Chapter 8- Dance

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Genevieve was dancing with Sebastian.

Savannah and Wyatt were also dancing together.

The attention of the entire room was on these two couples, including the couples who were dancing around them. 

Sebastian never was social and in fact was very hostile always but he was dancing  that night with Genevieve. No one would have thought Sebastian would dance with anyone that night. But of course he had made an exception. No one knew what this dance meant. It was hard to tell.

However, the chemistry and the connection between Savannah and Wyatt seemed more obvious to the room. 

Savannah's attention was on her brother as she was dancing with Wyatt. Her mind was thinking over scenarios about why Sebastian was declaring ceasefire that night with Genevieve. Sometimes he did this. He compromised in his clashes with the ruler's daughter who was the most powerful eligible single female in the country who wanted nothing more than to date the Sebastian Rogers.

Wyatt asked Savannah as they were dancing "Didnt you hear a word that I said?"

Savannah looked at Wyatt "Were you talking to me just now?"

Wyatt said "Who else would I be talking to?"

Savannah said "Oh Sorry... What were you saying?"

Wyatt said "I said we should do this again some time..."

Savannah said "Wyatt...  I am not your girlfriend..."

Wyatt said "Are you sure about that? I dont have to ask you out for you to be my girlfriend... I dont see anyone challenging me here... Do you? I am dancing with you and no one has come forward to claim that you belong to them..."

Savannah said "Of course no one will... No one can...."

Wyatt said "I cant give you up... Dont ask me to do that... It wont happen...."

Savannah said "I am not asking you to give me up... I dont want to date yet... Seeing you regularly on a date is too much for me..."

Wyatt said "I know... And I have been accommodating... Tonight I have made our meet up a group one... You can come with me in group hang outs if I am intimidating you when we are one to one... I can wait and will go slow but this is as slow as I can get... But you are my girlfriend Savannah whether you like it or not... Our connection is stronger this academic year... From the first day of school I felt a slightly stronger pull... Dont tell me you didnt feel it...."

Savannah looked away. "I did feel a  stronger pull...."

Wyatt said "So... I take it you have no objection to me introducing you as my girlfriend? If there is no challenge from other lycan males, I have staked my claim... You belong to me... The sooner you embrace belonging to me only the sooner we can establish a strong bond..."

Savannah looked at Wyatt "Stop Wyatt..."

Wyatt asked "Stop what? Being a lycan male? You must act like a lycan female and not try to avoid us spending more time together to have a stronger connection..."

Savannah said "We both know our connection is complex... We are two very powerful bloodlines... Its not easy to feel an established  connection between us if we are not meant to be until we turn eighteen..."

Wyatt said "It is complex... But I see nothing complex about how I feel about you and what my lycan instincts tell me to do..."

Savannah asked "What do they tell you?"

Wyatt shrugged "Marry you when we both turn eighteen...."

Savannah sighed.

Wyatt said "You cant avoid the inevitable and your destiny belongs being part of my life..." He leaned close and whispered "I can't wait for the day for making you mine...."

Savannah stared at Wyatt " We are not there yet.. I have a hard time accepting to be your girlfriend. It's too soon..."

Wyatt said "Your Lycan side has accepted it. Otherwise you would be reacting more defensive than this. Your instinct knows I am the one for you... You should trust your instincts..."

Savannah said "What if my instincts tell me to push you away?"

Wyatt said "Do your instincts tell you to me away?"

Savannah said "No." She wished. Her instincts were calm around him. There was peace. 

Wyatt said "Either way you are mine... I can't hold back for any longer. You have always been mine either way. You are my girlfriend. If anyone wants to step forward and challenge that, they can feel free..."

Savannah knew no one would have. No one would have objected to their union. Not even their parents. Her parents would have welcomed this step in their relationship. And Wyatt's family were of course would have been beyond thrilled. She was destined to be with Wyatt unless she found a more reasonable candidate. 

Savannah's eyes found her brother dancing with Genevieve. Savannah was worried about falling in love with Wyatt. Wyatt always said that Savannah was afraid to date him because she was worried she would actually like him and fall in love with him. It was true. Wyatt was right.

