The Wolves | numbheart

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by NumbHeart


They call themselves the wolves. They're dangerous people but they're the best at what they do- and that's surviving. They stay to themselves and don't entertain outsiders. In their eyes, you're nothing.

Freya and her younger brother, Greg find themselves in grave trouble when they move to the north with their family and there's a sudden outbreak- namely, the Smoke.

The smoke is spreading and there's no news for government intervention.

When all seems lost, the pair come across the wolves but they're not there to help. Everything changes when group leader, Tristan Wolfe gets involved.

Are the Wolves to be trusted? And can Freya save herself and her brother from things that go bump in the night?


Freya ran inside the house and slammed the door, turning the lock. She looked behind at her younger brother, Greg who was looking outside through the windows. Her heart was hammering, pulsating with adrenaline as she quickly got to Greg.

"Get down," she hissed in panic, pulling him to the ground. "They'll see you."

"It's too late, the smoke is here. And they will be, too," he said monotonously, his body tense with fear.

"Hey, hey," she said, resting her hands on her younger brother's cheeks. Her brown eyes searched his, "I need you to stay with me, okay? We will get through this."

"No we won't," he mumbled."I am going to get us out of here but you have to stay with me. We need to get to Mr. Jones' house, we'll be safe there."

There was a loud bang on the door and Freya almost jumped. "Go down to the basement, now," she said in a dangerously low voice. "You know where the tunnel is, right?"

Greg nodded before running out of the room. Freya moved her eyes to the window and got to her knees, quietly. Several men were outside the house, their faces empty of any features. Cloths were wrapped around their heads, stained with blood and filth. One of them turned its head, staring directly at Freya.

Suddenly they all turned their heads, looking straight at her.

Freya got to her feet and ran to the kitchen, grabbing a knife before racing down the corridor. It was when she got to the basement door that she heard the door being kicked down. Freya locked the basement door and ran downstairs, her heart practically palpitating.

"Greg? Greg?" she called, searching for him.

"In here," he whispered from the tunnel behind the large bookcase.

Freya ran to him and helped him pull the bookcase in front of the entrance. "They're in the house," she said as she pulled him and began to run.

The siblings ran through the cold tunnel, having been through it before.Freya was thankful that she remembered where it was.The tunnel was solemnly silent, sparing the sounds of their shoes against the damp ground.

Suddenly, Freya pulled Greg back by his arm and put her palm over his mouth. She pressed her back against the wall as she tried to breathe calmly. It took Greg a moment but he finally saw what Freya was looking at.

One of the men were in the tunnel.

Read the rest of The Wolves here!

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