Chapter 23

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I'm around my 7th month, 30 weeks we've been living at the dorms since New Years and now it's already June

We all adjusted to living at the school, they built walls around the school are started building houses within the fortress allowing civilians in. But they are going by age and families with small children first and working their way up

They found Toga shape shifting time so people have to wait 18 hours in isolation before coming into the walls. They are well taken care of during the time and we haven't had any incidents

My belly is definitely big and I wear giant hoodies and since Shouto has been helping outside helping with new residents he hasn't been to the appointments

I look in the mirror my shirt lifted over my belly and I smile and rub it

"Hey baby." I whisper and he starts kicking hearing my voice

"I love you so much already, I can't believe your almost here" I continue and I feel a hand on my shoulder and my eyes shoot up in the mirror and I see Sho

I pull my hoodie over quickly and Shouto frowns and pulls me into his arms

"Why do you do that? Your beautiful" He says and I huff in his chest.

"I'm fat" I mumble and he pull back holding my shoulders gently

"You're not fat, you're pregnant. You're carrying our baby. You look amazing and the big belly just means the baby is growing beautifully." He says and I sigh but couldn't help but smile

"He's kicking. You want to feel?" I ask pulling my hoodie up and he grins kneeling down and puts his hands on the belly

I feel the baby kick and Shouto eyes lit up and he kisses the belly

"Hey Katsuo, you kick a lot you better be letting your Papa sleep" He says and I laugh and the baby kicks more hearing his voice

"Guess he isn't the only one who likes your voice" I smile and he stands up and kisses me

"I love you." He whispers and I kiss him back but suddenly someone busts in

"Izuku have you seek Katsuki?" Denki asks and my heart dropped

"No I haven't is everything okay?" I ask and Touya rounds the corner

"I think he ran off cause of me..." He mumbles and I raise an eyebrow and soon Toshi and Kirishima joined

"We all been seeing Kat and Touya pine for each we got with Touya finally and told him how Kat is allowed to have an outside relationship that isn't us 3" Toshi started

"They helped me set up something so I could ask him out." Touya adds and Kiri continues

"We had it to where Katsu would end up on the roof, you know he likes the peace and quiet up there. And well Touya was there and he confessed to Katsu." He said and Touya continues from there

"He got quiet and...I panicked as he goes to speak so... I kissed him." He says and my eyes go wide

"What happened after that?" I ask and he sighs

"He started panicking about his boyfriends saying he can't betray them and they mean the world to him and before I could tell him they helped set this up he booked it and flew off the room

I take out my phone and low and behold I have a text from Kacchan

"He texted me. Asked if I was free." I say and they all looked releaved and I put my phone up and look at them

"One, Touya you did nothing wrong. Probably shouldn't have kissed him but you're okay." I start and he nods looking relieved and I turned to the other 3

"You guys should have been clear that he could be in a separate relationship. Kacchan is big on loyalty, already having feelings for Touya makes him feel guilty, I told you to talk to him." I say feeling slightly annoyed and they looked down

"You're right." Kiriahima says and I sigh and look at the location he sent and look at them

"Follow me. I'm gonna talk to him then you 3 need to come after me to talk and Touya wait until they say something for you and Kacchan to talk." I say and they all nodband I turn to Shouto

"I'll wait right here. You seem like you got this." He smirks and I smile and we head out

(Walking Skip)

I walk into Aizawa old office that turned into a storage area and make the boys wait outside and I walk in and go to the back and see Kacchan chilling on a mat and I sigh and walk over and carefully sit down

"If this is about Touya I'm already informed." I say and he looks guilty

"I'm in a relationship already with 3 amazing guys. How messed up can I be to like someone else." He says and as amusing as I felt knowing everything I can tell this is eating him up

But something else is bothering me...

"Kacchan, why have you been so anxious recently. You're never this anxious?" I ask and he glances down

"I I've been practicing with controlling my temper, so I don't need my medication, I haven't taken my medication in 3 months." He says and my eyes widen

He has been on that medication since he was 5, since his quirk makes him sweat nitroglycerin his blood pressure drops a lot and he need that medication to help.

