12: What's This Feeling Is Called?

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Arjun's eyes widened in astonishment hearing his name from her mouth,that too in her unconscious state...

He again listened to her and hell yes!! She is repeating the same...but why?
Arjun asked to himself and sat beside her ...she still has her eyes closed tightly ...
Arjun gently tapped on her cheeks to wake her up... but, she closed her eyes more tightly like as if she open it , he'll go away...fresh tears was still gliding down from the corner of her closed eyes...

" Shakti...shh...I'm here... please don't cry...shhh.. listen..it's ok..I won't leave.." arjun said and her grip on his hands got tightened....arjun winced a bit in pain as her nails dug sharply inside his skin... but nothing seemed important to him than her pale face and painful voice ...he slowly caressed her hairs....

But shakti couldn't decipher what's happening inside her head....she felt like her head will explode in any moment out of pain...she could hear cries and pleadings of herself ,from inside her head and another one's voice which sounded like a man....

" Aryaputra Arjun...never leave me please..."

" Krishnaa I know it's painful for you...but...but I've to.."

" Why are you doing this again and again arya...don't you want to spend time with me?why always you have to leave for wars and country affairs when its time for YOU with ME comes???? "

" Do you think that I have no interest in spending time with you...I'm dying inside to spend some time with you...but...my dharma is calling me Krishnaa and I've to go "

" Why arya...why it's always us..why?.."

" Krishnaa...we both have to suffer this seperation for now.. but remember ,that can't lessen our love for each other and I will eternally resides in you.."

" Then Promise me... promise me arya..that you'll be with me ..in every thick and thins,every step of my life...with me only...at least in our next birth... you'll be eternally mine...in all sense..."

" I promise you panchali...I promise you that this Arjun will be only yours for his next whichever births he takes...now let me take my leave"

" Arya....arya....arya..!!!"

"Arya.." Shakti almost yelled and opened her eyes , startled....
Arjun ,who was sitting beside her became super alert witnessing her sudden reaction and yell...

" Shakti.." a call escaped from his mouth making Shakti turn her head towards him...she wiped her sweat beads from her forehead and sighed...

" Arjun.. you here?" she softly asked and smiled a bit...
Arjun ,at first thought to ask her about why she called his name,but her one smile made him forget everything....

" What happened?are you ok? Do you want something?" Arjun asked immediately without giving her another chance to ask anything...

" Yeah...some water please" she said and arjun got up from his chair to get some water... shakti held her head and closed her eyes tightly as a sharp pain clutched her nerves....

" Shakti... Don't take stress...it's ok... nothing had happened.. it's just a small injury.." she heard Arjun's soft voice beside her and opened her eyes to look up at him....and to be frank,it's the first time she is observing him so close that she even forgot to blink her eyes..

" Are you ok?" Again his voice made her came back to her senses and she smiled....she tried to get up by herself to drink water,but immediately arjun held her hands and helped her to get up...

But because of the sedation, still her muscles are weak and thus she is so weak to get up by herself..she will also feel dizzy while getting up...
Arjun understood that...He moved closer to her and wrapped his one hand around her shoulders and other held her hands tightly... shakti's breathe hitched at their closeness..she looked up at him ...her heart pondered fastly under her chest and gulped in nervousness...she clutched his hands tightly for a support..

Arjun felt a rush of emotions inside him as she held his hands for support...Their eyes got locked...arjun straightly looked into her eyes, piercing her soul...
Shakti looked down and arjun moved closer to her.... shakti looked away in nervousness ,but she herself couldn't control the urge to look at him...her throat dried..

" Ar....ar..jun..arjun...I.. I'm... thirsty.." she whispered like it can only be heard by him...
He immediately turned his face away and squeezed his eyes in guilt...
He passed a nervous smile and made her sit on the bed comfortably with the support of pillow...he handed over the glass of water and she drank it slowly....

" Is that you who bought me here?" She asked a bit confused and he nodded...

