Chapter 5

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Shouto looks through the peep hole and sighs

"What do you want?" He asks with a annoyed tone opening the door

I lean around and see a guy just a few years older then us with white hair and grey eyes

"Is that anyway to great your elder brother" He asks smiling and my eyes widen and I hide behind Shouto my arms crossed on my chest

"Nat how did you get in?" Shouto asks stepping aside allowing him in he gives me an apologetic look and I smile a little letting him know I am not mad

"The door" He said and I smile a little as Shouto face palmed

"I have Aizawa contact info, I interviewed him for a school project a few years ago about our favorite hero, it pissed Dad off he yelled at me, Aizawa overheard and gave me his number. I think he suspected something"  He stated laughing at the end before he saw me

"Your Midoriya! Shouto talks about you 24/7" He said and I glanced at Shouto who blushed uncomfortable

"It's nice to meet you Todoroki" I say respectful

"Call me Natsuo" He said holding his hand out and I hesitate but uncrossed my arms shake his hands.

"Call me Izuku" I smiled and Shouto pulled me into his arms quickly slightly covering me

Natsuo looked at us and grinned  "finally! If I had to hear this peppermint faun over you about how much he wants to be with you I was gonna strangle him" He said and Shoto thew an Ice cube he made at his brother

"You never said why you are here" Shouto said annoyed

Natsuo looked uncomfortable "My roommate has a girl over and I didn't want to go to the house...and Fuy isn't at her apartment tonight if you remember she went to a school board meeting in Tokyo, would it be okay if I crashed here? Aizawa cleared it" He said looking genuinely guilty for asking, glancing at me

Shoto eyes soften and glanced down at me and I nodded

"Of course you can stay here oni-chan" Shoto said and Natsuo beamed

"Thanks" he said and put his stuff on the couch

"So how is everything? I haven't seen you since Kamino incident" He said causing me to flinch thinking about Kamino

Shouto glanced at me "I have been fine, just training. I can use fire and ice at the same time" He said and I smiled proudly

We all sat on the ground and I stayed quietly as I was in Shouto lap he refuse to let go

"Someone wants to cuddle" I tease and Natsuo smiled at us

"So any UA gossip?" He asked and I snorted thinking to Mineta

"Mineta was expelled" Shouto said and glanced at me concerned

"The purple hair ball kid" Natsu asked

"Yea he sexually assaulted one of our class mates" I said referring to Ashido

Shouto grip tightened on me and I rubbed his hand calming him

Natsu noticed this but whether he put two and two together he didn't say

"Well he didn't have much of a chance to be a hero. Who took his spot?" Natsu asked

"Hitoshi Shinso, he was a purple hair kid I fought at the sports festival"  I said and Natsuo lit up

"Brainwashing kid?! Dude he was awesome, he would be an amazing hero, he deserves to be in the Hero Course more then that pervert, how did ball kid get in the hero course anyway" He said looking intrested

I am done talking about Mineta

"Natsuo? What are you doing now? Are you in college" I ask changing topic

He glanced at me noticing my change in topic

"I am studying psychology" He said I grin awkwardly

No wonder he was studying me. I have a lot of physical tics and nervous antics

"You seem like you would excel in that career" I said quickly and he smiled 

"Yea I wanna be a councilor at UA, seeing what you guys are going through made me realize Hero students go through a lot and I wanna help" He said and I smiled

"That's so nice! You would do amazing" I said and Natsu smiled

"Got yourself a good man Shouto" He said and Shoto nodded

"I know" He said matter of factly

They continued to talk awhile I slowly drifted to off in the stages of half sleep

"You talk to him about maybe talking to someone?" I hear Natsu say

"About?" Shouto voice above me asks

"I am not dumb Shouto, I knew he was trans I saw the binder on the dresser when I walked in plus he was acting self conscious around me when I walked in, that Mineta kid; he assaulted a student? Was it Izuku?" Natsu asked worry in his voice

Am I dreaming or is this an actual conversation?

