Chapter 1: Escape, Capture, Interrogation and New Student

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New story!! This will follow Persona 5, but it will feature my OC, Kari Iwai,and the ideas are going to be mine! I of course do NOT own Persona 5, it belongs to Atlus. I only own my OC, Kari. Media doesn't belong to me, the song is Dark Sun which is the second opening to Persona 5 the Animation. I do NOT own the rights to the music nor the pictures that will be used in the chapters.

(Kari's P.O.V.)


That's about all I can see at the moment, before my vision blurs, and I realize I'm still in the Palace, Sae Niijima's Palace, and the nine other members of the Phantom Thieves are around me.








And our leader, my boyfriend.....


His grey eyes behind the black and white domino mask that's over his face are filled with worry as he looks at me. He trails a hand over my face, before Oracle's voice brings me out of my stupor.

"W-What?! What are these readings?! This is bad! We have to get out of here!" Joker turns to her, staring at the youngest member of the Phantom Thieves as video feeds show massive enemy readings. I look up from my mask, my blood red gloves covering Joker's, as I look him in the eyes.

"We'll have to split up, divide, someone is going to have to get the Treasure out of the Palace, and divert the police's attention to get the briefcase out," Crow says. "Problem is, someone's going to have to play decoy."

"Yeah, but....who will it be?" Queen asks, placing a hand on her chin in thought. I turn to Crow, but before any of us can say anything, Joker looks up.

"Go, everyone." He says. I turn to my leader and boyfriend.

"Joker?!" Queen says, shock evident in her crimson gaze. I shake my head, tears coming to my eyes.

"No, let me go with you," I say. "Someone's gotta have your back, leader. Please, Akira...." I whisper his real name under my breath, and Joker takes my hand, cupping the back of my head as he pulls me in for a kiss, lowering his lips to mine. I grab the back of his raven frizzy hair, running my fingers through it, then pulling away. I lean my forehead against his, sighing shakily. He strokes my cheek.

"I'll be fine, Kari," he whispers. "I'm gonna be okay." I shake my head with tears in my eyes.

"What about our little one?" I ask, startling the rest of the Phantom Thieves. Joker looks at me as realization seems to hit him harder than most, recalling past events, the intimacy we shared, the times we spent upstairs in Leblanc's attic when Sojiro wasn't around, the whispers of love in my ear, the feeling of skin against skin. Queen looks at me in shock, so do Oracle, Noir, and Panther.

"What are you talking about?" Skull asks, blinking his brown eyes from behind his mask. Crow hums.

"You're......" he begins, and Panther gasps.

".......pregnant?" She finishes Crow's sentence, a gasp in her throat. The others look at me the same way as Joker nods.

"Yes, she is," he says. "And it's mine." He places a single hand on my belly, the other on my lower back.

"Shall we head out now?" Oracle asks.

"It's time to split," Queen says. "Be safe, Joker, Liberty." I nod my head, then Joker and I make our way to the top, the briefcase in Joker's hand.

As we traverse the roof of the Palace, Joker keeps looking back at me. I think he's trying to make sure I'm safe. After all, I shouldn't be fighting, since it's not just me anymore. It's not just me that will be fighting, I have a life growing inside me now. I clutch my belly, looking up as Joker turns to me.

"Liberty......whatever we do, we have to give the others more time to get away. I will do most of the fighting, so stay with me." He looks at me, and I pull him in for yet another kiss, threading my gloved hands through his hair.

"Will do, Joker, but let me fight at least. Remember, I'm not just fighting for myself anymore." Joker nods, as I pull out my brass knuckles.

*Time Skip to Joker and Liberty fighting off Shadows and getting caught*

Joker looks up at me as the police cuff him, one grabbing him by his hair, another grabbing my wrists.

"No, Joker!!" I cry out, as the officer lifts me up. I immediately go limp because of my condition. If I fight, I'll risk miscarriage, and I don't want that. Joker watches me before we end up in an underground interrogation area, and separated.

"Guess the drug was too strong," a detective in a black suit says, walking in my room. "Wake her up."


