The Fort

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Slowly Hatters eyes open and saw a stone roof and see metal bars. He looks at his hands and see there handcuffed.

???: "wonderful your awake" said a older mans voice.

Hatter: "oh wonderful another voice in my head."

Before he could continue a older man steps out. He had a white uniform on with golden buttons and a Solid white Army cap.

???: "Allow me to introduce Myself I'm General Pines commander of this fort."

Hatter: "General pines? If I remember correctly didn't you die in the war?"

Pines: "that's what most people think. But I'm alive, now since I've introduced myself you will do the same."

Hatter: "ah well I am Hatter my good sir or General."

Pines: "Hatter? You mean like a Hat maker?"

Hatter: "Yes sir indeed"

Pines: "I see.."

Hatter: "now where's little Julia at?"

Pines: "Julia? Oh you mean the little girl."

Hatter: "yes where is she?"

Pines: "are you the father?"

Hatter: "nope, now where is she?"

Pines: "why were you with her?"

Hatters mind: "what's with all the question?!!!"

Hatter: "what's it to you?"

Pines: "I just wanna make sure who you are and if your a risk to my men and that child."

Hatter: "oh Really?,General that child was held at a bandit camp and was going to be dinner. I rescued her and so far I've come Across a crazed preacher who tried to kill us."

Pines: "I see that's quite a tale."

Hatter: "it is,now where is Julia?"

(Julia pov)
When Mr. Hatter was hit over the head. I cried and some of the men started trying to clam me down.
It didn't work until a big man pick me up. He had green eyes and a bald head. He wipes my tears and smiles at me. I stop sniffing and hug him.


I woke up and saw a gray ceiling. I look around and I'm on a bed? It was so soft. I look to my left and see the big man that pick me up sitting in a chair next to me. I yelp and pull the covers over myself trying to hide.
(End of pov)

The big man Julia is referring to is named Block. Block is a white army soldier. Who was a big man he was 6 feet tall and carried a machine gun. He never talk though for some odd reason.

(In the room)
Block see Julia hiding under the covers of the bed,he frowns.

Block: remember the teddy bear and quickly pulls it out of his sack and sets it on a wooden night stand by Julia's bed.

Julia heard the big man do something and peeks from her covers and see her teddy bear. She lifts the covers off of her and grabs it and hugs it. She then looks at the big man.

Block: smiles and waves.

Julia: "h-hi" Waves

Block: waves

Julia: "I'm J-Julia what's your n-name?"

Block: looks through his sack and pulls out a wooden toy block with the letter B on it,and hands it to Julia.

Julia: takes it and looks at it "your name is B?"

Block: facepalms and points to the wooden block.

Julia: "Block?"

Block: smiles and nods.

Julia: "nice to meet you Bl-Block." Smiles

Block: nods.

Julia wonders and quickly asks "have you seen my friend Mr. Hatter?"

Block: looks puzzled

Julia: "hmm he Had a big Hat on his Head"

Block: nods and thinks for a minute and points to the metal door in the room.

Julia: "he's out there?"

Block: nods.

Julia: gets out of bed and carried her teddy bear and walks over to the metal door.

Block: stands up and walks over

Julia: try's to open the door and looks at block "can you open it?"

Block: nods and opens the metal door.

(Back to Hatter)

Pines: "Coughs g-guard!"

Hatter: had General pines in a headlock "go to sleep!"

Pines: "you coughs crazy! S-

Hatter: "I'm not crazy I'm mad! Where  is she!"

Soon a door opens and Julia runs out hugging Hatter

Julia: "Hatter!" Hugs him

Hatter: "Julia!" Let's go of the General.

Pines: "coughs coughs"

Block was behind Julia

Julia: "oh Mr Hatter this is Block" points to block

Hatter: "nice to meet you Block" holds out a hand

Block: shakes hatters hand and smiles

Pines: "Block you idiot stop him!"

Hatter: "your one of them? You'll never take me alive!" Head butts Block.

Block: unfazed and head butts Hatter

Hatter: stumbles "ow." Falls down

Julia: "Hatter!" Runs over

Hatter: "I'm good" stumbled back up "just a bit dazed..." groans "my head"

Pines: "block I want you to-

The sound gunfire echos through the fort.

Pines: "the hell?"

Outside the fort.

"The reds are here!" A solider shouted

"There firing from the tree Lin-

Red army troops fire at the white army soldier from the tree line while setting up there heavy machine guns.

(Red army's pov)

Captain: "get those machine guns set up!"

RAS: "yes sir!"

Back at the fort.

General runs out of the dungeon as Block and Hatter and Julia follow. "What is going on?"

WAS: "were under attack sir! It's the reds!"

Pines: "block go re group with the men you provide covering fire!"

Block: nods and runs up to the upper level of the fort.

Hatter: "wonderful the red army's here what joy. Well General show me the exit and me and Julia will be on are Mary way."

Pines: "You think you can escape the reds?"

Hatter: "I do."

Pines: looks at Julia then back at Hatter "follow me"

General pines leads Hatter and Julia back into the dungeon and opens a rusty metal door ,leading to a tunnel.

Pines: "go through here, you'll come out behind the fort. After that head east you'll be safe there."

Hatter: nods "thank you,let's get going Julia"

Julia: nods and walks down the tunnel.

Before Hatter followed the General stop him.

Pines: pulls out a pistol"here you'll need it."

Hatter: takes it and puts it in his Jacket pocket "thank you General"

Pines: "good luck."

And with that Hatter goes down the tunnel with Julia.

General pines close the rusty door and walks out of the dungeon. To the upper level of the fort...........

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