Chapter 4 part 3 : Ware wa Meshia nari ! / The birth of Omega

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

F/N : Father Name

M/N : Mother Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

It was night time and I was in the transport for like f***ing hours ! At least I haved a friend with me as a neighborring prisoner. I think his name was "Deadpool" ? Yes, yes it was Deadpool. He's more nicer and less annoying than I've heard.

Deadpool : That's right boys and girls ! Deadpool is here !


Deadpool : Okay okay. Geez, you need to relax.

NO I'M NOT !!!

Where was I ? oh yes, He told me about how he got here, by killing heroes for money. While I told him that I've got here for : rebelling against bullies. He was pissed of at Union.

Deadpool : Seriously ?!!! Bullying is already bad in the real world but here ?!!! Man, you've got a pretty bad life.

Y/N : I don't know what are you talking about but I agree.

We've stopped as an explosion was heard and the soldiers run outside. Villains were attacking to get new recruits.

Deadpool : Ow yeah !!! It's action time !!!

I looked at the window of my transport to see the heroes and villains fighting without killing anyone on the opposite side. Talk about profesionnal work.

It lasted for half-an-hour until we've heard something that scared the heroes and villain.

Everyone, me included, looked at the source to see a Soldier before an army of mercenaries storm the area. The Mann.Co soldiers were like the terminators of supernaturals, perfectly capable of stroming an academy and killing any supernaturals they saw. They were killing the heroes and villains with ease and not much casualties. While a villain tried to kill a hero, he was backstabbed by a spy with a Mario's hat, sonic's shoes and Kirby themed tie. When a villain tried to attack the spy, he was blasted by a rocket shoot by a soldier. I could heard what they were saying :

Soldier : Spy ! (he turn to the soldier) I got your six !

Spy : Un grand Thank you.

He then become invisible as the battle continue until I got hit by a rocket an almost die. I then awoke in a dark void of nothingless.

Y/N : *sign* I guess this is how I die.

??? : Not quite.

I then turned around and saw Omega himself standing here.

Y/N : Who are you ?

Omega : I am you, and you are me.

Y/N : ... What ?

Omega : You may call me Omega.

Y/N : So... Omega, why are you here.

Omega : Because it's time to awaken our true power.

Y/N : Our ?

Omega : Yes. take my hand and soon, we shall become Gods and will bring Union's demise.

I smiled knowing that I can give them back the pain they put me throught. I took his hand without a second thought.

Y/N : Alright... me. Let's do this.

I was then blinded by a light as I grabbed a cowardly prisoner with my laser whip.

Y/N-Omega : I don't think so.

I then surmond energy around me before making it explod, destroying the other transports and killing their prisonners minus Deadpool. I then walk toward the top of the mountain of destruction I created with my full armor and terrorized heroes, soldiers and villains before saying no other that :

Omega (echoing) : Ware wa Meshia nari ! Ahahaha !

(What better music to use for what happend next.)

I then charged at a group of soldiers  before slamming my O-saber on the ground, making a explosion that killed them. Other soldiers tried to shoot me but their weapons haved no effects on me, I transform my left arm into my O-buster before shoot a blast so powerful that the soldiers and the supernaturals behind them were killed. I then teleport to the next soldiers before killing them with my speed and saber combos.

Once the soldiers that transported me were all dead. I turned my attention to a hero calling me.

Hero : You ! You're under arrest for the murderer of Union's soldiers !!!!

Omega : It was public service. You and your Union disgust me, so die along with it !!!

I used my grabbing laser hook to pierce his head before ripping it off. The heroes then all charged at me while I smiled before stopping time and touch them one by one, copying their powers, abilities and armors before unleashing combos and resume time as their bodies were reduced to atoms.

The villains then walked to me with proud faces.

Villain 1 : Hey, you're really strong for a prisonner, wanna join the Empire of Villains ?

Omega : *shnug* No.

Villain 2 : WAIT WHAT ?!!!

Omega : You're just weaklings. I shall become a God and purify this world of thoses not worthy to live on it.

Villain 3 : Are you crazy or-

I grabbed the villain throat before copying everything from him and kill him immediatly after.


I decided to not stop time and grabbed them one by one as their were trying to attack me but it did nothing, leavin them shocked.

Villain 4 : n- no.

Omega : Yes.

I then surmond laser cannons and fired at the villains killing them all.

I was standing over a burned and blooded land, with corpses of soldiers and supernaturals everywhere before letting out a crazy laugh as the mercenaries looked at me with terrorized expressions. I then teleport away but not before hearing some Demoman saying :


(stop the music)

I have teleported to a clift near the ocean before turning back to my normal self. Shocked by what I just did.

Y/N : WOW !!! I was always capable of doing this ?!!!

Omega : Yes, but that's not why we are here.

Y/N : Then why are we here ?

??? : Because it's time for you to learn the truth.

I then looked everywhere around me before I look at the skies to see two orbs toming down in front of me and turn into two womans : Mother Elf and Dark Elf.

Y/N : Wh- Who are you ?

Mother Elf : I am the mother elf.

Dark Elf : And I am the Dark Elf.

Mother Elf : We are the ones who awaken your true self and organized the attack on your transport.

Dark Elf : We are the goddesses that were saved by the L/N familly for generations.

Y/N : My... familly ?

Dark Elf : Yes, Union was trying to control us so that they could use our power for their selfish and cruel desires.

Y/N (with fury) : What a bunch of assholes thoses Unions !

Mother Elf : But your father figured that out and prefer destroy his life works rather than let Union use us.

Dark Elf : That's why they sent STRQ to bring you back, to force your father to continue his researchs for them.

I couldn't contain my tears. First Union tried to force my familly to come back and they killed my familly because they refused.

Y/N : But what is my role in this.

The goddesses looked at each others with pain before turning back to me.

Mother Elf : They took you since they needed a L/N to control us.

Dark Elf : They weren't sending to prison, but to a torture chamber to break your mind and kill you before taking your body, organs and blood before replacing you with another one.

I then snapped and unleashed my Power toward the skies, shocking the entire world.


Omega : I'm with you but, it will not be easy.

Mother Elf : That's why we come to ask you to let you use our powers.

Dark Elf : With them, you shall become a God and Union shall perish at your will.

I was hesitant at first but I quickly accept to avenge my familly.

Y/N : Then please, lend me your power for Union's destruction.

They smiled before turning back in their orbs forms and enterring my body. I then felt a huge power inside of me, I felt like I was invicible but I know I wasn't. That's why, during the passed year, I fought, copied, killed all fighters/supernaturals/Union's members I while keeping my identity a secret since Union wouldn't hesitate to go for my friends if they learned who am I. I have become almost invicible until I copied the Orochi's avatar and thet Red cocker Emperor, it was then I've becomed incivible, but not a God yet.

(What are your thoughts on the chapter ? part 4 coming next with the reactions.)

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