Savannah was indeed afraid of falling in love with Wyatt.... How could she not be? Wyatt's power was limitless and he was going to be the next ruler. Wyatt could become a ruthless leader, a cold hearted tormentor and oppressor who showed no mercy... Just like his uncle? No... Worse. Much worse. Every top lycan could sense it. Every top lycan knew who they were dealing with when they met Wyatt but they didnt talk about it.

Savannah sometimes told herself it was going to be ok. But sometimes no. She had her doubts. What could life be like by Wyatt's side? She was not sure. 


The music stopped and Sebastian stopped dancing. He then let go of holding Genevieve's hand making her frown. She missed his touch immediately.

Genevieve said " Why did you stop? We can dance to another song..."

Sebastian didnt respond and walked away. The Watkins family outranked every family in the nation by miles in terms of power and dominance and in every way. No one else walked away from a Watkins. But Sebastian did....  

Genevieve sent Sebastian waves of displeasure and caught up to him. She walked alongside him "You know... You need to start letting go of your anti-social behaviour at some point... What do you achieve by ignoring my presence..."

Sebastian kept walking "What do I achieve? Let me think... Peace... From you..."

Genevieve said "You are in need of discipline and a course on manners..."

Sebastian said "Then discipline me... Your highness." He had reached the far corner of the dance floor and the self service bar as he preferred this secluded area. Most people used the manned bar of the club. Not him. He dispensed himself a cocktail from the self service bar. 

Genevieve said "Aren't you going to offer me a drink?"

Sebastian sighed. He dispensed her the same drink and placed it on the counter next to his own on "Here... Now leave me in peace..." He then picked up his drink and started drinking as his eyes were on his sister and Wyatt.

Genevieve picked up the drink he had dispensed her "You didnt even ask me what drink I wanted... The rules of etiquette demand it..."

Sebastian said "You never asked me if I wanted to keep your company... Genevieve... Leave me alone... Go play with another toy tonight... I am not interested in playing this game with you... I am not upto it..."

Genevieve said "You know... Anyone wishes to be my companion... To anyone its an honour if I choose them... You are hostile to me like you are to most people... I am not most people... There should be a solution to stop your hostile attitude..."

Sebastian said "There is a solution... Dont approach me. How about that?  I don't love you Genevieve... If you come on to me and I dont welcome your company, whose fault is that? Start looking for another bachelor to target and experiment with them how you wish... I wont be your experiment... You want to test who is your match and see if a connexion will appear.... It's not me...."

Genevieve said "You are more than that... Dont think I haven't noticed... You are blocking me and my emotions... And you are working hard to block your own emotions.... Like you have always done in school... But now that we are spending more time, its harder... Your defensive walls are going to surrender soon... The sooner you stop resisting me, the sooner we can be on the road to a healthy civil relationship..."

Sebastian said "I dont want any relationship with you... I am not your toy..."

Genevieve said "I never said you are... I am looking for much more than playing games..."

Sebastian said "Its hard to believe..." He then finished his drink and placed it in the empty glass cart. 

Genevieve said "I want a serious relationship..."

Sebastian said "I don't...Not with you" 

The finality in Sebastian's tone did not sit well with Genevieve. 

Genevieve asked "What are you doing tomorrow? Its Sunday..."

Sebastian said "I am doing my practical exams at school..."

Genevieve said "Then we can talk about this and continue this conversation tomorrow after school."

Sebastian said "Genevieve I have been very civil wit you tonight and I am not proud of it.... I dont even know why I put up with hearing your attitude and demands... "

Genevieve smiled "Its because we are making progress here... You are accepting my company... What else could explain it?"

Sebastian shook his head and walked away. Sebastian was sure Genevieve was wrong one hundred percent. There was no progress there even though he had danced with her. But he had been feeling calm that night. Much calmer than he could ever imagine to be surrounded by cocky, arrogant dominant lycans. But as time was passing at that club, instead of getting more annoyed he felt calmer. 

Sebastian's eyes met Lisa's as he was walking towards her. His calmness intensified. This unexplained calmness suddenly made sense. Lisa made him feel peace. But what kind of peace was this? He could not feel any  urges for romance. But he felt calm. He should have been insulting Genevieve some more. He would not have allowed a conversation with her to take that long in any other situation. What was different in this situation? Lisa existed in his life. She didnt before.

Sebastian sat opposite Lisa at the Rogers table.