"Did your doctor okay this? You've been on that for 13 years." I say and he shakes his head

"No, I've been just working out more to keep my blood pressure up. I don't want something to happen and I'm stranded and just pass out and die because I don't have my meds. But...I guess just cutting off like that has made my anxiety increase. Plus the whole Touya situation..."

"You need to get back on those and consult your doctor. Cutting off like that is horrible plus those meds are nessary. I'm surprised your standing." I say and he snorts

"I am too, fuck I hate it when you're right." He groans and I smirk proud of myself

"Also, your boyfriends are the ones who set Touya up to ask you out. They're okay with you having a separate relationship apart from them." I explain

"Wait they are?" He asks and I sigh and think before getting an idea

"Yes, Kacchan can I ask why you like Touya?" I ask and he hesitates

"Well...fuck, how can I not. I always have to be well...kinda tough in my relationship with Toshi, Denki, and Kiri. And I don't mind it makes me feel great that I can be that role...but with Touya, I guess I get to be the not so tough. Touya likes to mess with me and he makes me laugh. Don't get me wrong they make me laugh too I just...I don't...I get to be them for a change I guess. Plus Touya is very sweet which is surprising since he use to be a a damn villain" He says snorting at the last part and suddenly the chairs next to us fall to us and Kacchan jumps in front of me and blasts the chairs back

"The hell?" I hear and I look up from behind Kacchan and see Toshi, Kiri, Denki, and Touya
"Izuku are you okay! We're sorry we didn't mean for the chairs to fall to you guys! We came to check on you guys!" Denki exclaimed and I face palmed

"I told you 4 to wait outside." I mumble and Kacchan looked at me

"You knew they were here?" He asked and I go to speak

"No, well yes but he told us to wait outside the room. It was my idea to check on you guys don't blame them." Touya says stepping in front of the other 3 and I raise an eyebrow and the other 3 looked surprised

Kacchan looks at them then at Touya and he looked defeated and glanced at me

"I hope you know I'm telling IcyHot you almost made chairs fall on his pregnant boyfriend." He smirks and Touya snorts but the other 3 laughed nervously

"I'm gonna let you guys talk." I say and get up and Kacchan looks at me

"Thanks nerd." He says and I smile and make my way out

I hope they'll be okay


My fucking nerves are on fire.

I know my anxiety has been high since I quit my meds. I think their was an anxiety reducing thing in them. Which makes sense.

"Katsu we're sorry we should have told we were okay if you had a relationship with Touya." Kiri said taking my hand and I sigh

"Was I that fucking obvious." I mumble feeling embarrassment wash over me and glance at Touya

"You both kinda were. But it's okay...and...what you said about you having to play...the tougher role.." Toshi said and I stiffen

"Were you 4 eavesdropping the whole fucking time?" I snap and Denki jumped in

"We got in here at that part we promise." He says and my cheeks were burning. I felt like a goddamn child being scolded

"Look I like being the strong one you 3 go too...but I do have a side of me where I wish I didn't have to be strong at points as hard as it is to believe" I say looking at the ground and soon I felt someone lift my chin up and I'm looking into Touyas blue eyes

"Then let me be that person for you." He says and I blush and I heard the other 3 get excited and I roll my eyes at them

"Can we retry that kiss?" I ask quietly and I saw the other 3 get there phones out and he chuckles glancing at them and he leans down grabbing my waist and pulls me into a kiss

A firery sensation felt on my lips as they move against his and my other boyfriends cheered and he pulled back smiling and leaned his head on mine

"Boyfriend?" He asks and I nod and lean up issuing him again

"He definitely bottoms in this relationship" I hear Denki say and I pull back

"Shut the fuck up"


Update in the Touya, Katsuki relationship! Finally together

The baby should be coming soon. Exciting stuff I wonder how it will happen?

What type of things do you guys want to see in this story?

Anyways I love you all so much thank you for all the support!


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