"Kinda. I know Izuku was talking about Ashido. But it started with Izuku, he was attempting to shower late at night when everyone was at dinner, he stormed off pissed because Mineta insulted Ojiros sister who came out as trans, All Might sent Mineta to his room afterwards and he probably just went to the showers and he saw Izuku" Shouto said quietly and I hear Natsu rustling before talking

"Oh shit." He said

Shouto adjusted holding me closer

"Izuku covered himself quickly with a towel begging Mineta not tell anyone but Mineta black mailed him saying if he didn't show him his chest he would tell the whole school, I was walking up to his room to check on him at the time we weren't roommates but I over hear that last part and I thought he was originally harassing a girl so I rushed in but saw Izuku holding a towel close to his chest begging that bastard, I can be stupid but I quickly put two and two together and separated them with ice telling Mineta its not his business to tell. He left scared of me and Zuku hid behind the stall towel wrapped around him and collapsed crying" He said seeming sad about the memory

Natsu was quiet for a bit "what happened next" he asked

"I calmed him down and let him get dressed and as we walk out Kaminari, he has the electric quirk, warned us that Mineta told him and was going to tell the others, we ran to the commons and Ashido was screaming at him he fell under her and touched her under her skirt, and everyone was asking why he was rushing down and when he tried to tell them Bakugou, Kirishima, and I stopped him, I froze him to his mouth" Shouto explained

This is a weird dream

"As you should. I am proud of you" Natsu said and I snuggled closer in Shoto arms

Shouto chuckled lightly kissing my head

"You guys are cute"Natsu said softly

This isn't a dream is it?

"You'll never guess where I am taking him tomorrow night" Shouto said and I hear Natsu scoot closer

"Where?" He asks eagerly

"I am taking him-"

My brain decided then to fall completely asleep

Time skip to morning

Shoto Pov

An alarm goes off the next morning and Nat reached over grabbing the said phone thinking its mine to turn it off

"5am? The hell?" He asks and I sit up

"Zuku does exercises before school and showers before every wakes up" I said and Nat groans

"He works to hard" He said and turns over on the couch to sleep

I snort and see Izuku still asleep I shake his shoulder

"Zuku" I said and moves but doesn't wake up

"Deep sleeper?" Nat asks giving up on sleeping

I shrug but get an idea smirking, I lean into his ear

"Midoriya" I say my voice deep and groggy still and his eyes shoot open jumping up blushing

Nat snickers and Zuku glares at him

"You guys suck" he says and grabbed his workout clothes and the dorm key

"I am gonna change in the bathrooms" He said and I smile at him and he leaves

"You smile more" Nat said and I look up confused

"With him, you never smiled growing up unless you where with mom. And that ended and you never smiled again until recently but with him its constant" He said as I stand up

"I guess your right...he makes me happy" I grab work out clothes and he laughs knowing my plan

"Go work out with your boyfriend" He said turning around on the couch to sleep

"I will" I say and he snorts

I change and rush to the hallway seeing Izuku walking back to the dorm

He looked surprised to see me "hi shouto" he said

"I was hoping to come with you" I mumble a little and he smiles

"Okay! Let me put my PJs back in the dorm!" He says and goes back to the dorm snd I wait outside

He comes back out blushing madly "your brother" he mumbles and I groan

"What he do" I ask and Izuku blushes but giggles

"He told me to tell you to use protection" He says and I cover my face

"I swear" I mumble and Izuku giggles and kisses my cheek

"Lets just go" he says and grabs my hand

"What do you do first"I ask and he thinks

"I do a jog first around campus then at 5:45 I get something to eat then at 6am the school gym is open and I do a work out until 6:30 then I run back to campus using my quirk then shower and get ready for school and by 7 I am ready while everyone gets dressed and I can study until 7:30 and walk to school with everyone" he says and I just stare at him

He blushed looking down "I know a lot you really don't have to join me" He says and I just chuckle and kiss his green curls

"You work so hard" I say to him and he just shrugs

"I work hard so I can keep up with everyone" He says and I raise an eyebrow

"Your 3rd in academics, and 2nd in quirk training plus non of the guys have a defined 6pack as you do" I state and he thought about it

"I guess your right" he laughs and we make it out the dorms and Izuku sadly lets go of my hand

"Think you can catch up?" He challenges and I smirk

"Your on" I say and we start jogging

We jog to the school going around the building the around the dorms and back up to the front of the school and stop

"Sweating" I say and Izuku chuckles

"There is a café I go to around the corner come on" He grabs my hand dragging me

Where does this boy find his energy????

