Next To You

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"What's funny all of a sudden, huh?" Amy asks before she starts tickling her twin sister. The way the dress is cut, it's easy to get to the ticklish spots on her back.

Samey laughs again, much louder than she had moments ago, trying to push her sister's hands away. "C-Cut it out! It's nothing, I promise!"

"Yeah, right." Amy stops the assault, but only to turn her twin around so she can look into her eyes with a warm smile on her face. "You know you can tell me anything..."

A soft sigh escapes Samey before she nods her head. "I know. I'm sorry. I just..." She looks at the mirror behind her sister and turns her around so they're both looking at the same sight. "... Did you ever think this would be us, Amy?"

The twins had been in the little bridal shop for almost an hour now. In the mirror, they each stood in a white gown they'd helped each other choose. The sleeves of ivory lace drew attention to the rest of the chiffon gown Samey was wearing, with the beads adorning the bodice and the train that stretched a foot or less behind her. Amy, meanwhile, had become taken with a strapless gown also made of chiffon and with an equally long train, but the wrap around dress was much more simplistic in nature, the only embellishments being the crystals that stretched around the small area where the gown cinched at her waist.

Amy herself smiles at the reflection before her. "I never thought you'd fall in love with a dress so eye catching while I end up wanting one so plain if that's what you're asking." she teases, holding most of her hair into a messy bun with one hand.

Samey giggles before turning her sister back around to face her. "Be serious, Amy... We're about to have a double wedding. You and me of all people. We're helping each other pick out our dresses, and we haven't tried to tear each other's throats out yet." She sniffs a little, then looks at the floor as she wipes one of her eyes. "...I just...I can't believe this is us right now, you know?"

The teary eyed twin's chin is tilted just enough so she's looking into the eyes of her sister again. "I know, Sam. I know what you meant,'re right... It's unbelievable." Amy murmurs while wiping her sister's tears away. "I keep praying it's not just a dream."

"Same here." Samey's face falls as a memory runs through her head all of a sudden. "I wasn't the happiest of circumstances that got us here, but still..."

Any hint of a smile and all trace of color drained from Amy's face as she heard those words. It had been so many years ago, but even without direct reference to the accident, it felt like she was there again for a second. The thin air from the height of the cliff. The stones tripping her up as she foolishly tried traversing the terrain in heels. The violent smash of rock against bone that followed soon afterwards. "... I-I don't want to talk about that... Please don't talk about that..."

"Oh...I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." Samey hugged her twin and rubbed her back with both hands. "I wasn't trying to make you sad. This isn't a sad day. We should both be happy now. Everything's alright."

"You lost a leg, Sam..."

"And look how well I adjusted, right?"


Samey sighed before releasing her twin. Seeing the tears rolling down her face, she takes a moment to wipe them away with her thumbs. "...Let's just go. Jasmine and Taylor are waiting."

"Umm..." Amy wipes more tears away from her eyes and smiles sweetly. "You should go out first, actually. I...I need some time to calm down."

A soft smile crosses Samey's face before she shakes her head. "We go together. I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Really, you should go first." The mask of a smile breaks away from Amy's face and allows her to frown once again, staring at the black carpet beneath her feet. Her eyes inadvertently dart to where her sister's prosthetic leg hid under the dress, but she immediately snaps them shut so she doesn't have to see it in her mind again. Having it physically visible in front of her was bad enough. "...I don't deserve to be at your side, Sam..."

A thumb wipes away a tear rolling past her beauty mark before her chin is tilted this time. A smile bursting with more love than Amy would ever again feel like she deserved graced Samey's features as she stared into her eyes. "If that was true, we wouldn't be having a double wedding, now would we?"

Amy shrugged her shoulders. "I know, but--"



"You need to remember something."

"... Like what?"

"You didn't make me save you from the avalanche. That was my choice to make." Samey's smile gets even wider. "And for everything it's caused...I absolutely do not regret it."

More tears stream down Amy's cheeks. This time, though, it's impossible for her not to smile. "... Thanks. I really needed to hear that." She gives her beloved twin a tight hug. "That doesn't mean I don't owe you my life, though."

"Like you'd ever let me forget." Samey breaks the hug to offer her hand to her sister. "Now, we really shouldn't keep our friends waiting anymore, should we?"

"I wouldn't dream of it." Amy takes her sister's hand, giving it a firm squeeze before they each pulled back one of the curtains and walked, side by side, out to where their friends were waiting to see them again.  

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