July 2018 Contest | Top Summer Reads

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The following were the best entries from July 2018's contest: Top Summer Reads. Congratulations to all our winners!

The full list of entries can be found .


Alpha Zena


Two mates. One problem:

He's sexist and she's a female alpha. Fire vs ice, estrogen vs testosterone, feminism vs sexism...

Who will win?




"Let me see your face." 

Savage, fierce, unforgiving, the world of the Far North is nothing like the land of Dunes where Bessa was birthed.

From the first moment Bessa's feet touch the Far Northern land she has to fight tooth and claw for her rightful place within a pack that holds strict to the Old Ways. She will face competition for space within her mate's heart that he has already given to another.

Bessa will face a hunger that she never thought she would ever have to hunger for...Love. Bessa holds her own secrets that will test her Moon's gifts to the limit. Bessa from across the sea will captivate your minds and your hearts as she faces challenge after challenge to rise to the top.

There is a reason they will call her Luna.


Depths of Winter



"You are bred to be an Alpha King." Those words whispered to him while growing in her mother's womb. A baby born with one and only purpose. But when a female grabbed his attention, he couldn't look away from her alluring aura. His goals were conflicted. He seemed less focused on his intent and the female became the centre of his attention. A silent promise made to himself that she will be his. Soon.


An Omega in a male-dominated pack. A friend in need. A determined warrior. But being a female and above all, an Omega-not only her ambition would be out of the question but considered absurd. Against all odds, she never turned back and let her worry overcome her goal. She fought back. Will she survived and be strong or left broken and dead?


Her Werebear


He was a Gamma turned Beta. Found by his now Alpha and accepted in. Challenged by many yet never faced defeat. Silent and deadly. Not a wolf but a bear.


She was shy and timid. Low rank and unable to shift. One mistake and she was vulnerable. Or so it seemed to her.





Eleanor Petrakis moved across the continent after getting a job into a renowned publishing house, hoping for a perfect life. She rented a house across a mysterious forest especially known for its wild lavenders.

A forest full of mystery and myth.

Things change when she's pushed into an unknown world of supernatural creatures. 




In which a woman born without her mate finds her mate.


Silver Melting


A storm is both a blessing and a curse. Eden Mackentaugh would know because the sharp winds blew her and her mother before a tattered house in an entirely new town of Shadows Creek.

Her heart is heavy as she tries to cope with the unwanted changes, and when a shortage of money is part of the issue, she knows she must make do with the situation. The house has a story just as the lake, just as the mean girls, and exactly as the strikingly handsome, Jonah Hansen. When Eden sees Jonah for the first time in her soon to be new bedroom, she catches the glow in his eyes so vibrant like the tippy-top of a pyramid and she immediately becomes drawn to him as he with her.

Jonah has a dark secret. He howls at the cream-colored moon and protects the very objects that can kill his kind which was created by the werewolf gods. As Eden is soon thrust into his world, her whole life takes a wicked turn that makes a tornado appear like childs' play.

A darkness will crowd her life, love will be tested, and secrets will take stand like a united army.


Tatum's Tears


Tatum Karas, the soon-to-be-Alpha, is Mateless.

What devastated Tatum the most was the fact that she would never experience the much sought-after, unconditional love between true Mates. To make matters worse, she'd never gotten to meet the person the Goddess had made just for her, even once.

Now, years later, Tatum is not a child anymore. Her responsibilities are catching up to her and the fast-approaching date of her coronation ceremony is not helping things, either. She has to move on and find herself a Mate to rule beside her, and she has to find one fast.

Angier Wellington is the best-friend of everyone's dreams. He's sweet, kind, protective and looks like Adonis' much hotter brother, but that's not all. The icing on the cake? He's the bad boy who's good only to Tatum Karas, and he's also her future Beta.

He's the only person in the world Tatum can trust, and the only person she has ever let into her little bubble. They say that matters of the heart are fickle, and true to the saying, Tatum has fallen completely and irrevocably in love with him.

The problem with that? He is already Mated.




Five races. Five Gods. Five Kingdoms. Four Elementals. One evil Oracle.