Cold water is thrown on me, and I shiver as I come to. I can feel pain on my face and the cuffs are still digging in my wrists. I blink my eyes, realizing I'm in my Shujin Academy blazer and skirt, shivering from the water. I cough then try to shake the cuffs but to no avail, before the detective walks up to me.

"Come on, give it up!" He says, kicking me hard in the belly, making me gasp sharply in pain. That bastard. Is he trying to kill my child? If he does, he'll regret it.

"Guess the drug was too strong," he says, as he grabs a clipboard and turns back to me. "Cooperate, or what, you want another shot?" He digs his heel into the side of my skull, making me groan in pain. Idiot. I let my eyes avert to the cameras in the room, which I didn't notice until now, hoping that it won't be used against me should this case go to court. My mind wanders to my leader, my boyfriend, my lover, Akira Kurusu. I wonder if he's safe, or if he's getting the same rough treatment I'm getting. I let my eyes go to the camera, and the detective brings his foot off my head and grabs my hair.

"What about the cameras, huh? You thinking it could be used as video evidence?" He asks. He lifts up my head and I wince in pain as he does.

"Of course not," I spit. "Why?" He just scoffs.

"So, you're not that dumb. Good, cause we have all the time in the world to be doing this." He lets go of my hair and kicks me again in the ribs, this time avoiding my belly. I cough again, wheezing and trying not to retch again like I did earlier when they brought me in. I watch as he walks in front of me towards a detective holding a clipboard and takes it, reading it out:

"Obstruction of government property, weapons use, manslaughter too, huh? Blackmail? Defamation? Talk about the works. And you seem to be enjoying every second of it, huh?" I blink, trying to remember why and if I had been enjoying it, but I can't remember, and the only thing on my mind is Akira.

"You should know your place," the detective says, as he gestures another to let me go. I am relieved when the cuffs come off, and as I rub my wrists, the detective is so close, I can smell his breath.

"We have ways of making you talk, young one," he says to me. "Don't think of making it out of here in one piece." He pauses then hands me the clipboard and pen.

"Sign here, it's a confession under your name." I blink at him, my face starting to hurt from the beatings I took by most of the detectives in here. I'm surprised they didn't kill my unborn child first time they got.

"I understand," I say calmly, taking the clipboard, realizing that he didn't give me the pen. I shoot him a look, until he hands me the pen.

"We have ways of making you talk," he hisses. "Don't think you and your partner will make it out of here in one piece." I grit my teeth, but take the clipboard and pen from him and sign my name:

Kari Iwai.

Once my name is signed, I hand the clipboard back and the detectives leave me, as I wince in pain, getting up to sit in the chair that fell over when that one detective kicked me. A dozen questions go through my mind at once:

What happened to the others?

Are they okay?

Did they make it out of Sae's Palace?

Did we fail our mission to change her heart before our arrest?

Will my baby make it?

Is my baby okay?

I place a hand on my belly, my entire form shivering as I check for kicks. I feel a very tiny one against my belly, and I gasp in shock and relief, crying out. Thank gosh. My little one is safe, my little Liberty or Joker. Yes, I've been calling my baby little Liberty or little Joker depending on gender, considering it's only been a couple months since I found out, and I'm only thirteen weeks along. I decide to sit in the chair, waiting patiently and anxiously, trying to keep myself as calm as possible so I don't stress my little one. I look up as I hear voices.

(Outside Kari's Interrogation Room, Normal P.O.V.)

The two detectives from earlier stand outside Kari's room, as a woman with ashen-brown hair, mauve red eyes, and wearing a black business suit walks up to the door. The detectives turn to her.

"Excuse me, this area's off——" the detective says, only to be cut off by the woman.

"Let me through. It's urgent," she says. "There's something I need to speak with the prisoner." The detective sighs.

"Niijima-san, this is out of your jurisdiction," he says. "You might want to speak with your director on this one." Another detective walks up behind the young woman.

"Are you Prosecutor Sae Niijima? Your director's on the line, he wants to speak with you. Frankly, you're being an inconvenience." Sae sighs as she takes out her phone as she answers the phone.