Lisa looked around and then asked nervously "Hi... Erm... Why are you staring at me? Have I done something wrong..." When a high ranked stared at a lower ranked it meant trouble. Had Lisa offended him? Was she doomed.

Sebastian shook his head "Nothing... Nothing wrong... Cant you feel it?"

Lisa asked "Feel what?"

Sebastian said "You have made me tolerate tonight... Its your presence..."

Lisa asked "My presence?"

Sebastian said "In the last few hours I have been wondering why I even endure sitting here... I normally walk out before starting a fight .... You have made me endure this social situation... It doesn't matter to me where I am sitting right now... What have you done to me Lisa?"

Lisa looked away from the weight of his intense stare. She gulped at the intensity of his emotions. She said "Erm... I dont know... I haven't done anything... Maybe you are just calmer because you went on a trip away from this place to find peace... Maybe you found it? I guess..."

Sebastian said "I have been trying to run away from my life because it made no sense... That is true... I was looking for an adventure... Then I found you... I am back here but as the time passes I feel like I dont mind staying in this city..."

Lisa turned to Sebastian slowly "Maybe... It's part of growing up? Teenage years pass and maturity comes? You have finally decided to take responsibility and stay where you belong? At home?"

Sebastian said "No... Its not that.. I don't want to stay here because I belong here...Your presence make a difference...Your presence makes life more bearable... Much more bearable... I danced with Genevieve.... AndI had my longest ever conversation with Genevieve just now.... It was a record time... Its all you Lisa... You make me tolerate what I normally have low tolerance for.... Don't you feel any change about you?"

Lisa said honestly "I dont feel anything different that is worth noting... But... I do trust you more.... Staying in the capital sounds like a good idea to me... My lycan instincts approve of this place and trust you..." She then looked away "I don't think its me that has changed you anything for you... You belong to this elite lycan world..."

Sebastian could see  Lisa was denying  and rejecting his theory about his sudden calmness that she called maturity. She could not understand his feelings perhaps. Sebastian even had a hard time understanding what he felt. But either way he was determined about exploring his connection with Lisa and figure it out. He knew she belonged in his life. In his destiny. 


After the elite lycans finished off in the youth club, they made their way to a racing track nearby for students to race with their sports cars that only lycans could endure to drive without getting hurt.

Savannah was standing with Lisa in the VIP stands over looking a track as Wyatt and Sebastian had joined the race.

Lisa asked "Savannah... I didnt think Sebastian joins in.... He keeps away from social activities..."

Savannah said "I guess he doesnt mind solo activities and anything that doesnt involve team work."

Lisa nodded. As the race started she asked slowly "Savannah... There is something I am very curious about?"

Savannah said "Go ahead.."

Lisa said "Its a personal question... Its about Wyatt... Do you like him?"

Savannah asked "Why do you ask me?"

Lisa shrugged "Because you have been downplaying your relations with him. You said he is the one pushing you to spend time with him..."

Savannah turned to Lisa "And?"

Lisa sighed "Please dont take it the wrong way... But there was a connection between you as you were dancing... Even me who has no lycan powers could sense it..."

Savannah said "Lisa... I have never denied having a connection to Wyatt.... Its stronger than what you and Sebastian have... I have spent more time with Wyatt than you have with Sebastian... It takes time for lycans to figure out their connections..."

Lisa asked carefully "So... Do you like Wyatt? Do you want a future with him?  If you do why do you avoid him? I can see some chemistry between you two..."

Savannah said "I don't know... But we do have a connection..." She then looked away "Wyatt says I avoid him because I am afraid I might like him if I spend more time with him... And he is right..."

Lisa gasped "He is right?"

Savannah nodded as she looked at Lisa "Come on Lisa... You know the type of Lycan Wyatt is at this very young age... He hasn't even started exploring his power... His dominance is developing. I have my fears and doubts... But of course I know I cant avoid my destiny if Wyatt is in it... But I can delay it...I think...."

Lisa said in a sad and sympathetic tone  "I am sorry Savannah...."

Savannah smiled "Thank you for listening Lisa ... You are actually very nice and have compassion."

Lisa gave her a reassuring smile. "I am always here if you want to talk..."

Savannah said "I am glad my brother met you on his travels... If it was not for you, I would not have been able to locate him and convince him to return home...  I have my brother around once again ... Thank you Lisa..."

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