Combat Class

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*before anyone asks, this takes place on the same day but at a later time as last chapter.*

Sun Dragon was told that there was a new student in his homeroom class, so him and the other cadets in the class were to come so they could welcome the new cadet. Sun Dragon soon found it was Bazookanine, but his outfit was completely different. Before Bazookanine wore a bounty hunter suit that went with his mech, the Northstar. But now he wore a ninja-like outfit thst showed more of his skin. His white fur with hints of orange and black, his long oh-so-fluffy tail with slight orange hue at the tip, a long orange and red scarf with the Fire elemental symbol at the end, and his red and yellow top and pants also marked with the Fire elemental symbol. There were also orange holsters that carried his daggers comfortably within their leather. Sun Dragon could immediately tell that Bazookanine must've been a Fire elemental cadet, despite looking like an Artic Fox.

Bazookanine: Hey Sun! What, Eteru doesn't take the homeroom class with you?
Sun Dragon: No, he has someone else. I imagine we'll be taking the same Dragon Class though. You've already met Cosmic. This here is Daphne and Monitar, also friends of ours.
Monitar: Hey, that's your Titan in the garage with the other vehicles, aight it? I saw Mags and Dr.Krankcase take it in yesterday during the Vehicle Class. It looks sweet man!
Bazookanine: Yeah, that's Northstar. She's my pride and joy. That thing has gotten me through some tough times, I'll tell you.
Monitar: You should totally take the Vehicle Class man! I could see ya in a Hot Rod heading into second place behind me!
Bazookanine: Is that a suggestion, or a challenge?
Monitar: Oh you're competitive too, are you? Aight, first chance we get we's racing one on one. Deal?
Bazookanine: You bet it's a deal!
Daphne: Wow! I've never seen Monitar get along with someone so well!
Cosmic: That "Northstar" of Bazookanine's must be pretty cool looking if Monitar's impressed.
Sun Dragon: It was impressive. Oh, Daphne, do you have the Combat Class? I signed up for it yesterday and I'm supposed to take it later today.
Daphne: I don't, but Monitar does. You'd better watch yourself Sunny, because you might get the same class with him.
Cosmic: Monitar is pretty strong Sun. I've seen him lift five separate concrete bricks at one time!
Sun Dragon: Wow. That is strong. But I'm not worried. We're already friends, and one of his other friends shares the Light Class with me, so I'm sure she would stop it if a fight between us occurred.


Sun Dragon entered the building that was meant for the Combat Class. On the outside it was made of stone, but the inside looked almost like an Earth gymnasium, only somewhat smaller. The Combat Class was meant for cadets who were serious about their training and wanted a piece of the real action! It was taught by the "best Skylander trainer of all time" Buzz, head of Secret Ninja Comando Operations(whatever that is), himself. Despite having an eyepatch and a peg leg, he knew just how to test the Skylanders and had some special techniques up his sleeves. Often helping him arrange special challenges for the cadets and head of arranging special events around the Academy was Cali, one of the most famous explorers in Skylands and one of the Skylanders' most trusted allies, also known as Flynn's love interest.

There were training weapons and equipment all around the place. One room looked like a boxing ring, another looked like a workout area, and yet another was built with a swimming pool. Probably mainly for the Water elemental cadets. Sun Dragon found one room that had a simulation machine of some kind in it. He also found that he was in fact sharing a class with both Flaradise and Monitar. He even found Nympheen in the room as well.

Flaradise: Ah, Sun Dragon! Good to see you here! Nympheen, this is-
Nympheen: Sun Dragon, I know. We share a Cooking Class together. It is good to see you here Sun Dragon.
Sun Dragon: The pleasure of seeing you beauties here is mine.
Flaradise: *giggles* Oh Sun Dragon! You do have a way with words, don't you?
Sun Dragon: What is Monitar doing?
Nympheen: Oh, this is the Battle Simulator. Mags created it to help us train for anything we need to be prepared for in our future.
Flaradise: Currently, Monitar is using it to prepare himself for the event that, quote,"everyone's vehicles become corrupted by Kaos".
Sun Dragon: 😐..... What's with him and vehicles?
Nympheen: I hear him and Spitfire were childhood friends and they were competitive toward each other.
Flaradise: He wants to be a Supercharger Skylander so him and Spitfire can race each other and compete with each other again.
Sun Dragon: Well, at least it's for good reasons.
Nympheen: If you wish to use the simulation machine for yourself Sun Dragon, you may have to wait a while yet for Monitar to finish his turn.
Sun Dragon: I am rather curious as to seeing if the simulator is as real and authentic as everyone says it is.
Flaradise: We'll let you know when Monitar is finished. Go ahead and explore the rest of the building. We have plenty of time to spare.
Sun Dragon: Thank you Flare. I'll be around.