"Ah, I thought I told you to stand down," the SIU director's voice says on the other line.

"This is MY case, yet I'm not even allowed an interrogation?" Sae asks, her eyes narrowing.

"I'm calling cause I knew you'd bring it up," he says. "Don't waste more of my time." He hangs up, and Sae grits her teeth.

"Oh-one more thing," the detective says after Sae had hung up the phone. "We can't permit you to speak with her for long, we know nothing about her motives." Sae sighs.

"It's for your own safety," the detective continues. "Her motives are unknown, after all. We don't even know if it's safe to even speak with her. It's for your own good." Sae closes her eyes slightly, then opens them, staring into the face of the detective with a nod.

".....I understand." She then opens the door to see the young third-year inside, one hand on her belly, the other on the table, her head bowed. She doesn't look up as Sae walks in, closes the door behind her, then sits down, placing her bag on the floor, and crossing her legs and arms.

"I....didn't expect it to be you," she says to the female. Kari lifts her head as Sae's face hardens and looks at her. "You'll be answering my questions this time." Kari looks up into the prosecutor's eyes.

"What about the young man that was caught alongside me?" She asks coldly. "Is he gonna be okay?" Sae blinks her eyes.

"Huh?" She then turns to see the syringe on the floor. "Those bastards......" she then turns back to Kari.

"Hey, can you hear me?" She asks her. "It's been rough for you, I get it. But I need your cooperation on this, and I can't stop them. I don't know what else they have done to you." Kari grits her teeth.

"Or what they almost did to my baby?" She spits. Sae's eyes widen further.

"You're pregnant?"

"Surprised? You should be. The leader is the father." Sae's eyes narrow.

"Let me get back on the topic," she says. "So, how did you do it? How did you change the hearts? Were you the ones behind the psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns? And that other were you able to use it to change people's hearts?" The questions come spewing out of the prosecutor's mouth, luckily, Kari has memories of everything, including the day when she first met Akira, the one that would become more than just her boyfriend, but also become the future leader of the Phantom Thieves.

"Tell me everything, start from the beginning and stick it to the truth," Sae says. Kari nods. "And only the truth." Kari rolls her eyes as if it's obvious Sae won't allow her to lie. As if she would. She has no reason to. So, she sighs.

"It all began back in April, as I was on my way to school in Shujin Academy.........."

4/9 Saturday Early Morning
Kari hums softly as she pulls on her Shujin Academy uniform, pulling on her school blazer over her turtleneck. The number 3 is pinned to her side as she sighs, messing with her hearing aids some. She blinks her eyes. She then heads downstairs to where her father sits behind a counter lined with model guns, and others like model protectors, accessories, and model melee weapons. Iwai looks up, meeting his daughter's hazel gaze.

"Morning, Kari," he says. "You heading to school?" Kari nods at her father.

"Yes, sir, I am." Iwai sits up, his eyes on his daughter.

"I think it's best if I drive," he says. "Also, don't forget to bring your umbrella at least. It might be raining today." Kari nods. She slings her school bag over her shoulder. They both walk out of Untouchable, and walk towards the train station off Central Street. It's bustling with people at the moment, going in and out of the theater and different stores, including the Beef Bowl shop, the diner, and the convenience store. They then walk to the station square, then go to the Teikyu access way where Shujin Academy is going to be.

"Alright, this is it, the train that will take you to the school," Iwai says to Kari. Kari nods. She fixes her shoulder strap of her school bag. "Well, see you after school." Kari nods to her father before walking towards the train. She stands in line with other people before she gets on, seeing that a frizzy raven haired boy a year younger than her gets in, wearing the male Shujin Academy uniform. His glasses frame his face, hiding the emotions within him as well as his obsidian gaze. Kari can't help but feel intrigued. He doesn't say anything, nor does she since she's not one for small talk often. She leans back until she realizes she had gotten on the wrong train when she hears the intercom.

"Now boarding Yongen-Jaya, this is Yongen-Jaya." Kari sighs. Unbelievable. She can't believe she got on the wrong train. The boy walks off, and Kari decides to follow him.

