Chapter 13

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I just got off the phone with Denki, and Shouto looked at me

"Is everything okay with Katsuki?" He asks, and I shake my head

"Not really I don't know all the details this is something he never told me but from what I got from Denki, because of his quirk he can pass out if he isn't being active, which explains his hot headedness but if he is calm he can get dizzy and pass out, apparently he lost his medicine and passed out on then right now." I say, and Shouto eyes widen

"Oh god, well, from the sounds of it, he is awake, right?" He asks, and I nod

"I know a...fear of Kacchans, it's left over ptsd from when he was kidnapped and he freaks out if a hand touches the back of his neck and Kiri did it and he woke up panicked but it got his heart going" he said and my phone goes off and I look at it and sigh in relief

"They found his medicine." I said, and Shouto smiles

"He's in good hands, okay? He is good now, so focus on yourself, " he says, and I nod and lean into his arms

So I should probably mention before that fiasco. I had a previous phone call with Kacchan and them about being pregnant. They all were super supportive, and after chatting for a bit, we got off the phone, and an hour later, I'm on the phone with Denki because Kaccahn passed out.

(You can read all that on chapter 6 of the spin-off series of this book called Boyfriends. It has their reactions of found out about the baby and Katsuki passing out)

"Soo....I was wondering....if you wanted to come with me to tell my Mom." He says, and that caught me off guard, and I sit up

"Really?" I ask, and he nodded a bit with a smile

"So you know how Miziki is going to talk to her? Well, I plan on having him speak to her, and then after they talk, I was going to ask him to sit in the hall so we can tell her." He says, and I smile a little

"Do you think she'll be mad?" I ask, and he shakes his head

"No, after all the stuff that happened with my childhood all she wants is to support me, honestly I think she'll be excited especially since the baby will be born around the time she is allowed to leave." He states, and I smile widely

"That's great, Sho." I say, and he seems happy about it, which makes me grateful

"What about your Mom?" He asks me, and I hesitate

"I don't think she'll be... mad but I think she will be upset with me...I don't want her disappointed." I said quietly, and he sighed

"I understand that, I suppose. For the longest time, I wanted my father to be proud. But you eventually realize that you can't always rely on your parents' approval for things. It's nice to have, but in the end, you need to do what makes you happy. We didn't plan this, but they either hop on or don't get involved, you know?" He says, and I sigh

"You're right, Sho. I'll probably tell her this weekend." I say, and he kisses my head

"And I'll be there with you if you want me to be." He says, and I grin

"Of course I do. I don't think I can do it alone." I state, and he leans in and kisses me softly

We separated when there was the knock at the door, and I hopped up and go and open it

"Hey dude! A bunch of us were going out to eat as a Christmas party thing! Do you wanna join?" Sero asks, and I look back at Sho, and he nods

"Sure! Be down in 5." I grin, and he nods and runs off

"Speaking of our classmates." Sho says, and I bite my lip

I've been thinking about that...I know eventually there are going to know...and personally I'd rather tell them. Then, like they find out on their own.

"Soon. Real soon. How soon, though? Good question." I laugh a little, and he chuckles

"I don't honestly care. I understand if you want to wait because in the end, you're carrying the baby. No matter what they think or say, I'm by your side 100%." He says, and my heart melts

"Thank you. Anyways, let's get dressed real quick, " I say, and we get our clothes out and start dressing

I decided to wear my sports bra. I don't know my rules with binder yet, so I don't want to risk anything

After getting dressed, we rush down stairs and most of the class was waiting patiently

"Great, now we are only waiting on Mina." Tenya says, and that's when we hear a happy squeal

"We haven't been out together as a group in forever!" She says, and we laugh a little

"So where are we all going?" I ask curiously

"Oh, Momo reserved 18 seats at a restaurant. They put some tables together for us. " Ochaco said we nod

"18?" Ojiro asks, confused, and Shoji speaks up

"Amajiki and Natsuo are coming. They're going to meet us there." He explains, and Sho smiles

"We asked your brother if he wanted to come, kero, but he said he had paperwork to do, sorry Izuku." And I smile

"That's fine, he is busy with his case." I explain

"Well let's get going!" Mina says excitedly

We get out from and my eyes widen when I see a Limo

"Is it to much? I kinda wanted to treat us all." Momo said sheepishly

"This is amazing!" Hagakure says and the limo driver opens the door for us

We all thank him as we hop in. It was a tight squeeze so I ended up in Shouto lap in the end. He holds my belly gently making me smile a bit

"Its a good idea Natsuo and Amakiji took their own vehicle." Kyoka laughs and everyone joins in

"Koda are you okay?" Shoji asks and he smiles and gives us a thumbs up

"I wonder how Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Shinsou are doing. Do you know Midoriya?" Sato ask and I nod

"Yeah their great. Having a blast." I say keeping personal details private.