We get there and go inside and a girl with blue jay wings turn around

"Oh hello Midoriya! The usual?" She asks and He nods and she looks at me

"Is this Todoroki? The one you talk ab-" And he cuts her off

"Haha um Shouto want to order something" he asks gett flustered and I smirk at him amused

"Taiyaki with green tea please"  I say and she writes it down

"First name basis huh? Nice" she giggled and Izuku rubbed the back of his neck

"Your adorable " I say and kiss his curls and I hear squeal but no comment

We sit down and I look around "I neve seen this café" I say and he looks at me

"Its small but they have the best Onigiri" Zuku says smiling

"So what do we do after this?" Forgetting half of what we where doing

"We jog up to the school Nezu will probably be there and we work out for 30 minutes and I use my quirk to get back fast so I can shower and get ready" he says and the waitress puts our food down and teas

"Midoriya here been coming here since last year since UA started" She said and I raise an eyebrow

"Even before the dorms?" I ask and he nods taking a bite of his Onigiri

"I woke up earlier" He said casually and I shake my head

"No wonder your fit" I say and he blushed darkly and ate his food

I shake my head amused and eat my breakfast and soon we thank the waitress and jog back up to the school as Nezu is unlocking it he turned

"On time as always Midoriya. And I see you brought Young Todorki" Nezu said and I bow my head

"I hope thats okay" Izuku asked and Nezu smiled

"Perfectly fine bring as many friends as you wish just remember the rule" Nezu said and Zuku nodded

"No quirk usage in the regular gym and be back at the dorms at 7" He recited and Nezu nodded

"Have fun boys I will be in my office" He said and walked away

We head towards the gym and separate to do our own things and about 15 minutes of working out Izuku calls me

"Shoto will you spot me?" He asks at the weight lifting area

"Sure" I say casually and walk over

He lays down and start benching the weights

Curiously I look at how much he is and my eyes widen when I see 100 pounds on each side

"You bench more then me" I comment and he laughs a little

When he finishes we switch and I bench 180

"Your not far behind you'll be better then me in no time" Zuku said and I continue

"Don't do that" I said and he got a confused look

"Do what?" He asks and I stop and put the bar up

"Don't compare yourself to me and degrade yourself like your nothing" I say sitting up staring in his eyes

His emerald eyes widen "oh I guess I didn't realize" He says rubbing the back of his neck

"You do it a lot. When anyone complements you. You turn it around and point out the things there better at. The only one who notices it beside me is Bakugou which is why he yells at you when you complement him" I point out and Izuku eyes widen

"Oh thats why" He laughs awkwardly and I stand up and kiss him softly

"Your amazing. Remember that. Come on we need to head back" I say and we walk out and Nezu sees us

"Oh by the way boys I will be making an announcement but tomorrow is bring your father to school for fathers appreciation. Midoriya you can bring your mother." He tells Izuku who smiles

"Thanks Principal Nezu" he grins and I smile

"Can I bring my brother instead" I ask and Nezu look confused but nodded

"If that is what you prefer. If he was a big part of you growing up then you can" He says seeming to understand

"Thank you" I bow and we head outside

Midoriya starts up his quirk and grins at me and I read  my stance

"First one there buys dinner tonight" he smirks knowing I was taking him on a date and runs

"Don't you dare!" I put my right  foot forward  and use my flames to blast me forward and it melts the ice that I leave behind

I tie up with him and right when we get to the dorms I past him by a second and stop breath heavily

"Dammit" Izuku says grinning and I pull him to my arms and kiss him

"I win" I say leaning my head on his and I hear a camera flash

We look up and I see Natsu grinning

"Mom is gonna love these" He says and I roll my eyes

"Zuku go ahead Ill be there soon" I say and he kisses my cheek and waves at Natsu before running inside

"We ran into Nezu and he said tomorrow is bring your Father to school for father appreciation day. I asked if I could bring you instead and he agreed" I say and Natsu eyes widen

"You would rather have me?" He asks surprised

"When I was sick or anything you and Fuyumi took care of me and taught me to read and wright. You were more of a Dad instead of him" I explain and Natsuo beamed and hugged me tightly

"I would be happy to come Shoto!" He exclaimed and I smiled a little

"Will I have to do anything?" He asked and I shrugged

"I'm not sure, I'll find out more today. But you should head to school" I said and he nodded

