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The city museum was reaching its closure time, and only one family remained. Five-year old Rae Casey ran giddily from one empty exhibit to another. This was her favourite place to be. After all, it was one of the only places left in the city purely for entertainment and wonder. It was a place filled with unnecessary things— a heap of junk, and that's what she liked about it.

It was a pity, really, that it was more of a once-in-a-lifetime treat. Her family, and most of the other families she knew, were living on their last pennies, and barely had enough to eat, much less visit a museum. But Rae's father had recently been promoted, allowing her family one of their only happy moments.

"There be only 5 minutes for closing.", said a female voice over the intercom. But there was still so much to look at! Rae stopped at a case holding glittering jewels strung on string. She had no idea what it could be used for, but it certainly looked pretty.

Suddenly, a single object caught her vision like a moth being drawn to a florescent lightbulb. She walked over to it and gasped. It was unlike anything she had ever seen in her life. Ink painted the old surface like runes, runes that would decipher whole worlds if only she could figure them out.

"What be?"

Her father walked up behind her and put his hands on her tiny shoulders, "A book, I thinking."

"Book? A real book?"

"Mhm..." he stared off into space, "Don't know how museum got it, it be hard to finding."

Rae was no longer paying attention. Instead, she lifted up her chubby hand to reach for it, but was stopped by the barrier of cold, hard glass.

Her father held out his hand, "Come, now. Mommy be waiting in lobby."

She took it and allowed him to take her away, still taking second glances.

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