" My family...did you inform them?" She asked when suddenly she saw dhyan coming inside the room ...he closed the door behind and saw shakti sitting on the bed...he immediately rushes towards her and hugged her gently...arjun got up from the chair seeing him...

" Chinki....oh my god ...I was so scared chinki...are you fine dear..thank god" Dhyan said while caressing her hairs..his eyes turned moist

" Oh really??I thought you were dancing out of joy.." she quipped back.. dhyan moved apart from her with a frown..

" Is it? Really funny...you want me to laugh for this then let me..ha..ha.." dhyan faked laughing and shakti smiled widely at his expressions and hugged him...

Arjun stood a little far, observing that cute bro sis conversation..they reminded him of his sister Ankita and himself...he smiled and looked at shakti... according to him, she looked really cute, even in this hospital dress and that huge bandage on her head..
He saw her making faces at her brother and it made arjun smile more...he wondered what's happening to him ,but he least cared about it...for now , her health matters him the most ....

Arjun slowly walked backwards and came out of the room, closing the door behind ...it's their family moment...he wasn't supposed to be a third wheel for them....
But at the same time Shakti noticed arjun going out ...she smiled to herself softly , looking at his disappearing figure,with admiration in her eyes for him...

Arjun sat on the bench beside ...he remembered their moments together and smiled to himself....her smiling face came into his mind and he smiled widely thinking about her....
her small reactions will make his heart lost in her, her smile eases all the uneasiness inside his mind , her making cute faces will make him an urge to kiss her....arjun thought to himself and smiled sheepishly... suddenly his face stiffened...

"shakti.. shakti sree Rajvansh..our to be bhabhi.. fiance of Yuvan bhai.."

The voice of naksh ringed inside his ears, making his smile fade in a blink of second...
Arjun mentally slapped himself for thinking about someone who's going to be like his sister in law...
But what's this feeling is...? Why he couldn't control his own emotions? Whats happening to him when she's near him..? Why she called his name in unconscious?
Arjun asked to himself inside...

He got up from the bench and started to pace here and there in the corridor....but suddenly the call of dhyan made him stop at his tracks...
" Arjun...come ..let's eat something.."

" Yeah sure.." he replied and left with dhyan ,but his thoughts never left him...It haunted him like anything..

After dinner, dhyan stayed with shakti in the room and arjun slept on the bench outside the room itself ,even after dhyan insisted him to stay inside the room...
Next morning,
Arjun opened his eyes when dhyan patted on his shoulders...he wished a lazy good morning and got up from the bench...

" Arjun ..had a good sleep? if you want, then you can go home and take rest .. " dhyan said

" No bhai..it's ok...but where are you going.?." arjun asked in confusion..

" Now what to tell Arjun... there is an emergency in office and it's urgent. I've to leave now itself..papa got to know everything yesterday itself and he is hell scared..he insisted Karan yesternight a lot to bring him here..but somehow he managed to stay him there ..he also had fluctuation in BP...but now he's ok.. karan said that now he is sleeping because of medicine's sedation...so, karan will come today ...he'll be here now...and if you want then you can go ..I'll inform nurses to take care of her till Karan comes.." dhyan replied and worry laced on Arjun's face..
No he can't leave her alone ..

" Its ok bhai...I'll be here till karan bhai comes...you can go .."arjun assured him...

" it's an emergency arjun ..or else I'll leave only after karan comes...but..try to understand yaar... I know...We are troubling you a lot.. aren't we?" Dhyan asked with a bit worry in his voice but Arjun passed an assuring smile...

" It's completely fine bhai...I understand.. afterall she's my friend too ." Arjun said and dhyan patted on his shoulders...
Arjun saw the figure of dhyan slowly disappearing from his sight ..

