Chapter 24

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I'm at my 38 week appointment and Sho was holding my hand and I could feel the coldness in his right side which made me shiver

"Sorry." He whispers and I kiss his cheek as he releases my hand

"Don't be I get you're nervous." I say and he smiles a bit and I see my Doctor come in

"Things seem to be progressing great. In 2 weeks Katsuo should be here." He says and Shouto let's out a sigh in relief

"Is there a chance he could be here early?" I ask worried and he thinks for a moment

"There is always that chance, but that's why today Recovery Girl and I will be setting up the delivery room and getting all the equipment we need, are you going to want a epidural?" He asks me and I hesitate

" know I never thought about that." I say looking at Shouto and he raises an eyebrow

"That's not my decision to make." He says and I huff and sigh

"I can put it as a maybe for now, normally parents who choose not to tend to change their mind the day of delivery." He says and I agree to that and he moves on

"We will also have a stand by team of people in case something doesn't go to plan for an emergency cesarean or C-section is what most people refer to it as." He explains and we nod but my nerves heighten hearing that

I really hope things turn out okay and there isn't a reason for that.

"What reasons would cause for a C-section?" Shouto asks as if reading my mind

"Well, if the cord is around the baby's neck or the baby is breached which is rare, there are other things but by the looks of it your baby is fine." He says trying reassure us

"But isn't the baby breached right now?" I ask and he nods

"Between the 37 to 40 week mark the baby will eventually turn on its own. Don't be alarmed if he isn't yet this is normally. By next week is when babies tend to be head down ready to enter the world." He explains and I sigh and nod

"Well I best start preparing your room up. I'll be in and out all day so if you need me I'll be around." He says and we thank him and leave

"I'm hungry." I mumble to Shouto and he chuckles

"Let's see what they have, lunch should still be on." He says and takes my handand we head off

We head in the cafeteria and we hear our names be shouted and we see our friends at a table

"Go sit I'll get our food." Shouto said and I turn to him

"Do you know wh-" I start and he stops me

"Chicken katsu with spicey pickles." He says and I smile a bit

"You're the best" I say kissing his lips and I head over to the table

I sit next to Toshi and he starts talking to me about something funny Eri did

I feel a mild cramp in my belly but brush it off as being hungry

"Here we are Zuku" Shouto says and I thank him and pick up a pickle and chicken katsu and eat them together

"Your cravings are weird." Denki says and Kiri elbows him

"Dude come on, he's pregnant. They get cravings like that." Kiri scolds and Shouto snorts at them ruffling my hair

"I remember Mom would crave American burgers and put relish on her Fries when she was pregnant with Shouto." Touya says sitting down between Toshi and Kacchan

"Did she really?" Shouto asks and Touya nods eating his sushi

"Oh yeah she was addicted to it." He says and I laugh light and wince at another cramp hitting me

"You okay dude?" Toshi asks and I nod a bit

"Baby keeps moving, not much more room so I can feel him big time." I admit and Shouto rubs my belly

"He's saying Daddy feed me" Sho says and picks up my food and feeds me and I laugh taking a bite

"Oh yeah have you guys figured that out? What Katsuo will call you?" Tenya asks us and I clear my throat

"I've decided to be Dad and Shouto says he wants to be called Papa" I say and Shouto grins with pride

"Yep I'm excited about it." He says and I smile and take back my chopsticks and continue eating

"When do you guys plan on getting married?" Mina asks and I freeze for a second and glance at Shouto

He glances at me and swallow my food and look at her

"We both think it would be for the best after we get our hero licenses" I explain and she nods understanding

"Once we grow on the hero charts we we will be busy and won't have time for our wedding and such so while we are on the lower part of the chart we think it be a great idea to do it around then" Shouto says and I turn to him

"I'm gonna propose first." I say and he smirks

"Not if I do it first." He teases and I shoulder bumb his a little and we laugh

"You guys are to sweet I'm gonna get a cavalry watching you two." Mina says and we all laugh

I wince again this one hurt even more and I get up

"I'm going to the bathroom." I say and Sho gives me a look bit I smile at him

"Be right back." I reassure and head to the bathroom

The school built Gender Neutral bathrooms once they realized the amount of trans kids there were plus Tamaki made a note that kids like him would also benefit for bathrooms like these also if the girls or boys bathroom were full these were an option also

I walk in and head to the stall and as I closed the door I was hit with massive amounts of pain

"Ah!" I yell and fall to my knees and I sit up against the wall

Another wave of pain hit me and gasp in pain even more

I feel wet down there and I look and see blood and my eyes widen

The Baby...he's coming!

I go to grab my phone and realize I didn't have it on me and curse remembering I left it at the table

"Help!" I shout but only met with my echoes off the walls

No one is in here?

