this.

Emma: I will admit that you are correct about that. All I can do is offer the best advice I can. What are you so worried about, anyway? You can still be friends with her.

Laura: It's mostly the fear of her not liking me back. She hasn't come to the school's LGBTQ club.

Emma: Have you ever tried asking her?

Laura: No, I haven't.

Emma: Well, you should then if you think it will help. What's the worst that could happen?

(Later on, during the day, Laura walks downstairs to the kitchen)

Luna: Oh, hey, dude.

Laura: Hey, Aunt Luna. I am just coming down here to get some water. Don't mind me.

Luna: So how has your life been, dude?

Laura: Oh, it's been going well back to school as well.

Luna: Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

Laura: I am going to be hanging out with another friend, Lorinda.

Luna: Oh you mean Carol's daughter? That's nice. Wait, I remember you mentioning something about her before.

Laura: Yeah, remember Aunt Luna? She is the girl I told you about that I have a crush on.

Luna: Yeah, that's right. It must be pretty weird for you then.

Laura: Emma doesn't understand this for reasons you already know, but I know you have been in this kind of situation before. So I was thinking maybe I could ask how you managed to act normal around your crush.

Luna: Well, me and Sam were friends for some time before we got together, and I will admit, at first it was difficult, but I was able to think of us as just being friends for now and ignore how I felt. What I am saying is, try to see her as a friend and not as the girl you have feelings for.

Laura: I will keep that advice in mind, Aunt Luna. Thanks.

Luna: Always happy to help, dude.

(After getting a drink of water, Laura goes back upstairs)

Emma: Are you ready to continue?

Laura: Yeah, I am this time. I feel much better. You are on Emma. (sits down and grabs her controller)

(The two fight in their game, with Laura gaining the upper hand)

Laura: I'm so close. I just need to get one last combo.

Emma: (Thinking to herself) Man, she is beating me badly now that water must have helped her.

Laura: (Defeats Emma's character) Yes!

Emma: Well, you destroyed me in that game. There is the Laura I know.

Laura: You want to go again?

Emma: You know I do.

(After they'd been playing video games for a while)

Jordan: Hey kids, the burgers are here, it's time for dinner.

Laura: Well, we should probably go eat then. We have been at this for some time.

Emma: After we are done with dinner, I will probably need to leave.

Laura: Alright, got it.

(Both head downstairs and sit at the table with Lincoln, Jordan, and Luna there)

Laura: Where is Little J?

Lincoln: I don't know, I called him down here as well. I guess he is still upset about his day at school.

Laura: I hope he gets in a better mood soon. I don't like it when he gets like this.

Jordan: You can say that again.

Laura: When we are done with dinner, I will go and try to calm him down.

Lincoln: That would be lovely, sweetie.

(After dinner is over)

Emma: That was great, Laura. Your parents always order the best stuff. Well, I need to get going now. it has been fun. See you tomorrow at school.

Laura: See you tomorrow, Emma.

Emma: (leaves the place)

Lincoln: It's nice to see you two get along, I wish your brother could make more friends.

Laura: Speaking of whom, I need to try and talk to him.

Lincoln: Well, good luck, sweetie I hope you can help.

(Inside Jeremiah's room)

Laura: Hey, Little J.

Jeremiah: Leave me alone, sis.

Laura: (sits down on his bed) I just want to talk to you. Life isn't always going to go the best for you. You can't just pout.

Jeremiah: (shouting) Leave me alone now.

Laura: That's no way to talk to your sister.

Jeremiah: (Hides under his blanket, refusing to say anything)

(Laura leaves his room)

Lincoln: So sweetie, how did it go?

Laura: Not well. He is refusing to even talk to me.

Lincoln: Well, all we can do is give him some time and hope he'll be willing to talk.

Laura: I'm going to head into my room. I've got some stuff of my own to do.

(The next day at school)

Emma: So you have no idea what is wrong with your brother?

Laura: He does appear to be upset about something, but he isn't even willing to talk to me.

Emma: Well, I do hope that you can talk to him eventually.

Laura: (gets a call from her phone) Sorry Emma I have to take this (picks up and answers)

Lincoln: Laura, we've got a problem. Your mom had some sort of incident in the office and she is in the hospital.

Laura: Oh damn, will she be okay.

Lincoln: She will be fine, but I need to go visit her, so I will need you to look after your little brother while I'm gone.

Laura: I can't dad. I'm staying over at a friend's house.

Lincoln: Could you possibly bring him over then?

Laura: That will have to do. See you later, love you dad.

Lincoln: Love you too, sweetie (hangs up).

(After school)

Laura: I wish I didn't have to do this, but it is what it is (enters Royal Woods Elementary School).

Receptionist: How may I help you.