"You lost?" She asks him. He turns to her, pushing his glasses up his face with a single finger.

"No, I have an idea where I'm going," he says. "But thank you." He bows to her before he walks up the escalator that will take him out of the station and lead him to the backstreets of Yongen. Kari follows him, and he turns around, noticing this.

"Why are you following me?" He asks. His voice is quite calm, there's not even a hint of anger despite the way his hands are settled in his pockets. Kari hums.

"If you don't know your way, you're bound to get lost," she says. "I know the streets of Tokyo like the back of my hand. Come on, where do you need to go?" The boy hums then says,

"Since we're already in the backstreets I need to get to Sojiro Sakura's house." Kari nods, tapping her chin.

"I know exactly where that is, follow me." She leads him down the path that leads him to a house down the end of the backstreets. The boy rings the doorbell, but frowns when he realizes no one's come to answer the door. He then turns as a voice cuts him out of his thoughts.

"So, Sakura's not here, huh? I guess he's working at his cafe at this time." Kari hums, and bows politely to the mailman before leading the boy to the cafe.

"So, this is Leblanc. I never would've expected it to be in the backstreets." Kari hums softly. She makes a mental note to tell her father about this place later. The boy turns to her.

"Thank you," he says. "Without your help, I probably would have gotten lost." He rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment. Kari notices the number 2 pinned on the side of his uniform and wonders if he goes to Shujin.

"Glad I could be of help," she says. "Well, I gotta get going, I gotta get to school, otherwise I'll be late." She waves to him before she heads back the way she came, taking the train to Shibuya, then taking the Ginza Line that will lead her to the train that will take her to school.

4/9 Morning
Kari blinks her eyes as she walks up to the gates of Shujin, seeing someone that makes her skin crawl. Suguru Kamoshida, volleyball coach and PE teacher. She rolls her eyes as she heads up the stairs to the school gate and up to the entrance of the school. Kamoshida turns to her.

"Hey, Kari," he calls out. "Good morning. If you want, Monday, I can drive you to school. It's supposed to be raining." Kari grits her teeth then turns to him, wearing one of the fakest smiles to ever cross her face as she shakes her head.

"No thanks, my dad is probably going to drive me, but thanks for the offer." She turns to head back into the school, but then he grabs her arm.

"Come on," he says. "I insist." She pulls her arm out of his grasp. She grits her teeth at him.

"No, don't," she says, trying to keep the venom out of her tone. "I don't want to end up in your car." She pulls her arm away then heads further into the school and goes to her class.

4/9 Lunchtime
Kari hums softly as she sits down to eat her bento, then looks up to see Makoto, her friend and student council president, walk up to her. She sighs and puts her chopsticks down.

"What is it, Makoto?" She asks her. Makoto frowns. Her mauve red eyes stare at her friend before she says in a calm tone,

"Well, Principal Kobayakawa just wants to see you in his office tomorrow, that's all," she says. "I think we're getting a new student." Kari blinks.

"A new student? Oh jeez. Okay, well, let's just hope this new kid has what it takes to survive this hellhole of a school." Makoto rolls her eyes.

"Lighten up, Kari. The students look up to us as student council president and vice president. I won't have us looking bad in front of this new student." Kari sighs.

"Fine." She gets up, then walks to class.

4/9 After School
Kari spends the most of the afternoon going over her notes and studying for her upcoming test in one of her classes, before realizing the time and heading home. She takes the train to Shibuya, then heads to the diner to clear her head for now. She hums softly. She decides to study at the diner even though she'd already studied at school. She's fine with it though. Not like she has anything better to do. She blinks then gets up after a bit, and heads home. Her father looks up.

"Hey," he says. "How was school?" Kari shrugs.

"Meh, it was okay. By the way, we're getting a new student and since I'm on the student council, I have to show him around the school tomorrow," she explains. "Not to mention the rumors about this kid." Iwai looks up.

"What do you mean?" He asks her. "What rumors about this new kid?" Kari shrugs.

