The Moon Distant | calmwolf

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by calmwolf


Maisie Castell must navigate through a world of war and chaos. She is a young shifter who has experienced many trials of life. Isolated from society, she knows almost nothing about the world around her, but she is about to learn.

The Moon Distant are a group of ruthless, werewolves driven by a powerful darkness--hatred and revenge.

Maisie is in danger because of what she holds. All she wants is a normal life, but instead, she is helping to find hope in a time of despair. The darkness looms and threatens to take hold of the Were species. The Moon Distant want her back, and they won't stop until they get her.

Memories have been repressed and war is brewing. They won't be kept at bay for long.She must run or fight.Can she find a way to reverse the effects of the darkness?

A dangerous path is being tread upon, one from which there is no return...


My mind whirls. I need to get out of here. Adrenaline flows through me. I grab the arrow that's embedded the wall behind me and send it flying back to where it came from. It nicks his neck, and he roars with rage. The small cut should have had him in agony, it should have slowed him down. The silver should have infected his bloodstream and had him in at least a bit of pain.

"Oh, great Lua Lupa," I mutter, as realization dawns. He is too far gone—he isn't even a shifter anymore. I step back in horror. What is this dark creature before me?

His voice fills with venom, "We are the true nature of a werewolf, we are the cursed. The cursed will reign, we will rise above those who mocked us. They will meet the fate they sentenced us to." His face gains a twisted grin. He laughs demonically, almost with a gleeful look. "Death."

I sprint forwards on all fours, my tail lashing. I leap up at him ready to bite, but he ducks. I skid on the floor and my claws scrape on the ground as I regain my stance. Running to the left I follow the faint scent of the outdoors.

Footsteps follow me, along with monstrous, feral sounding growls. The footsteps pick up a faster pace, and I start to sprint. Unused to this new found form, my paws make a small thud as they land.

Our energy—Ferox and I—are tiring quickly. I can feel the fire in our veins flickering; burning out.

Read the rest of The Moon Distant here!

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