Chapter 10

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It was strange what could happen within the span of two weeks. Mere days ago, Rae had sat sandwiched between her grim looking parents in front of a polished desk. But the circumstances that lead them to this point were very different. That had just been a matter of texting in class, but this— this was much worse.

The lawyer, a bald old man in a business suit, cleared his throat and went through some papers, ignoring them completely, until it was too awkward to continue doing so.

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Casey, Mrs. Casey, Miss. Casey.", he went through all the names as if it were perfectly normal, "And I be hearing you be having a son?"

"He be at friends house", Anne Casey looked extremely uncomfortable in front of this uptight speaker, "I not be wanting him to..."

"Understandable. We be getting straight to the business, then. As you be knowing, Lin Tsai, your neighbour, sadly passed away three days ago, early in the hours of the morning.", he said this kindly, but almost casually, like he was used to talking about death. Because of his job, he most probably was.

The three of them nodded solemnly, but didn't exactly know what to say. Mrs. Casey squeezed Rae's shoulders,  almost expecting her to burst into tears, but Rae didn't know what to feel. She was probably the person closest to Lin in her last hours, but it wasn't like she knew her. She had only learned her last name just now.

Rae just wished she had taken more time to get to talk to Lin. She knew deep in her heart that she would never again meet a person quite like her. And the library. She had no idea what would become of it, but she didn't she could stand it being handed over to the government. Mostly, she was just shocked. Experiencing death for the first time is never easy, no matter how a long life one might have lived.

Rae found herself looking up at the ceiling fan, it was a lot easier than looking at everyone's faces. It seemed her mother realized this, for she spoke up before Rae would have to. Her mother always knew what to say.  "This must be such a challenging time for her family. We be sending them our best wishes."

"That actually be why you be here.", the lawyer propped his chin on his hand, "Based on the records we be owning, Mrs. Tsai had no living family."

"I not be aware. What that be having to do with—?"

"With you? Well, a few minutes before Mrs. Tsai's passing, she be writing her will. She being asking for her lawyer—me— in the hospital, and asked if she could write it."

For some ridiculous reason, Rae felt the urge to smile. It just felt like something she would do, just forget to write her will until 5 minutes from her death. Then, the thought of Lin dead wiped any thought of being happy. She was just a mess.

"Does that mean it be valid?", their father asked, finally curious enough to speak.

"It be verbal... but since I be present, yes. The problem is the contents of the will. The money be donated to charity, but her property, the house and everything in it... Mrs. Tsai be wanting to give it to your daughter."

Rae felt a swooping feeling in her stomach, "WHAT?", she beat her mother to it. Her parents were shocked, but they had no idea what this meant. She didn't have a choice any more, she was now the protector of this library. She didn't know if this was a good thing or bad, but it sure was a responsibility.

Yup, something else to add to the crazy mixture that is Rae Casey's life. But despite the potential dangers, she couldn't help being relieved that the books weren't going to be taken away.

"Rae?", Mrs. Casey had turned a pale colour.

"Yes, Rae.", the lawyer looked down at the papers, "The problem is that she not be of age yet, which be meaning that while she can be visiting the house, it not really be hers until 2 years from now."

"So whose property it be?"

"The governments', until Rae turn 18.", he put the papers into a yellow file and held them out for Rae, "If you accept, that be. Just be filling out this paperwork and get be getting it back to me as soon as possible."

"Of course.", Mrs. Casey snatched it out of his hands instead, "Thank you for meet us Mr. Collins."

"I be thanking you for coming.", he stood up to shake both their hands, "May Lin Tsai forever rest in our hearts."

"Always.", Anne Casey shook his hand and started getting up to leave. She gestured for Rae to do the same, but she wouldn't leave. There was still a gnawing question inside of her, and she knew that now, she'd have to ask it.

"How she be dying?", the question came out quiet, but all the adults froze immediately at the sound of it. Rae realized it sounded harsh, and tried covering it up, "I mean, I not be at the hospital when it..."

Mr. Collin's still seemed tense, "Mostly be of old age. A heart attack, it usually be. She lived a long life."

Rae was baffled. With the technology of her world, a heart attack was not an issue, at least not a fatal one. "But why her heart not be pumped back?"

"There not be enough time Rae, the equipment.... it was her time—"

"But they be carrying resurrectors in the ambulance, or they be not?"

"Okay, that be enough, Rae.", Mrs. Casey pulled Rae by the arm, "Thank you Mr. Collins."

With Rae still being pulled by the arm, although considerably lighter, the three left the office in silence. The white walls and clean floor seemed so ordinary. But everything had changed.

And Rae knew something was wrong.
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