The Lupus race are the wolf shifters and just like any other kingdoms, they have a king, a queen, and an heir. Everything was working out well until the Vulgari Council, the governing body of all five races, passed a law to forbid cross-race marriages. But with the Moon Goddess choosing mates at random, how will their race cope with the law if it means certain death?




The Moon Distant


The beasts lurk in the shadows.

After years of biding her time, Maisie Castell escaped the Moon Distant, only to find the world crumbling into an inevitable darkness. The Moon Distant are gathering strength. The balance of power is shifting, and the tension is rising.

Maisie must defeat demons of her own before she can help those close to her. Now on the run, she finds things have changed. The Moon Distant wants her, and many others to join their ranks. To fight or flee are her only options, and at some point she will have nowhere else to go.

War is brewing. Change is coming. And surviving is the only option.



The People's Alpha


Alpha Jim Denborough is sick and tired.

He is sick and tired of the dysfunctional society he lives in. He is sick and tired his inept Alpha peers. He is sick and tired of the senseless brutality and violence.

The thing is, he has become so inured to reality he no longer has it in him to do anything other than to put on a brave face and stare at the madness which surrounds him with an indifferent gaze.

When the series of strange incidents happening around him escalate into something far more serious, and he slowly begins to realise that something sinister is afoot, can he finally break free of his own inaction? 


The Wolf of the Wilds


Helena, a rogue wolf with a past written in blood. After years of exile living in a remote community, she is treated as a monster by the local wolves. A wall surrounds her home, and children are warned to stay out.

When the Montis pack arrives, they bring with them the last thing she ever expected to find; her mate. Now with her lonely existence tipped on its head, she will find the joy and kindness in life once again.

But things are never that easy and with Helena standing out of the shadows, she brings many of her troubles with her. Enemies, old and new, are at every turn, threatening the world Helena has fought to protect. Now, with much at stake, she is willing to become the monster she hates.


The Wolves of Echo Mountains


"Where do your loyalties lie?"

An honest answer to what seemed like a simple question changed her life.

Ariana Romulus had every reason to be thrilled with the new life she built for herself as Carina Haywood in the sun drenched sands of sultry Miami.

Echo Mountain was a distant memory of winter slurries that never could touch the warm shores and salty air of her new home. The steady caress of unceasing waves had worn down all her association to the Ferris Pack. The sandy beaches and bright sun of Miami had claimed her as one of their own. The steady lullaby of the seas had replaced the haunting echoes of the snow draped mountains.

Carina rarely even thought about her past. Until the past came looking for her. 


Tug of War


The heart and the mind were often on opposite sides, trying to pull the other over the line. The tussle was always ongoing and for Inaaya Bansal, it was about to get all the more strenuous.

Inaaya was travelling through Canada with a well-planned itinerary in her hands. Though at no date or time was it penned down for her to witness a handsome, paranormal stranger morph into a large grey-white wolf. Axel Ellis claimed to be her soulmate and proposed for her to stay with him. To see where destiny leads them.

In the blink of an eye, Inaaya went from being a lonely twenty-three-year-old to deciding whether to move across the ocean for a stranger, a werewolf no less. How life had taken such a turn, she didn't know. And the only options in sight: either to give in to her ever rational mind or perhaps, lend some support to her habitually mercurial heart this time.

All that remains to be seen is where the rope will weigh heavier. For the winner of this round might just take the lead in the ones awaiting Inaaya in the future.


Way of the Wolf


Cathwulf is the daughter of Alpha pair Everett and Kerra. With her mother expecting another child, a son who will pass her as heir to the pack, she has her heart set on becoming the Beta. And she plans to do this without a male by her side.

But the death of an Alpha pair from a neighboring pack changes the course of her future. Her father has been called to help the new Alpha and her path has been decided without her consent.

Arriving to settle a pack that's on its knees after such a tragic loss, the new Alpha Roarke is not yet fully aware of his responsibilities. Yet there is more to Cathwulf's being brought along than she's aware of and her father is intent on her liking this new Alpha. Truths are kept from her, and secrets are revealed.

It turns out fate is something that is out of her control and her plans to be Beta female of her birth pack is challenged.

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