He streched his hands and his legs involuntarily moved towards the room where she was resting...he slowly opened the door and he saw the most beautiful sight infront of him..
She is sleeping peacefully while her one hand rested on the pillow beside her head and another on her stomach...she is breathing smoothly and the golden rays of sun , penetrating through the curtains made her face glow ...
Arjun's legs involuntarily moved towards her and stood beside her, observing her beautiful face...
For a second,he forgot where he was standing and how he was gazing at her....he stood there like a statue , without even blinking his eyes ...
But suddenly his trance broke when his phone rang ..and it made her yawn a bit..

Arjun immediately exited the room and attended the call...it was none other than his madhav...

" Arjie..is she fine now?and what about you.. had a good sleep?" Krishna asked

" Yeah..she gained consciousness yesterday itself..and I'm fine" arjun said

" When will you come...won't you want to go office today" krishna asked and arjun sneezed...
arjun badly wanted to stay with her till Karan comes and he can't tell that to krishna too....

" oh..Maddy..that...um.. you know..um.. I'm sneezing like .. anything yaar..so..so .. I'm taking a leave today"so Arjun said, a bit hesitantly

" What ??..what the..." And he Heard a yell from the other side... Arjun held his phone a little far away from his ears ,to save his ears from Krishna's yell

" Hey Maddy.. sshh please be calm... please do this favor ... please.. please please" arjun literally pleaded and Krishna agreed...

Ok..I'll ..but I want yo talk to you... ASAP..come fast..ok?.." by saying this, krishna cut the call and Arjun came back to the room to see shakti had already woke up, sitting on the bed ...she passed a lazy smile,after seeing him...

" Good morning.." he greeted

" Good morning...had a good sleep?" She asked..

" Yeah" arjun replied excitedly like a kid..
But shakti narrowed her eyes and asked
" Liar!!! Don't lie...I can see it in your face"
Arjun laughed....

" Sach kahoon toh...nope.." he replied with a sheepish smile and she smiled...

" Arjun ..if you want .you can go home..Look.. I'm perfectly fine now." she said even after she's feeling heaviness inside her head..

" Now you are lying..." Arjun quipped back and laughed making Shakti pout

" Ok..ok.. don't be get sad ...Yeah..I was about to but dhyan bhai went to office for an emergency...but don't worry karan bhai will be here in a minute ..till then I'm the substitute.." arjun said and laughed ...
shakti too smiled signalled him to come and sit beside her on the bed....
Arjun got startled at first....
He passed a' are you sure' look and she nodded, assuring him...
Like an obedient kid,he sat near her.. and to his surprise, she suddenly took his both hands in hers and squeezed gently....

" Thankyou.." she said and smiled...arjun nodded a no..

" No...don't say thanks please... you're my friend and it's my duty.." he said and she smiled..

Arjun closely observed her ....she looked directly into his eyes and their eyes locked for a minute....
World of arjun stopped there when he stared at those brownish orbs with love .... Shakti gulped her saliva in nervously and looked directly into his eyes...They felt like it happened decades amd decades before too...
A wave of mixed emotions rushed into them ....
involuntarily ,Arjun's face moved closer to her and shakti squeezed his hands gently...

" Arjun.." she slowly muttered and suddenly arjun remembered something....he moved his gaze from her and sat straight...

" Shakti..can I ask you something.." arjun started the conversation after an awkward silence...she nodded

" Why you called my name while you were unconscious? How do you know that I'm here? " Arjun asked innocently and shakti widened her eyes in shock...

How he came to know that what she saw in her dreams.... wait ! what ? Dreams?!!...
So here's the next chapter...
Hope you all like it...

Today, I want to talk something serious to all my readers....

don't know why , nowadays votes are getting so less....at first ,I used to get atleast 20 votes for each chapter..but last two chapters really disappointed me... viewers above 100 and votes only 15...

Guys, typing 1000-2000 words isn't an easy job..it takes a lot of stress and time ...thinking and presenting each and every scenes in an interesting way is also a time consuming process... really it's not an easy job ... and talking about myself , I'm a person who tries my max to update my stories ASAP without any lag...
So didn't I deserve atleast 20 votes for my chapter?
The decision is yours....
Please vote and comment....

Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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