Laura: Hey, I'm here to pick up my brother, Jeremiah Loud.

Receptionist: Okay, just wait for him in the lobby and I'll send him to you.

Laura: (Heads to the lobby and sits on a chair).

Jeremiah: Sis, what are you doing here?

Laura: There was an emergency with our mom, so now I need to look after you.

Jeremiah: Alright, let's just get home then.

Laura: Actually, Little J. I am heading over to a friend's house, so you will be coming over with him.

Jeremiah: (grunts in annoyance) I don't like you sometimes.

Laura: That's no way to talk to me. Little J Now let's go over. It's not too far to walk. I am sure you can handle it.

Jeremiah: Fine, just don't bother me while we're there.

(After the walk over to Lorinda's house)

Laura: Well, this is it (walks up and knocks on the door).

Carol: (answers the door) Oh, you must be Laura Loud, and who is this?

Laura: Oh yeah, I'm sorry about this, but there was a problem and I had to bring my little brother over. This is Jeremiah.

Carol: Oh, I see. Come on in, you two; Lorinda is waiting.

(The two go inside the house)

Carol: I need to leave now. I'm going on a date, so have fun (leaves the house).

Lorinda: Hey Laura, welcome to my house.

Laura: Lorinda, thanks for letting me come over (hugs her)

Lorinda: Who is that with you.

Laura: This is my brother Jeremiah. My mom had a little emergency, so I had to bring him over. Sorry about that.

Jeremiah: I'm not happy to be over either, so just leave me alone (goes and sits on the couch mad).

Lorinda: What's up with him?

Laura: He has been in a rather foul mood recently. I don't know exactly why he won't talk to me.

Lorinda: I'm sorry to hear that.

Laura: So, Lorinda, what do you want to do? Do you maybe have any video games we can play?

Lorinda: I don't like video games.

Laura: What about movies to watch?

Lorinda: I do have some movies to watch, mostly superhero stuff.

Laura: I love superhero stuff as well. Let's watch one of those.

Lorinda: Yeah, sure, let's go to my room.

(Inside Lorinda's room while they are watching the film)

Laura: (crying at what she is seeing)

Lorinda: Are you crying?

Laura: What, you don't find this part sad?

Lorinda: I do. It's just that I have difficulty showing my emotions. I don't know why, it's just how I have always been.

Laura: We are all different. there is no need to worry about that.

(After the movie is finished)

Laura: That was good. Lorinda, thanks for showing me this.

Lorinda: Well, I need to go to the bathroom, so wait for me (leaves to head to the bathroom).

(While walking downstairs, Lorinda sees Jeremy on the couch, punching the couch in frustration)

Lorinda: (Heads up to check on him) Hey Jeremiah, are you okay?

Jeremiah: No I'm not. I'm upset. You wouldn't understand.

Lorinda: I understand, kid. I often find myself mad. You need to let it out. Tell me what is wrong.

Jeremiah: You won't understand. You have friends that you get along with perfectly.

Lorinda: You couldn't be further from the truth. I have almost no friends and I often struggle to make new ones. Your sister is one of the only ones I have, and we aren't exactly the closest.

Jeremiah: Me and my best friend got into a massive fight over not spending enough time together. I have been mad at how I handled it.

Lorinda: I'm sorry to hear that. I would suggest talking with him and apologizing. That is the best way to fix the situation.

Jeremiah: I have been scared to do so, but your words have encouraged me to give it a try. Thanks.

(Up in Lorinda's room)

Laura: What is taking her so long? (heads downstairs and sees Lorinda talking with Jeremiah). So what exactly is going on?

Jeremiah: Hey sis, I want to apologize for the way I have been acting towards you.

Laura: (caught off guard) Ok.

Lorinda: (walks towards Laura) I managed to get him to calm down.

Laura: How did you manage to do it?

Lorinda: I guess I just understood his struggle. I have issues with friends as well as bottling up my emotions.

Laura: I'm impressed. Lorinda, I feel like I understand you better already.

Lorinda: Thank you; however, I do need to use the restroom, so please excuse me.

(A few hours later)

Laura: Well, thanks for the fun time, Lorinda, but now we need to get going.

Lorinda: I enjoyed our time as well.

Laura: Before I go, I have one last question. Would you be interested in joining the school's LGBTQ club?

Lorinda: (blushes and runs off to the bathroom fast)

Jeremiah: Uh, what was that about?

Laura: I don't know, that was weird.

(At home at night on the phone)

Emma: So wait, you're saying that she ran off as soon as you mentioned the club?

Laura: Yeah, she did. I have no idea what to think of that reaction. What could be the reason?

(Inside the bathroom earlier)

Lorinda: (Having a panic attack while crouched on the floor) I can't go, but I want to. I can't let anyone find out, especially after what my mom went through.

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