Chapter 23

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"So, like I be saying, in this meeting, we'll—" Martin said, losing interest again. Martin had called Rae over to talk about 'business strategy' for the book sellings, and having nothing to do with Asha gone, Rae had agreed. It was lunch, and the cafeteria was bustling with people. Martin and Rae had the table to themselves, but neither of them could focus. Rae kept glancing at the seat next to hers, the seat that should've belonged to Asha, and Martin kept looking around for Sophie, who still hadn't showed up.

"Where you think she be... maybe she still in class."

"I be doubting it.", said Rae, staring dejectedly at her uneaten pill.

"Should I be going to look for her?"

"I don't think so."

"Yeah, thanks, I think I will—"

Martin was interrupted by a high pitched squeal. Followed by another one. Rae looked up to see a crowd gathering at the doorway of the cafeteria. A girl screamed, "I be knowing it!"

As the group of kids parted ways, Sophie and Riley came into view, holding hands. From their flushed faces, Rae could tell it was more than just a friendly gesture. Martin's jaw dropped, but he tried calling Sophie over. For the first time, she ignored him and took a seat at Riley's usual table, the one next to theirs.

"Can you be believing it?", Martin said to Rae, trying not to sound hurt.

"I don't know." Rae honestly didn't even care. After Asha had been forced to a labour camp, the school's petty problems seemed minuscule. "It kind of be making sense."

"But she didn't even be telling us before!"

"That be her choice, Martin."

"I know, but I thought we were her fr—" He flinched when he heard Sophie giggle at something Riley had said. "Anyways. Um... let's be getting back to the meeting. I just be thinking— we really should be lowering the prices."


"For the books. I think you be right. People just can't be affording it. I mean, how many times can they be lying to their parents saying they need an extra pill? It be too suspicious."


"I be thinking cutting the price down to $5. It should be enough to keep the business going without getting caught.

Rae sighed, swallowing her pill with a gulp. "I don't know..."

"What don't you be knowing? This be a great plan— the only thing we have to worry about now is staying undercover. Rae, you maybe want to be... start giving instructions on what to do when they take the books home."

"What that be supposed to mean?"

"I don't know, I just be hearing something about some stupid bloke— his name be Darren Martìnez, I think. You be knowing him?"

Rae's eyes snapped upwards. "Darren? What— is he alright?"

"Sort of..." Martin looked around awkwardly, his eyes landing again on Sophie's table. "I just be hearing some rumours. Apparently his mom be catching him with a book last week. He be making up some lie about stealing it from his uncle, his uncle be one of them rich folk. Probably the smartest thing he ever be doing."

"Oh no... this be my fault."

"Don't worry, he not be getting in too much trouble, not that it be mattering anyways. His mother be believing him. And at least the business still be saved."

"Martin!" Rae threw up her hands in disgust. "You and your business. Don't you care about anything else?"

"Look, sorry. It's just— what you be seeing in this guy? Asha told me you had—"

Rae's face fell at the mention of Asha's name. Taking the hint, Martin shut up as well. Their awkward silence was interrupted by a cheerful laughing. Sophie had walked over and took the seat next to Martin. His face turned red.

"Hi guys! What you be talking about?"

"Hi Sophie." Rae smiled weakly. Sophie saw through it.

She shot Rae a sympathetic glance and put a hand on her wrist. "Aww, this be about Asha, isn't it? I'm sorry Rae."

Rae nodded, but suddenly, she felt like the walls were closing in on her. She couldn't stay here— not with the roar of the cafeteria— not with Martin and Sophie ignoring each other. She felt hot and sickly. She needed out.

"Um, if you don't mind, Sophie, I be needing to get something from my locker."

Sophie nodded, still smiling. "Be taking as much time as you need."

Rae nodded again, ignoring Martin's harsh look of dispair. She almost ran out of the cafeteria, past the kids getting their pills, past the table where the quiet kids sat, out past the door. By now, tears had started pooling out of her eyes, and she didn't even try to stop them. She ran and collided straight into Darren.

"Woah, whoa, you be okay?" Darren stepped away awkwardly as Rae frantically wiped away her tears.

"Darren! What you be doing here?"

"I... be coming by your locker... I wanted to talk to you.... what happened, Rae?"

"N-nothing." Rae sniffed, walking over to her locker with Darren following her. "What you be wanting to talk to me about?"

"It's not important." Darren swept a hand through his hair. "I just be wanting to talk to you about the books... I be having an idea."

"About that! I be hearing that your mom be catching you—"

"Not really. I be very smooth."

"Sure." Rae smiled, feeling cheerful again.

"No, really. She be thinking I got it from uncle Dave."

"I know."

"So then, since we be safe..." he leaned against Rae's locker, "I be having this idea to spread the word about the book sellings and—"

"Look, Darren." Rae bit her bottom lip. "I be... I don't think I can keep doing this."

"But— I told you, my mom not be expecting a thing!"

"It not be that— it just be... Asha be gone now and... and I feel really bad. Like we be robbing these kids or something and—"

"Rae." Darren touched her shoulder lightly, hesitantly, and Rae looked up at his face. "I know you always be thinking about others, but it be okay to think for yourself too. Do you need this? Does your family be needing this?"

Rae shrugged. And then nodded.

"Then it be okay! It'll all be okay. Trust me."

Rae could see his eyes perfectly, even the swimming flakes of gold mixed in with the brown. She opened her mouth to speak, but just then, her phone rang.

"It be my mom..." Rae pulled her phone out of her pocket. "She be knowing I can't use this during school..."

She picked up the call, and Darren backed away politely, staring quizically at the screen.

"Mom, I be at school right now..."

"I know, I just—", Mrs. Casey's voice was broken off by sobs. "I don't know what be happening— Ethan— I be calling an emergency transport—"

"Mom, calm down. What be happening?"

"I be Ethan! He not be taking his pill for a week— two— I don't know... I don't know... He blacked out. We be taking him to the hospital."

Rae's phone fell to the ground.
A.N: Heyyy everyone, sorry I haven't updated in forever. Did anyone see Ethan coming? It was sort of foreshadowed, but... hopefully not too predictable?

Anyways, I hope you guys support my decision with Sophie, cause Martin was just a jerk.

What do you think?

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