Chapter 46

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A.N: I'm back from vacation and finally ready to write


There was exactly one day left before her trial at court, and what had Rae been doing? 

Absolutely nothing.

There was really nothing to be done. Sir Wagner had all the evidence. 

To say that Rae had lost all hope would be an understatement. After pouring her thoughts out into the diary, she had become simply a shell of a being. No feeling was left in her. Perhaps it was for the best, because it would be easier to accept what was to come. 

So it wasn't motivation that drove her downstairs today. It was her mom. 

"Rae?" she called tentatively, like everyone else did. "Ethan be having something to show you."

The family waited on edge. 5 seconds. 10 seconds. 

Everyone was surprised when Rae actually showed up on first call, grubby and red-eyed, a sign of sleep deprivation. 


Ethan pulled out a large green binder, with 'Notes for Rae' scribbled on top in his messy handwriting. 

"I be doing research for you... to help in your court case. I know it be tomorrow so maybe you could read it over--"

"Thanks bud, but we don't have a lawyer..."

"We don't need one, you can argue just as much as anyone, trust me I kn--"

"Ethan..." Mrs. Casey said, warning him to shut up. 

But Rae just laughed and ruffled his hair. To the surprise of everyone, he didn't duck away. 

"Thanks Ethan." she said. Then Rae looked up at her mother with watery eyes. "M-Mom..." She had been rehearsing this for a week but suddenly found her throat clogging up. "Mom... I'm s-sorry."

Her mother walked over and hugged her, squeezing the last bit of air out of her lungs. "Honey... darling... you don't have to be sorry. We should be sorry. We not be listening... not be realizing what you be going through. And we failed. We be failing as parents."

Rae wanted to protest but could only fight back a sob. 

"But we be making up for it now. We be studying law articles so you can fight tomorrow. And you be fighting tomorrow. My daughter be a fighter, okay? Not a follower. Not a listener. Not obedient. A fighter."

Rae held onto her mother back, not wanting to let go. Suddenly the door bell rang, putting an end to the moment. Rae looked at her father quizzically. 

He put his hands up. "Don't be asking me, your mother be wanting to call in 'support'."

"Please say it not be Riley, please say it not be Riley..."

"It be Riley." 

Rae groaned, earning a glare from her mother, but she really didn't mean it anymore. Getting along with Riley was not something that Rae ever planned on doing in her life, but then again, she didn't plan on committing a criminal offensive either. 

She ran to open the door. Standing there was not just Riley, but Sophie and Martin as well. If there was any discomfort there, they didn't show it. 

"Rae!" Riley gave her a hug and smiled as if she were showing up to a birthday party. "I heard Ethan be starting the notes?"

Rae nodded and lead the three of them inside. Over the next half an hour, she watched, dumbfounded, as they worked together, hogging Ethan's laptop, gathering notes. 

It was only when Ethan rolled his eyes and asked if she was going to do anything that she went to get her computer and took a seat next to them. 


"Hmm?" Rae lifted her head which had been resting on her hand. She had almost dozed off. The lights had gone out hours ago, and it must've been around midnight, but everyone was still up. 

"I be finding a case where a girl be arrested for selling some strange illegal plant, but then blamed it on the dog. Wait... I must've read that wrong..."

Martin interluded, "That be great Ethan but that article be from ages ago..."

"And we don't be having a dog." Rae shook her head sadly. 

The doorbell rang again and Rae ducked her head into the kitchen to question her mom. 

Mrs. Casey, however, looked just as confused as Rae did. 

Rae ran to answer the door, 

and skidded to a stop.

Standing on the other end of the doorway, which now felt like miles away, was a very familiar face. 

"A-Asha?" Rae stuttered. 

Asha smirked. "Miss me?"


"So let me be getting this straight..." Rae was sitting around the table feeling as if she would faint any minute. "You snuck out of your camp with a group of friends, travelled hundreds of miles on your own, committed about 50 illegal actions just to see me?"

"So?" Asha said, while sipping the water portions Mrs. Casey had given her. 

"So?!" Rae screeched. "And you didn't even tell me?!"

"I did be telling you! On the last phone call, remember?"


"Oh... maybe I be missing that. Well anyways, I be coming just in time for your trial tomorrow, great timing isn't it?"

Rae sighed into her hands and rubbed her eyes. She felt her mother's hands rub her back. 

"Speaking of that trial." Mrs. Casey said. "You all should be getting some sleep. Research won't be helping you if you sleeping at court." 


Rae couldn't sleep. 

Perhaps it was because she wasn't used to the floor (Asha had taken the bed). Or perhaps it was the sound of loud snoring (Asha was in the same room). Most likely, it was a combination of both and an existential crisis. 

Unable to take it anymore, Rae climbed onto the bed with Asha and snuggled under the blanket.  

"Move over," she whispered. 

Asha yawned. "No." 

Rae continued to prod Asha with her foot until she moved to her side. 

Rae stared up at the ceiling. Asha had gone straight back to trying to sleep, but Rae couldn't get something off her mind. 

"Asha, do you think we'll get our happy ending?"

Asha snorted. "What, you be meaning we be living to be 63 with 15 grandchildren?"

"No, I really just meant surviving tomorrow to be honest."

Asha paused for a second. Rae knew she wasn't just going to reassure her that she would be proven not guilty. That would be lying through her teeth, and Asha was brutally honest.

She said the rest slowly, as if she was thinking about what to say. "I think... if you be looking back at these times years later with no regrets... if,... no matter where you are or what your condition be... if you be glad you went through it all... then that be your happy ending."

Rae nodded and her eyelids suddenly felt heavier. "Thanks... Asha..."

Asha chuckled. "Goodnight Rae. I- thank you too. You should be knowing... if we can't be talking tomorrow... you be the best friend I could've-- I love your sorry ass, Rae."

But Rae didn't hear any of it. She was already fast asleep. 


A.N: Honestly this chapter is probably my favourite one I've ever written it made me feel very gushy inside. 

Which is honestly ironic since I was having an existential crisis while writing it lol

Anywaysss last chapter coming tomorrow no biggy. And then an epilogue. sO I guess this is kinda a spoiler? but in my first kinda draft thing, the story ends tragically to show the truly horrible world the future is. 

... but then I couldn't do that to my babies so I changed it. Btw Darren next chapter *wink wonk*

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