Sign-up Sheet, Rules, and Awards

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Okayyyy, Imma make you all do work for me!!!

I want a good, wintery, heartwarming wolf story to read. Something along the lines on my own story, Dreams of Snowflakes.

So I'm holding a contest to see who can write the best wintery wolf story!!!!

If you want you could read Dreams of Snowflakes for inspiration but idk

If you want to join just comment saying so and tag some people you think might be interested in joining too!!! That's all you have to do!!!!

You must publish your story in a separate book and must message me in any way to notify that you have published it since Wattpad probably won't tell me oof

It can be as long or as short as you want, but it must be a oneshot, meaning it can only be one chapter long!!!!!

The contest deadline is on the 25th July so you have exactly a month to write!!!!

Extra points for creative covers!!!!

Ok, now onto the awards:

1st place: a follow from all 3 of my accounts, a comment on 3 of your stories of your choice, and votes on all those stories.

2nd place: a follow from 2 of my accounts, a comment on 2 of your stories of your choice, and votes on those stories

3rd place: a follow from 1 of my accounts, a comment on 1 of your stories of your choice, and votes on that story

And for anyone who participates: a comment and some votes on a story of your choice!!!

Now what I'll be scoring you on:


How warm and snuggly it makes me feel.

How creative and original it is.

The cover (you don't have to have a nice cover but if you do you'll get extra points).

Ok I think that's all!!! Also one more thing: it can be fanfiction or whatever other genre you want!!!!

If you have any questions leave them here.

And if you want to join, comment and tag people here.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro