Chapter 5 : Union invasion

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

Union city, the society training the best heroes in the world, or so it was. Actually, Union was only a place where the worst of humans live, the city was hardly recovering from the Yamata-no-Orochi's avatar's attack. Union became the ennemy of the world and even itself.

The best exemple is at Union academy, where it was a total chaos.

After Y/N was sent to prison, team JNPR celebrated that but Cardin, broken by the lost of Y/N, revealed Jaunes fake transcripts to the entire school and JNPR was rejected and always beaten up because of their leader.

Dante, Vergil and Nero always beat up some of the students, especially the ones who bullied Y/N, when a teacher try to scold them, he's always beaten up. They were even ready to kill the headmasters.

Jotaro no longer follow the rules and he's responsible for most of Union's disasters.

But it was nothing compared to the punishment of team RWBY. They organized a party for Y/N's arrestation. But Dante, Nero and Jotaro, with the help of Neo, revealed worldwide that Blake not only is a faunus, but was also a high graded member of the White Fang, responsible for the destruction of multiple lives. The entire school turned against them and the headmasters are trying their best to prevent her for going to jail.

But what truly destroyed Union was Iris HERSELF.

After Y/N was expelled, Iris revealed in an United-Nation conference all the bullying and other Union's dark secrets, in less than a day, Union was getting a lot of hate from all over the world. Eventually, the headmasters went to Iris and order her to tell that everything she said is fake, to which she answered :

Iris : F*** off.

She was eventually expelled. But this only helped her to reveal more about Union. Angered, the headmasters (minus Ironwood) sended assassins to kill her so that she won't speak anymore.

The assassins lay hundreds of feets underground, killed by the power of Omega.

One day, Union's students were spending a normal day until aircrafts with the HEF emblem in them appear in the skies along with helicarriers. The headmasters run outside with their best students and once the aircrafts landed, Ross, T'challa in his Black Panther suit and Goku came out of one while HEF soldiers came out from the others.

Ozpin : I supposed you finally decided to hand over Goku.

Ross : No. We're here for something else.

Azazel : What ?

The HEF soldiers then pointed their weapons at Union.

T'challa : We're here for the one who killed my father.

Sirzches : Issei did nothing wrong. It's Omega who killed you father.

T'Challa the show them a video of Issei firring at Iris before Omega save her and the scene then changed to the conference room being destroyed by Issei's attack.

Ross : Then care to explain this ?

Ozpin : It's a fake that's all.

T'challa : Fake ?! You think that a video people dying are just fakes.

Sirzches : Yes.

Ross : Enough !

More soldiers and battle aircrafts then appeared.

Ross : Either you surrender the Red Dragon Emperor either it's war !

Azazel : Calm down ! No need to do this there's innocents here !

Ozpin : Besides, how do you plan to replace us. You need us whenever you like it or not.

T'challa : We don't need you anymore. We have found a perfect replacement for you.

Ross : FIRE !!!

The soldiers then began to fire at Union while the headmasters shield themselves with magic, the students the fire back at the troops, killing some of them and destroying most of the aircrafts. Ross then made a call.

Ross : Omega, things aren't going as planned. It's time for plan B.

Omega : I'm on my way.

Black Panther was fighting against some students but was then paralized when Union's trrops arrived. As they were about to kill him, they suddendly exploded and Omega jump out of the explosion and landed in front of the HEF's troops in his normal form.

(It has the armor described in Chapter 2 part 2.)

Ozpin : OMEGA ?!!!

Omega : Long time no see Ozma.

Sirzches : What is the meaning of this.

Ross : Before going to war with Union, we asked Omega if he wanted to join, which he accepted without hesitation.

Ozpin : YOU BASTARDS !!!

Omega : I will enjoy tearing Union appart. For all the shit you put me throught.

Y/N's bullies and friends then appeared behind the headmasters.

Ruby : What's going on ?

Jaune : We heard shots !

Rias : Brother ! Are you okay ?

Sirzches : Yeah, I'm fine but, (point at Omega) it might not last long with him.

Omega : It won't.

Jotaro : Omega ?!

Omega then looked at his friends, felling worries for the first time since he doesn't want to hurt them.

Omega : Good thing Neptunia and her friends aren't here. I see some people I recognized. How was life after the beating Yang Xiao-Long ?!

Yang : How do you know me ?!

Omega : I know a lot about you all.

Team RWBY and JNPR then charged at Omega, activate the cannons on his shoulders he copied from Issei and fired at them, blasting them away. Yang get up and tried to punch Omega but he just dodged all of her attacks. He then dodge Ruby trying to slash him and grab Cresent Rose before throwing Ruby back to her team, use the scythe to slash Yang and he then break Cresent Rose in multiple pieces. Ruby then began to cry as her sister was now enraged.

Yang : Ruby... (turn to Omega) WHAT WAS THAT FOR ASSHOLE ?!!!

Omega : It's for what you did to me.

WBY + JNPR + Rias + peerage : JUST WHO ARE YOU ???!!!

Omega just smilled before he put his hand on his mask and take it out. Everyone was shocked to see who it was, Omega was no other than their old punching bag : Y/N L/N.

Omega : Surprised to see me ?

Rias : HIM ?! OMEGA ???!!!


Neo (with tears) : Y- Y/N ?

Nero : dude ?!

Omega (to his friends) : Glad to see you again.

Sirzches : Wait, if he's Omega, that means... oh no.

Ozpin : The Mother Elf and Dark Elf have chosed their hero. But, It might be our chance to capture them !

Yang just clenged her fist in fury.

Yang : you...

She then charged at Omega with all her rage and with her eyes red as blood.

Yang : YOU BITCH !!!!!

Shen then tried to punch him again and rarely succeed.


Omega then grabbed her fist and crush it with rage.

Omega : All the good you did to me ?!!

He then throw her backward and began to slash and punch her with his own Wrath.


After beating Yang to nead death, he then grabbed Yang's right arm before surmoning his O-saber.


And without remorse but with pleasure, he cut off Yang's arm with his saber as blood split out of Yang's arm.

Meanwhile, in a White-Fang hideout :

Adam : Atchoo !

Sienna : Do you have a cold Adam ?

Adam : No. I just have the feeling someone stole my moment.

Sienna : You mustbe  imaginating things.

Adam : ... Yeah you're right.

They then go back to what they were doing.

Back at Union, as Union's forces and the HEF were fighting each others with the HEF slowly gaining the advantage, RWB was panicking for Yang as she tried to crawl away, trying to escape the incomming Omega. He just grabbed her other arm and kicked Yang so hard it reap the arm off.

RWB : YANG !!!

Omega : You're a failure as a fighter just like you're a failure as a human !

He then kicked her back at Union.

Omega : That's all ?

He then stopped a blast from Issei coming at him.

Issei : Bastard ! Don't touch my harem !

Y/N : They are all thots minus Asia, and thots aren't welcome in this world.

Jotaro (listening) : Yep, that's my friend. We think the same thing about thots.

Issei : I'll kill you !!!!

He then activated his boosted gear, Omega rushed at him but he teleported to dodge a misfired blast from Goku.

Goku : LOOK !

He then saw Sonic and his group coming toward union.

Omega : Why are you here ?

Knuckles : They stoled it !

Omega : stole what ?

He pointed at Sirzches who was using something extremely dangerous in the wrong hands.

(Art isn't mine)

Omega : Where did you find thoses ?!

Ozpin : We simply took them from the wrong hands.

Sonic : Don't make me laugh ! You stoled it from Angel Island !

Rias : And ? They belong to us and are ours and ours only ! failures of nature like you shouldn't be allowed to have them.

Issei : besides, animals like you sould just be in a Schnee dust mine dying !

Shadow teleported in front of Issei and punched him in the balls.

Shadow : And you shall just let Dgraid kill you.

The chaos and Master emeralds began to glow before teleporting to Issei.

Issei : I'll make sure to kill you all !

He then absorbed the emerald and began transforming into a new form.

Omega : Pitiful.

He then rushed at him and put his hand on Issei's new form's mask.

Issei : Ah ! Moron !

Omega's body then began to change again. The wings were now a fusion between the "True Crimson Dragon Emperor" ones and the Red Dragon God Emperor's ones but they were more technology-like and (f/c). His armor began to grow the orbs on it but they were (f/c) instead of red. He copied Issei's new transformation in a mere instant before putting his new mask on.

Issei : ... fuck.

Dgraid : Just kill me already !

He was then blast by Omega's O-buster on his chest, breaking the armor before being met by Omega slamming his sword on the ground, causing a explosion that considerably weakened Issei. Issei tried to puch Omega but he was unfased by the attack, he then grabbed Issei and throw him toward the headmasters.

Issei : I might need... some help.

Sirzches then used his magic to force the Master Emerald to power up the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic tried to stop him but he was blasted away by Rias and her peerage.

Rias : I can't wait to make the fastest thing alive my pet.

Eventually, Issei then began to transform into a new form, the ultimate power of an emperor.

Issei : hahahaha ! Ready to die and lost Iris forever weakling ?!