"I'll be back tonight little bro see ya!" He said and ran off

I go inside and see Iida and Sero up drinking tea

"Hello Todoroki, where were you this morning" Iida asked and I wave

"I went out exercising with Izuku. And I saw my brother off he stayed the night last night Aisawa let him" I explained walking past them

"Alright well you should shower dude you smell like sweat" I hear Sero say and I chuckle running up stairs

I get to my dorm and grab some clothes and wait outside the shower area for Izuku to be done

He comes out drying his hair already changed into his uniform and sees me

"I hope you werent waiting to long" his says and I shake my head

"No your fine Ill see back in the dorm"  I say giving him a kiss and walk into the showers


I walk away blushing a little hoping no one saw that

I was wrong

"See you back at the dorms muuuah " I hear and I turn seeing Hitoshi and Denki smirking and I groan

"Not a word. What are you two doing up? Denki you usually are up at 7:30" I say checking my phone its 7:10

"Toshi got me up because he wanted coffee" Denki said yawning

I roll my eyes and laugh and head to my room and get out my notebook and work book and start taking notes for class

I have no idea how long time has passed but soon arms wrap around me kissing my neck and I look and meet heterochromia eyes

"You work to hard" he says and I laugh awkwardly

"Maybe, anyways its 7:30 should we head out?" I ask and he thinks about it

"How about we just not go" He suggest and I roll my eyes

"Nice try" I laugh and he smiles and grabs our back packs and we head down stairs where most the class is at

"Look who got done making out and decided to join us" Denki commented causing the class to look at us

I face palmed "Denki...we have not told everyone yet" I mumble and Hitoshi slapped the back of his head

"Ow! My bad." Denki said and shot me an apologetic look

"Congrats guys!" Ururaka said giving us a hug

I laugh awkwardly and grab Shouto hand pulling him outside to start walking

"You okay" Shouto asked and I smiled

"I'm fine just startled me you know" I say and lean on his shoulder as we walk to school

We get to class and Aizawa starts the lesson

"Today you guys will be doing a rescue training. Half of you will be Villains and the other half Heroes. You will be separated based one numbers. 1's will be Heroes and 2's Villains come draw your numbers" he said pulling out a bowl with papers mixed in it

We lined up and drew our papers and I was excited

"Hero!" I exclaim and Shouto looked at my card and held his up

"We can team up" he said kissing my head as his had the number 1

I head Kacchan complaining and I saw his card had the number 2

I giggle and Shouto snickered and I saw Kirishima beaming

"Hey I got the number 1. Guess I get to fight you huh" he says and Kacchan growled but pat Kirishima head

Soon we where separated into 2 teams

Me, Shouto, Kirishima, Iida Tsu, Hitoshi, Koda, Jirou, Shoji, and Sero were on the Hero team.

Kacchan, Denki, Momo, Ashido, Uruarka, Hagakura, Aoyama, Ojiro, Tokoyami, and Sato were on the Villain team

"Who are we rescuing?" Jirou asked and as she said that the big 3 walked in.

"We are playing your helpless civilians!" Mirio said giving us a thumbs up

"Its gonna be so weird playing the victim" Nejire said looking around at us

"I just wanna go home" Amajiki said and we deflate at that

"Alright change and go outside you got 10 minutes" He gave Toshi and I look and motioned to his office for us to change

Toshi and I looked at each other and snuck past everyone to change in his office

We make it out with everyone just in time and join the Heroes

"Okay offense and I think should Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Sero and Asui. I will help Koda, Jirou, and Shoji with the civilians" Iida explained the plan

"I will listen for them while Shoji should be on top of the building scouting. Koda you should send some animals to look around and Iida with your speed you can grab the civilians and bring them back to base." Jirou explain their side

"Great idea. While you guys do that we will try to distract them away the best we can. Knowing Kacchan he will on offense and Denki will follow him so we have to deal with them which would Ururaka and Ojiro too as they have good combat quirks" I explain for my part of the team

"Lead the way Zuku I will follow your lead" Shouto said and I hear Sero and Kirishima make kissy noises

I ignore them

"Tsu and Sero you can capture the villains you both are also good at moving quickly and Kirshima your great with hand to hand combat and as a shield" I say quickly hearing the horn go off

Lets do this

What will happen next!?

Read to find out I will be updating soon!

Love ya!

3730 Words!

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