"That's good. I wish I had a boyfriend that would take me on nice vacations." Hagakure whines and I laugh and Ojiro looks at her with blush

"Aoyama I heard you were going home for Christmas kero?" Tsu asks and he grins

"Why yes mademoiselle I am. I leave tomorrow." He says and Momo speaks up

"Anyone else going home for Christmas? I'm staying at the dorms." She said

"I am." Koda said quietly

"Me too." Hagakure chimed in

"So am I." Ochaco states

"As am I."Ojiro says

"Oh wow. Not many people at the dorms this time, what about you Izuku? Won't your Mom want you home? Shouto what about Endeavor?" Tenya asks and I look at Sho from the side

"My Mom wants to join us actually. Bring food and such." I say and Sho smiles a little

"Endeavor doesn't celebrate so I'm staying at the dorms. My sister and obviously Natsu are joining as well." He says

"Well that makes up for the lack of people." Momo says happily but looked relieved

She probably didn't want to spend Christmas alone

"Oh this thing has a an expresso machine! Who wants a cup?" Momo asks as she lifts some curtain revealing it

"Yes please" everyone besides me and Shouto says

They all start chatting among themselves and I look at Sho

"You aren't gonna have some?" I ask he loves coffee

"If you can't have it, then no." He says and I sigh

"You don't have to do that." I laugh and he holds me closer

"If you can't have something then I can't my personal rules." He says and I smile at him

"I appreciate it." I say to him running a hand through his hair

"Its no big deal, I just want support you and the baby." He says and I hear a gasp

"Your having a baby!?" I hear Mina say and my head shoots up and their all staring at me

"We're here!" The driver calls but no one says anything

"I'm gonna be sick." I say and go out the door and Shouto follows me in pursuit

I run to a bush and start throwing up and Sho holds my curls back and rubs my back

"Shit is he okay?" I hear Natsu say and I stand up taking a deep breath

"Do you wanna go back?" Sho asks and I shake my head

"I just need a minute to calm down" I mutter and I feel a hand on my back

"Here. I'll take you to the bathroom real quick." I hear Amajiki say and I look at him and nod

"I'll talk to them okay. We'll see you at the table." Sho says and I nod and Amajiki walks me to the bathroom

"I'm sorry." I laugh a little and he shakes his head

"Its fine, I understand. Congrats though." He says and I shake my head

"I'm so scared." I say and he nods as we get in the bathroom

It was empty and I go to the sink and wash off my face and he hands me a paper towel

"I can't imagine what it must feel like." He says to me and I sigh

"Its terrifying." I laugh and he laughs a little

"Scary to think that could happen to me too." He says and I look at him

"Wait are you-" I start and he stops me

"Trans? No...uh I was born a hermaphrodite. My body was developing as a girl but half way through I started developing as a boy. During puberty we found out my physical outward appearance would be a boy. But I also have female parts inside too. I was the healthiest hermaphrodite case in a long time actually I'm developed completely inside out and doctors were surprised." He explains and my eyes widen

(A hermaphrodite, someone who has both female and male gentlitalia, some are fully developed in one other the other. But for Amajiki he is fully developed both down there but male appearance)

"Oh wow." I state, and he laughs a bit and sighs

"It's a reason I was shy through high school. Natsuo and I met by accident. I was walking home from school during my 2nd year at UA, and I wasn't watching where I was going, and him and I collided. After an...awkward conversation I literally ran away from embarrassment, but I left my phone and everything there, so he kindly wrapped it up with his jacket and left it in a safe place I could find it with his number. We talked and eventually started dating. Though Natsuo likes to tell people I literally fell for him." He laughs lightly fond of the memory

"I assume he knows?" I ask, and he nods

"Yes, he knows, he even buys me tampons." He laughs, and I laugh a little

"So, in a way, we are on the same boat." I say, and he nods

"If you ever need something, just text me, alright? You should still have that number from when we had that one mission last year. To save Eri." He says, and I nod, remembering I still had it

The door opens, and Sho and Natsu come in and look at us, and Shouto wraps his arms around me, holding me, and Natsuo wraps an arm around Amajiki waist kissing his head

"Their calm now. Are you ready?" Sho asks, and I nod

"Thanks, Amajiki." I smile, and he nods at me

"Call me Tamaki." He says, and I nod, and we walk out

I look at the table full of my friends talking quietly, and my stomach twists in knots and I hesitate, and Sho looks at me worried

"Qre you going to get sick again?" He asks, and I shake my head

"I guess telling Kacchan and the others was different because I couldn't see their reactions." I whisper, and he sighs

"I can imagine. But they already know, so I think it's better to just get on with it." He says, and I nod, and we walk to the table and sit down

I feel their eyes on me, and I take a shaky breath

Oh, help me


Am I ending chapters dramatically?


Do I care?


See you next Thursday! Love yall!

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