Issei charged at Omega at a never seen speed and Omega didn't have the time to react, making him crashed into the aricrafts. Omega then charged at Issei and proceeded to slash him with his O-sabers, dreaking the armor but it regenerated eventually. Issei then slammed Omega on the ground and step on his chest as Omega couldn't do anything.

Issei : Not so tough now ?

Ozpin (to Ross) : Since you worked with a villain, I'm afraid you must be arrested.

Sirzches : For now on, Union will replace the United-Nations !!!

Omega just smilled as the gem on his helmet glow a crimson light. Yang, Bakugo and other students began to have a crimson aura surronding them. Their eyes then opened, revealing they are now completely crimson instead of their natural colors. Yang's arms grow back and she punch Issei with great force. Forcing him to let go of Omega.

Issei : YANG ! WHAT THE HELL ?!!!


Ruby : Yang...

Explosions then happened near Rias peerage who was overpowering Sonic, they saw that Bakugo's arms were nuclear warheads insteads of grenades.


Rias : Baguko ? Snap out of whatever you in !

Omega then walked to Issei who was restrained by Yang, He then grabbed the helmet and the armor changed once again, with still a more technology-like appearance and (f/c) instead of red. Omega then crushed Issei's helmet, breaking it and showing Issei's terrorized face for the last time.

Omega : Now that I've completed my evolution using you...

Omega then transform to his Mythos mode with his wings a fusion between the two Red Dragon Emperor's froms he absorbed and Mythos Omega's own wings and a armor with more (f/c) orbs on it.

(Imagine it has the description from above.)

(Imagine the wings also have the description from above : A fusion between them and the two forms of the Red Dragon God Emperor.)

Omega : I no longer need you.

He then puched Issei's armor, totally breaking it before surmonding his O-saber and stab Issei's heart, ripping it off as it fall on the ground and end Issei by cutting his head off. Putting a end to the Red C*** Emperor.

Union : ISSEI !!!!!!!!

Omega then grabbed Issei's arm before cutting it off as Dgraid and the Chaos emeralds were now in his possesion.

Omega : How sad you haved someone like him as only wielder.

Dgraid : Well, I suppose you want to kill me.

Omega : Maybe. But if you join me, I'll spare you and repair the title of Red Dragon Emperor.

Dgraid : YES !!! TAKE ME WITH YOU !!!

Omega the smilled before putting Dgraid on his arm, feeling his power flaw in him.

Dgraid : My goodness. Issei was powered by boods but you... you are powered by... Power ?!

Omega : I AM Power.

But Yang, who somehow escaped the Omega-Virus'control, puched Omega's gem on his helmet, forcing Omega backward and making him transform into a object.

Yang then grabbed it before looking at it with a evilish face.

Yang : ~I'm gonna make sure you suffer a lot before I turn to your friends little bro~

But the eyes glowed as Omega say :

Omega : Not if I take your body first.

Mettalic parts then began to take over Yang's body as she scream to her friends to help her. They couldn't since they used all of their powers to deactivate the Omega-Virus. Yang was then surrounded by a crimson aura and in an explosion of that aura. Yang was seen with Omega's armor on her.

Omega/Yang : ~Ahhh~... Now were talking.


Omega/Yang : I've simply took over her body since she wanted to harm my friends. Nothing much.

Rias : I'll kill you !

Omega/Yang : Don't waste your time, I'll do it myself.

Omega then surmond his O-saber and stab himself with it before leaving Yan's body to go back to his Mythos form as Yang fall in the ground almost dead. Union's forces began to charge at Omega but a gigantic sword stabbed the ground, creating a massive explosion that killed them and a crater as a light appear behind Omega and a giant robot appear along with the Repliforce androids.

Omega then jump in the armor and the upper part of the chest glow as Omega enter the armor who then let out a mechanical roar and took out his sword.

Omega : The time as come to see this little baby in action !

Omega's left hand fired rapid lasers that caused extremely powerful explosions that obliterated his enemies but do nothing to his allies. He then fire a laser from his head at the academy, destroying the academy, destroying Y/N's personal hell.

Omega : Let's took that to the superior level shall we ?

Mother Elf + Dark Elf : Of course.

Dante : Hey !

Omega look at his side to see Dante, Vergil, Nero, Neo, Jotaro and team CRDL looking at him.

Omega : Guys ?

Jotaro : It's good to see you're doing greater than I thought.

Cardin : You don't mind if we help you do you ?

Neo : Let's have some fun as friends once again.

Inside the armor, Omega let out a small tear and the mouth of the armor then smilled.

Omega : thank you everyone.

??? : What is going on here ?!

They look to see Ironwood with the Atlas fleet and army looking at the disaster.

Ross : General Ironwood.

Ironwood : Ross ? Why are you here ? And what is Omega doing here ?

