~: Charlotte Ann Barnes :~

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Name: Charlotte Ann Barnes

-Char Char

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance/FaceClaim: Lili Reinhart

Personality: Charlotte is stoic, and has a no-nonsense type of attitude. Do not dare mess with her, as she will have no problem to put you in your place. She's a rather quiet individual though, usually keeping to herself unless she absolutely has something on her mind to point out. Though, do not take this as her being a pushover, as she most certainly is not.  To many on the outside, with her quiet and close-kept demeanor, many people see her as an arrogant or pompous brat. She isn't. She just isn't usually very vocal like others and wouldn't normally jump automatically into a social setting. That's just not her nature. But if you do happen to get close to her and break down those walls, there is a sweet and tender girl underneath who is honestly very protective of those she loves. A strong silent type indeed.

Likes: The winter time, warm clothes, coziness, warm blankets, reading, writing, archery, horseback riding, the calm, quiet, peaceful places

Dislikes: Loud people, obnoxious people, dishonesty, manipulation, crowded areas, parties, nagging, being pestered, desperation.

Crush: TBD

Gang role/Which Gang: Silent Reapers Member

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