I try to stand but another contraction hits me and I cry out in pain

"Someone help! Shouto!" I yell and nothing but my voice again

I am not having my baby in a cafeteria bathroom

I get up slowly and hold onto the wall for support and unlock my stall door and another wave hits me even worse then before and I slowly slide down sobbing from the pain

"Help please.." I groan and the bathroom doors open

"Stupid boys bathroom being pact...oh my gosh Midoriya!" I hear and I turn and I see Monoma

"Monoma..." I say relieved and he kneels down next to me

"Are you in labor?" He asks and I nod

"I'll go get help." He says panicked and I grab him

"Please I don't want to be you have anyone from my class number?" I ask and he opens up his phone going through his contacts

"No No No...ah ha!" He says and clicks it and he puts it on speaker and it's ringing and soon someone answers

"Neito? What do you want?" Toshis voice rings through and relief fills me

"Toshi it's Izuku I'm in labor." I say and there was a silence before I hear him tells someone and suddenly I heat a commotion

"Shouto, Katsuki, Momo and I are coming and Tenya is calling Aizawa right now." He says and I hear rushing through the phone and to ends

"Ahhh!" I yell clenching my belly and Monoma puts his hand on my shoulder

"I heard labored breathing helps I've seen it in movies." He says and I look at him and nod slowly

"I'll try anythinGGG!" I say as another contraction hits and he does the weird breathing and I copy him

It seemed to help a bit and the door burst open and Momoma backs up and Shouto is by my side grabbing my hand

"Aizawa is on his way with help but Momo is going to have to check you." He says and Kacchan stands behind him on the phone with someone

"But-ah!" I shout as sharp one hits and I grip his hand tightly

"I studied hard when I found out you were pregnant I know what I'm Izuku I just want  you and the baby safe." She promises putting on some gloves

I give in nodding and she looks at Toshi and  Monoma and they leave to stand outside

Kacchan stands agasint the wall next to me and was turned away

She makes a blanket and puts it over my legs and removes my sweats and looks

"Hey look at me." I hear Shouto say and I do  and he kisses my hand

"I'm right here, we're going to get through this." He says and I nod amiling a bit

"You're 8 centimeters dialted" She tells us and then Aizawa comes in with a stretcher and paramedics

"You're doctor is on his way and will meet us there." Aizawa says and he pats Momo on the back

"Auntie is on her way also." Kacchan says to me finally speaking and I grab his hand

"Thank you." I whisper and he smiles a bit ruffling my hair

"I get to be the first Uncle to hold him." He says and I snort and Shouto smiles a bit and looks at Kacchan

"Meet us there and call my parents and let them know." Shouto asks as the paramedics load me up in the stretcher

"I got it IcyHot just go with him and leave the rest to me." Kacchan says as they take me away and Shouto follows

"Thank you Katsuki!" He says and they take me out of the bathroom and I see a crowd a lot of them my classmates and we get outside and I'm put in a ambulance

"Sir we are going to do an pre-ultrasound to check on the baby." The EMS worker says as she puts gel on my belly and moves the wand around looking at her screen

I grip Shoutos hand tightly as a contraction happens and he puts his right hand on my head and I sigh feeling the coldness

"Call Dr. Kani now." The EMS worker says and panic seezes me

"Wait what's wrong?" Shouto asks and she looks at me

"The baby is breech unless you want us to try and turn him we need to prepare for an Emergency C-section" She explains and I hesitate

Trying to rotate the baby only has a 50% chance of working and hurts almost as bad as labor..

"I'll do the C-section." I state and they nod and call up Dr.Kani

"Hey its okay it's okay baby, we're gonna get there and get you the medicine so this won't hurt you and soon we'll have our baby." He says and I nod and another contraction happens and was horrible

"Gah!" I scream and he squeezes my hand

It was like this until we arrived getting worse over time as they tried to watch my labor process closely

We arrive and head straight for the infirmary and I see Dr.Kani and Recovery Girl and...Midnight?

"Midnight what are you doing here?" I ask and she smiles sadly

"I didn't have time to have the epidural ordered here and the sedatives here aren't safe for the baby especially wince he has down syndrome so..." Dr. Kani says and Midnight clears her throat

"My quirk is strong enough to knock you out for hours. Midoriya I'm sorry but it's the safest way." She says and I shake my head

"Wait no, I won't get to see him after he's born?" I ask and Recovery Girl sighs

"I know we should been prepared months in advance for this situation I'm sorry sonny but this is the only way." She says and Shouto makes me look at him

"We'll be right here when you wake up." He says and I gulp and sigh

"Okay.." I whisper and soon Dr. Kani has his team prepare me quickly and Shouto gets dressed in the medical gown and they soon Midnight is next to me

"Alright ready?" She asks and I look at Shouto

"You got this." He says and I nod and look at Midnight

"I'm ready." I whisper and she lips up her medical gown and I turn and Shouto is gripping my hand

Soon everything around me fades and the last thing I hear from Shouto is..

"I love you."

My world goes black

Yes I'm very much alive.

I apologize for the wait, I had some personal need to get situated but everything is perfect now.

I'm aware this chapter was a bit chaotic bit neverless the BABY IS COMING!


I can't wait yall!

Anyways I love you all so much thank you for all the support you give me it's amazing

Thank you!


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