"A bunch of shit that even I don't believe for myself." Iwai nods.

"I see. I just hope you're not getting yourself in trouble, young lady." Kari chuckles.

"I'm just gonna get some more studying done for the night, then I'm gonna head to bed so I can introduce this kid tomorrow." Iwai nods.

"Sounds like a plan. Good night, Kari." Kari nods as she heads upstairs.

"Good night, Dad." She heads upstairs and walks towards her bedroom, dressing in her pajamas, then heading to bed.

4/10 Early Morning
Kari cracks open her eyes, and rubs them, knowing that it's Sunday, and she has to be at the school to show the new kid around. She gets up, and dresses in her school uniform, yawning. She walks downstairs to see her father already at the door, a bento box in his hand.

"Morning, Kari," he says to her. "How'd you sleep?" Kari shrugs.

"I slept fine," she answers him. "What's for breakfast?" Iwai chuckles as he holds out the bento box.

"Here," he says to her. "Take it. This will be your lunch at the school. Have fun with the new kid." Kari rolls her eyes with a chuckle. She takes the bento anyways, smiling when she sees there's a breakfast bento as well.

"Thanks for the breakfast bento, Dad," she tells him. "Love it." Iwai smiles at his daughter.

"Have fun with the new kid, make sure he don't get ya in any trouble." He smiles. Kari chuckles.

"He shouldn't be." Iwai hums before letting his daughter go. Kari then starts her long walk to the train station, if you can call it a long walk, but not really. She then heads to school, seeing Principal Kobayakawa, Miss Kawakami, and a middle-aged man with gray eyes, slicked back dark hair with a receding hairline, a chinstrap beard with a goatee that flares out and wearing glasses. His outfit consists of a pale pink dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, pale khakis held up with a white leather belt and white loafers, followed by a white two-button blazer and a white trilby with a red-white-and-blue striped hat band. At his side is the frizzy haired boy that Kari met on the train.

"Ah, Kari Iwai, so glad you could come to this meeting," Principal Kobayakawa says. "Mr. Sakura, I would like you to meet Kari Iwai, she's our student council Vice President." The man he called Sakura turns to Kari.

"Hi, there," he says. "So, you helped Akira out?" Kari nods. She then turns to the frizzy haired boy once more.

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself to you when we first met," she says. "But name's Kari. Kari Iwai." The boy bows to her.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Akira Kurusu." Kari nods gently then turns to Sojiro.

"And you're his guardian, huh?" She asks. Sojiro nods, pushing his glasses up.

"Uh-huh. I am. I'm also the one responsible for keeping him out of trouble." Kari hums.

"I'll be sure to keep him out of trouble here in the school, then," she says to him. "It's the least I can do to help out the students with their education." Sojiro hums then smiles.

"Heh, okay. You're a sweet girl, so I'll let you handle him at school. In return, how about you stop by the cafe sometime and I'll serve you a great cup of coffee on me." Kari hums in thought, then nods, holding out her hand.

"It's a deal, Sakura-san." Sojiro smiles and shakes her hand.

"Very well, Kari." He says. Kari nods then turns as Kobayakawa then turns to a middle-aged woman with brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a long-sleeved yellow striped shirt and a skirt that looks like jeans and a pair of flats. She then hands Akira a small card.

"Here's your student ID," she says. "Just make sure you come see me tomorrow in the student council room as soon as you get to school so that I can introduce you to the class. I'll be your home room teacher." Both Akira and Kari don't miss a sight of a small pink slip that the woman grabs before her eyes go back to Kobayakawa.

"Be sure to read the school rules. Any violations will send you straight to the guidance office," she explains to Akira as Kari blinks her eyes again. "And, if by chance you cause any problems, I won't be able to protect you at all. That IS your promise, right, Kobayakawa?" She glances at the principal.

"He is responsible for all his actions." Kobayakawa explains.

"But really, though, why me?" Kawakami complains. "There should've been better candidates."

"It was a sudden transfer, and your class was the only one that had an opening." Kobayakawa explains.

