Lexis | victoriapinkglitter

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by victoriapinkglitter


In the year 2145, the world changed and a system designed by the supernatural took over.Since werewolf females were fearing of Alphas, the tradition of mates was tarnished, and 20 human females were called to be assigned to their faithful Alpha companion.

Jordyn Tame, a girl with other dreams and ambitions, did not intend a future where she was not only chosen to be one of the 20, but she was assigned to the most intimidating Alpha of them all.

Alpha Lexis; the man with a past so detrimental, it caused a revolution. 


I watched as some human girls began to cry as he walked past them, not paying them no attention. My heart starts beating faster than ever and chills overcome my body. No one was talking. No one could talk. No one knew what to say.

I could hear Talia shift beside me in anticipation. I kept staring at his slow steps. His eyes would not lose hold of mine. He kept glaring at me from afar.

The closer he got, the more my heart started to thump. I began to hear a sharp screeching noise replacing the quietness of the town hall. In my head, I kept hoping that he would make a turn for the opposite direction of where I was but the closer he got the more I could see the aggressive coloration of his blue eyes pondering yet never leaving mine.

"Jordyn, he's coming over here..." Talia whispers in disbelief.


This can't be.

2.7% chance.


I began to get so desperate that I was hoping it was Talia who he was approaching, but when he stood there directly in front of me...I knew that there was no getting out of this. His icy eyes just poured into me making me feel feelings I didn't think possible. It was as if he was impairing my thinking.

"Her," His raspy angelic voice says making the crowd go wild. Cameras began flashing and the noise erupted once again. The audience was so fixated on us, it was scary.

I grew cold. He was known for rarely speaking out in public. Only those lucky enough could hear his chilling voice. It can't...this can't be a reality.

His blue eyes never leaving mine, his raspy voice pleasuring my ears. "I want you."

Read the rest of Lexis here!

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