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Name: (Y/N) Tensyu

Code Name: X

Species(before): Human

Species(now): Cyborg

Affiliation: Maverick Hunters

Looks before:

Looks(After being presumed dead):

Brief Backstory: (Y/N) was a previous student of Union who was bullied and ridiculed for having a useless power. He had a few friends, but they couldn't protect him from his bullies or the staff who hated him. Soon he was lured out to the forest by his bullies and was quote un quote killed by them, but he was soon given a second chance by an old but amazing engineer and doctor.

Likes: His Team, his friends, Alie, the Maverick Hunters, helping people, his armors, steak, radishes, Shion and Joon(yes)

Dislikes: Unnecessary Fights, Union, Most Devils, Mavericks, Vile, Sigma, Ultron, copies of him, and seeing Shion and Joon get hurt

Ability: Copy-

Allows him to copy someone powers, though before he only obtained and incredibly weak version of it and he couldn't hold it for long. After he was turned into a cyborg he gain the ability to copy powers to their full potential and always hold onto them, though they do have a ammo count that will need to recharge after use.


X Fire Armor-

(Y/N)'s go to close-range armor, though he can't use special weapons with it

Fourth Armor-

Gives (Y/N) infinite special weapon ammo unless he charges them. Usually his go to armor in most situations

Falcon Armor-

Gives (Y/N) the ability to fly though it can't charge special weapons and full charge shot is very small but powerful

Ultimate Armor-

One of (Y/N)'s strongest armor, he only uses in bad situations. Has an incredible powerful Giga Attack

True Ultimate Armor-

(Y/N)'s strongest armor. Heavy fire power and incredible survivability. Can't use special weapons but doesn't matter. Only uses in dire situations.


Shion and Joon-

Both are still goddesses, but they look up to (Y/N) as a big brother after he saved them from a Maverick attack. Both are usual seen with him whenever  he has time to sit back and relax.

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