"If you're done explaining things, mind if we get going?" Sakura says, as Kari looks at him, turning away from the principal. "I got a store to get back to." Kari blinks again. She then looks at Akira. She doesn't think he's all that bad. What did he do to get him the way he is now?

"Sakura-san, please keep a close eye on him," Kobayakawa says, making Kari break her gaze from Akira and meet the principal. "Don't let him cause any trouble outside..."

"Well, I'll be sure to have a serious talk about the situation he's in," Sakura says, Kari nodding her head.

"Come to the faculty office when you arrive at school tomorrow. I'll show you to your classroom." Kari hums as she then walks outside of the office, following Kawakami.

"Miss Kawakami, if I may," she says. "I would like to show the transfer student around the school tomorrow." Kawakami smiles.

"Thanks, Kari, I really appreciate it." She then walks away, leaving Kari to it. Kari sighs then walks towards the student council room. Makoto notices her.

" okay?" She asks. Kari nods.

"I'll be fine, Makoto, don't worry about it."

4/10 Evening
Kari makes it home a little bit later than usual, due to helping out Makoto wrapping up things in the student council room, then getting something to eat on the way back due to her hunger. She had eaten her bento at lunch though, so that really pleases her. She steps inside Untouchable to see her father sitting up in the chair in front of the guns, and he sits up more.

"So, how was it? The transfer student at your school?" He asks. Kari shrugs.

"He's decent, to say the least," she says. "But other than that, he seems....nice." Iwai nods.

"Uh-huh. Just be careful." He says to her. Kari nods her head before she heads to bed.

4/11 Monday Early Morning
Kari hums as she opens her eyes, stretching out her arms then heading to her closet to change out of her nightwear, and into her school uniform. Once she does, she heads out to the train station. Taking the Ginza Line to the school is easy for her, since she's lived here all her life. But she does however sigh as she realizes it's raining. Luckily she has an umbrella. As she opens it, she waves her dad good-bye then heads to school. However, she hears about the subway accident and blinks her eyes as she walks to the school.

Police Interrogation Room
Kari sighs as she looks at Sae Niijima sitting across from her. She does however narrow her eyes at her. Gosh, she doesn't like her. How is she Makoto's older sister?

"...There was a terrible subway accident that day. You remember it, don't you?" She asks Kari. Kari nods. Of course, she remembers. Sae hums then says,

"I assume you know of the uproar that the public calls the "psychotic breakdown incidents."" Kari nods.

"Yes," she answers. "I have." Her hand curls on her belly again to protect the child within. The life that is growing inside her.

"You say that like it's none of your business," Sae says, making Kari raise an eyebrow at the older woman. "It was all over the news, and one of the victims included a teacher from your high school." She watches Kari as she winces.

"I've no doubt you heard about it." Sae continues, ignoring the pain written on Kari's face. She then leans forward in her chair.

"On that day, were you still an "ordinary" student?" Kari blinks at her again, frowning.

"What do you mean?" She asks her. Sae leans back in her chair.

"...Let me change the question," Sae says to her, making Kari raise an eyebrow in utter confusion. "You were a member of the student council at Shujin Academy, correct? Also, you worked alongside someone close to me?" Kari blinks. The only person that could come to mind is none other than Sae's little sister and the student council president, Makoto Niijima. Kari then nods.

"An ordinary prep school that could be found in any city.." she says. "...That's what it should've been." Kari hums, her hand still clutching her belly.

"What happened around that time?" Sae asks her. Kari huffs.

"Why should I?" She asks her, making the woman blink at her.

"Tell me everything-truthfully." Sae says, ignoring Kari's question. Kari nods.

"Okay, I will."

This is where I'm gonna stop! I hope you guys like this chapter, cause I sure did. I loved writing this out!! Anyways, so Kari has met Akira, but their relationship will grow with time, just bear with me here. I'm playing Persona 5 Royal as I'm typing this, so please comment and tell me what else you guys want to see of Kari and Akira!! See you guys in the next chapter!!! Oh, and one more thing, for Kari, her getting pregnant is canon. Now the big question is, as this goes on, who is the father????

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