Chapter 3

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I wake up hearing Ida talk to Shouto and that made me remember their where dorm mates

I don't move but listen

"Midoriya can come anytime but this can't be every night" Ida says and I sigh knowing he was right

"Actually Mr.Aisawa is letting the guys repick their dorm partners since Shinso is joining us and Mineta is expelled and rearranging things so its fair" He said and I hear hope in his voice

"You're hoping Midoriya chooses you this time?" Ida asks a little soft this time

"Yea" Shouto says

Ida was silent for a sec "I'm gonna leave to help breakfast be ready in 20 minutes" He says and leaves

"He is gone Midoriya" Shouto says and I shiver hearing him say my last name and sit up

"How'd you know I was awake?" I asks and he smiles

"Your breathing picked up" He said and I blush

"Oh" I said and he chuckles

I look down and notice I am not wearing my Binder then remember Shouto made me remove it last night

I hide my chest a with my arms subconsciously

"So the guys are repicking roommates?" I ask and he nods

"I was hoping you would bunk with me" He asks and I look at his different color eyes

"Yea I would like that" I said and he smiles brightly

"I'm gonna let you change see you down stairs" He says and I smile as he leaves

I realize I am gonna have to talk to Kacchan about all this I remove shirt and throw on my binder and shirt and head to my dorm

I see Kacchan leaning against the wall and Kirishima talking to him

"What do you say Bakubro? Be my dorm partner?" Kirishima asks

I notice Kacchan blushing but sighing "I don't think Deku-" I realize he was gonna turn him down so I but in

"That's perfect actually! Todoroki and I decided to be partners!" I said and Kacchan looked surprised and Kirishima looked estatic

"That's great Midobro! He knows right?" He asks concerned

"Yes he does and we are close so its perfectly fine" I said knocking away his worries

Kirishima jumps in Kacchans face and his face went red as Kirishimas hair causing me to smirk

"So that means you need a dorm partner" He said and Kacchan looks at me and I nod

"Alright shitty hair you can be my dorm partner" He said pushing him back

Kirishima whoops and high fives me "I'll see you guys down stairs!" He says

As he leaves I turn Kacchan smirking and he groans

"Shut up Deku" He says and we head in the dorm

Kacchan changed into his clothes first and I was on my phone

"Your turn nerd see down there" He says leaving I look up when the door closes

We talked about everything and he is teasing me like no other about crushing on Shouto but I told Shouto doesnt feel the same way which he said is bull shit. so I hope he bites his comments in front everyone or I am getting him about Kirishima

I change and head downstairs and Iida and Yayorozu made waffles so I make a plate and sit next to Shouto and he gives me a rare smile and Aisawa comes out to talk to us

"So the many must know the guys get to switch up their partners since Shinso is joining us in Mineta replacement" He says looking around for objections and no one has any and he motions shinso to come in

"Here are the forms do this quickly" He said

Shouto grabs us papers and Kirishima grabs his and Kacchans

I see Kaminari talking to Shinso as they fill out papers together and to my surprise Iida laughs and fills out papers with Sero

We fill out our papers and Shouto kisses my forehead when we finish leaving me stunned as he takes them to Aisawa

I hear laughing and I groan knowing its Kacchan

"Doesn't like you back my ass" He says walking pass me and Kirishima snickers and I hide my face

Shouto comes back and pokes my hands so I look at him "Aisawa is letting the people who are moving rooms skip today to get it done. Do you wanna move your stuff to my room" he asks and I nod and smile at him

I'll ignore the redness on his cheeks it's probably a side effect from his quirk

Good thing I don't have much stuff just clothes a few posters and personal items

As I put stuff in boxes to carry I hear Shouto ask something

"Zuku...I have been wondering...where is your Dad?" He asks and I turn to him as he is holding a picture of me and my mom

I look down sadden "He works overseas I never met him last time he was around I was a baby" I said and went back to packing

There was silence and tears brim my eyes I take a shaky breath not wanting another break down in front of Shouto

I get turned around and gasp as heterochromia eyes look at me

"He missed out on an amazing son" Shouto says

he leans down but looks at me questioning and I nod blushing a little

He kisses me

And yes I know I sound cheesy and everything but fireworks explode in my mind and I lean in more into the kiss

