Katana | ramenlady

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by RamenLady


A war is approaching and the Alpha King has ordered that all Alphas hand over sixty eligible males in their pack to serve. On the day she returned home from being away for so long she received the announcement from her Alpha that her father was chosen.

Her father was getting old and although he was an excellent warrior and served many battles, she simply couldn't let him go. Headstrong and independent, Katana does the unthinkable.

She joins the army secretly as her father's son...

Little did Katana knew her life will change forever. A mate she didn't expect to see and a secret she swore to hide.


She was crying and although he wanted to go and reassure her, he knew that she wouldn't like him to see her like this. She cried for a very long time as he stood at a distance, quietly watching over her. His heart felt like it was being ripped out of his chest from seeing her like this.

After a while, her sobbing calmed down and she wiped her tears. She stared into the darkness for a very long time before she spoke.

"I know you are here." She whispered. "I can feel you."

He cleared his throat and walked to sit next to her. She refused to look at him, but kept her gaze in front of her."

How long did you know I was here?"

"Since the moment you arrived." She admitted and sighed. He can still hear the hoarseness in her voice as she spoke. "I just can't believe it is happening."

"Are you scared?" He asked as his heart felt a twinge of pain.

"Isn't everyone scared?" She questioned him and her eyes flickered to his. He can see how red and puffy they are from crying.

He nodded. "Everyone has something to be scared of."

"But everyone has something to fight for." She replied.

He nodded again. "You're right. We all do."

She chuckled sadly. "Do you think I will make it out there?"

He answered her without missing a beat. "When I first met you, I didn't think you will survive the first month."

She laughed and he smirked upon hearing her soft laughter. "But you changed my mind."

Read the rest of Katana here!

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