Ross : The entire world have decided to declare war against Union. Omega have just sided with us.

Ozpin : James ! What are you waiting for ?! Kill them !!!

Omega then show Issei's actions during the day he fought him and all of Union darkest secrets and actions that Omega secretly revealed to the world. Ironwood and his soldiers couldn't believe what they were seeing and Ironwood fall on his knees.

Sirzches : James ! It all fakes ! They're using them so that they could throw the world into chaos !

Ozpin : Help us now !!!

Ironwood, back on his feets, then turned to Ozpin and said :

Ironwood : No !

Sirzches : WHAT ?!!!

Ironwood : Soldiers ! Prepare for battle !

Soldiers : YES GENERAL !

They run to Omega's sides before pointing their weapons at Union's headmasters.


Ironwood : How dare I ? How dare YOU ! I should have killed you all before !!! Maybe I should have helped Omega instead of you ! Now I regret yelling at him for breaking the law when he saved us !

Ironwood then walk to Ross before apologising to him.

Ironwood : mr secretary Ross, I'm so sorry. If I've learned about it sooner, I would have helped you.

Ross : Don't be sorry. You're with us, that's all that matters.

Ironwood : Omega, (he look at him) I'm with you on this.

Omega : Good. Then let's give Union the Karma they really desperatly need.

Ironwood + Y/N's friend : Agree.

Y/N's friends then stand alonside him and took out their weapons. Omega's armor then crossed his arms before he began to glow purple as the Mother Elf and Dark Elf were powering it up. Once it was done, the armor was now golden and even more powerful.

Portals then appeared behind Omega and giant robots came out of them as everyone was ready for the war, Atlas' soldiers were shocked when they saw them following Omega.

(Imagine it's the Golden armor Omega on the picture.)

Omega : Let us put a end to Union once and for all !

They then charged at Union's soldiers as Omega smalled his sword on them.

The armies from all around the world then joined the battle alongside Omega. Union was heavily resisting but Omega, his friends and the HEF destroyed them with ease. In less than a day, Union was defeated by the combined might of the entire world and Omega. Members of Union were taken prisonners, some like Class A-1 willingly surrender but most of Union's elite and the headmasters haved escaped and were hidding from the world and Omega.

Following Omega's deal, the male students were tortured to near death and left to the HEF and the female students were brainwhashed by the Omega-Virus before lettting them pay for their crimes and became part of Omega's small army.

Y/N finally took his revenge on Union, yet he still intend to hunt the headmasters and his adoptive familly. But for now, he decided to took a well-deserved rest with his friends and girlsfrien(s), wanting to catch up with each others, but not before giving the emeralds back to Sonic's group and the master emerald back to Knuckles as thei use Chaos Control to go home.

(What are your thoughts on the chapter ? Sorry if it wasn't what you expected. Chapter 5.5 coming next.)

Bonus :

Issei opened his eyes and see millions of others Union's members around him as they were in what seem to be an abandonned Pizzaria. They look around in panic as they then spotted a little girl with golden hair looking at them.

(She has Golden hair.)

??? (with innocence): ~Hello. My name is Cassidy.~

Union student : Where are we ?!

Cassidy (with innocence) : You are in Hell. Wanna play with me ?!

Union soldier : AHAHAHA !!! What's that shit ?! It's too funny to be true.

What they didn't know is ... : That is was true.

Cassidy just pout as she didn't like people making fun of her.

Issei : At least I still have boobs !

He then go to the girl and try to pick her and her boobs.

Issei : ~Come here little girly jewels~

Cassidy just smiled viciously.

(Cassidy smile.)

Issei's arm the dissapear before reapearing with only his blooded bones on it and blood falling out of it as he screamed in terror and agony.

Meanwhile, Cassidy just laugh before her laugh became creepier as her body began changing in a gruesome way before the light began to fade and reapear as a horrible massive Animatronic was in front of Union's members.

(Cassidy's animatronic form. It's name is : Nightmare Golden Freddy. his grey parts are blooded and letting out burning blood.  Art isn't mine.)

Night-Golden Freddy : ~It's time to play~

Crying Fredbear, Euphoria, the nightmare animatronics and other Animatronics (the other FNAF animatronics) appeared behind her, having creepy faces, blooded body and other Union's related members with them.

Night-Golden Freddy : (singing) ~It's me~ ! ~It's me~ !!! (singing with a terifying voice) ~IT'S ME~ !!!!

Union's members were calling for their loved ones who never came. Nightmare Golden Freddy's head then began to charge at them as it let out a scream of pure fear.

Their never ending agony have just begun.

(Nightmare Golden Freddy's scream. Couldn't find one without a creepy image, sorry.)

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