Too bad it gets ruined

"If you guys are going to suck each others fucking faces off can you do it in your own dorm" Says a Kacchan leaning in the doorway with Kirishima behind him. Both of them smirking at us

I pull away and grab boxes and rush passed him not before hearing Kacchan say 'I fucking told you' and head to Shouto room and I hear Shouto behind me

We get in there and Shouto has the rest of my stuff towering

"I am so sorry" I grab my stuff and we set it down and we look at eachother

"Midoriya" He says my last name causing me to shiver and he smirks

Oh God he knows it effects me when he does that

He leans close inches away my face "Tomorrow night I want to take you out on a date. What do you say?" He says and my eyes light up

"Really?" I ask and a smile appears on his face

I love seeing him smile

"Yes Zuku" He says and I nod happily

"That sound fantastic" I said and he kisses my forehead

"We can add a bed in here if you want...unless you want to share my futon.." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and I blush

"We can share.." I said and he looks surprised but happy

"Good I like holding you" He said and my face turn scarlet

He chuckles a little and pulls me in his arms but then there is banging on the door

"If you two are done fucking in there, us guys where going to lunch!" I hear my best friend yell outside the door and I hear chuckling outside of the other guys

"Bakugou that isn't appropriate" I hear Iida scold

"I don't fucking care" I hear him

I groan hiding my face in Shouto chest and he pats my head

We open the door and Kaminari, Sero, and kirisima is smirking at us and Kacchan grins evily and Iida looks annoyed and Shinso looks amused

"We weren't doing anything" Shouto says calmly

"Right. Anyways you guys coming?" Sero asks saving us

"Yea lets go" I smile and we all head downstairs and get our shoes on and head out

Walking down the street with the wind blowing made me realize I should have worn a jacket

I shiver and suddenly Shouto puts his left arm around me heating up slighty and we walk that way

Kacchan looks at us "you guys aren't going to be acting like a cheesy movie couple all day right" He smirks at us trying to rile me up

Shouto goes to say something but I beat him to it

"So how are your interest in red sharks?" I ask raising an eyebrow

He froze his face blushing and Kaminari and Sero burst out laughing while Iida and Shinso looked amused and Kirishima and Shoto look confused

"Your dead Deku" He said the empty threat looking embarrassed and he turned to continue walking and Kirishima went next to him asking what I meant

I explain to Shoto why I said that he chuckles a little and Kaminari gives me a thumbs up

We arrive to a ramen shop and we get a booth and just start talking among eachother

I sit up "so Shinso are you excited to finally be in the hero course? You deserve to be here" I said and he rubs the back of his neck not liking the attention much

"Yea I have worked hard to be here. They where gonna do another test in your guys class to see who wasn't improving and bump them down to class 2C but with Mineta being expelled made it easier on them" he said and we all nodded agreeing

The waitress takes our orders and leaves and Sero speaks up

"Midoriya, what was Mineta going on about last night?" He asks

My eyes widen but then

"None of your business!" Kacchan, Kirishima, Shoto, and Kaminari scold

They look startled realizing how many of them actually knew and Sero puts his hands up in defense and Iida and Shinso looked confused

I laugh nervously and take a drink from my straw not liking the eyes on me

I feel someone kick my foot and look up seeing Kacchan looking at me with a surprising worried look

I give him a reassuring smile and take a deep breath

"Um Mineta found out a secret of mine and to keep it he wanted me to do something for him but I refused and Shoto tried to stop him but he left and told Kaminari who warned us and you guys saw the rest" I said and took another sip of my drink avoiding eye contact

"Remind me to brainwash him to jump off a bridge next time I see him" Shinso said and I laugh a little as he tried to make me feel better

I can tell Sero wanted to know more but kept his mouth shut

The lady brought us our food and we began eating

I stared at my food as my heart pounded and suddenly the words bursted out my mouth before I could stop them

"I'm Trans"


Hope you guys enjoy! I love this book honestly and slowly everyone learning about him and he practically has a bunch of personal body guards lol

See ya next chapter!

Love ya'll!

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