Sun Dragon left the room and walked around. Many of the other cadets were muscled and tall. Many of them were Earth or Tech or Fire elemental in nature, which made sense to Sun Dragon. Especially the Earth elementals. Sun Dragon heard some rukus going on in one of the workout rooms, where he recognized a couple of cadets.

Shadow Heart: Please Wiz, you can't take too much more.
Wizbiz: Come on! That all you got?!
Shadow Heart: *sigh* Wiz, be reasonable. You're tired and you played a fair game. Now step down.
Wizbiz: Not until I win!

Sun Dragon saw that Shadow Heart and Wizbiz were training. Or rather, Wizbiz was training with another cadet while Shadow Heart was trying to get Wiz to stop. Impken would enjoy Wiz's company from the looks of things. Wizbiz ended up losing again, mainly from energy exhaustion. The opposing cadet was obviously going easy on him this time. Sun Dragon managed to catch that the other cadet's name was Gorgeisha, a slithering serpent lady with snakes for hands. Her outfit was a geisha lady's outfit, colored in purple tint. Sun Dragon wondered if she was a Magic or Undead elemental.

Gorgeisha: Good game Wizzzzz, but you musssn't usse sso much energy like you do.
Wizbiz: *panting* Yeah...... Whatever......
Shadow Heart: I've been meaning to ask Gor. Is your roommate feeling any better?
Gorgeisha: *sigh* No more then he wasssss when Eon brought him and his sssssister here. It'ssss terribly upsssetting, esssspecially for his ssssister. He ssssleepssss constantly, saying that "Ssssskylandsss is better off without hisss emotionless being dragging it down".
Wizbiz: *panting* Can't..... your magic...... do anything...... to help?
Gorgeisha: You think I didn't try that? Whatever that ssssspell punk did to him, it wasssss powerful magic indeed.
Shadow Heart: It does indeed take powerful magic to remove one's own emotions like such.
Wizbiz: *panting* Hey.... ain't you.... that dragon.... with Mixcoatl.... a couple days ago?
Sun Dragon: Oh, um, yes. Sun Dragon's the name. Forgive me if I was snooping on your conversation just now. I recognize the two of you from Pegaslash's team on that mission we had. Wizbiz and Shadow Heart, yes?
Shadow Heart: Quite right Sun Dragon. This is Gorgeisha.
Gorgeisha: Nice to meet you Sun. Are you new here?
Sun Dragon: Mm-hm. Figured after what happened on our mission I should get to training harder then I have been. This is my first time in the Combat Class.
Gorgeisha: *giggles* Well, jussst try not to train too hard like Wiz here.
Sun Dragon: (chuckles) Will do, Gor. Will do.
Flaradise: There you are Sun! Monitar's done if you still want a turn!
Sun Dragon: Be right there, Flare! Gotta go. See you soon?
Wizbiz: *panting* Yeah.... See ya....

Sun Dragon ran back to the simulation room with Flaradise to see Monitar was out stretching his arms. The Battle Simulator was designed for any Skylander to use. It had what the humans would call a VR set that fit over your eyes. It had special gloves that were attached to the ceiling via wires. Same for the feet and even tail. There were circles on the floor under the main system. Flaradise explained that the circles would help simulate walking and running, like a touch screen of sorts.

Flaradise: Now you're sure you want to do this? It can be somewhat confusing in there.
Sun Dragon: I'll be fine Flare. I'll manage. Well, whenever you're ready to start the machine. Give me any scenario.
Nympheen: Alright Sun. You may want to brace yourself. (Presses a few buttons) Commence simulation.

Sun Dragon slipped on the VR set and "braced himself". When he opened his eyes, he was stunned by how realistic everything was. He tried moving around and everything to make sure was working properly, and sure enough it was. Apparently the others gave Sun Dragon the simple "save mabu from a burning village" scenario that pretty much anyone knew. However, just as Sun Dragon rescued the last mabu, two feline twins showed up. It was hard to tell, but one was a cheetah and the other a leopard. The cheetah wore a medieval huntress outfit, while the leopard wore futuristic armor. Both wore gauntlets with sharp claws extending frim them, the cheetah's red and yellow and the leopard's green and blue.

Twin 2: So you're Sunny? This ought to be easy!*giggles*
Twin 1: No time to make conversation. Remember the mission. On my mark-
Twin 2: -GO!

The two felines began to run around Sun Dragon at break-neck speed. Obviously trying to confuse him. He closed his eyes and sat still, trying to listen for them to close in.

Twin 1: *growls*
Twin 2: *snarl*


Sun Dragon leaped into the air, causing the twins to ram into each other. As the rubbed their heads, Sun Dragon used his hind legs and landed on top of the two. His legs were spread as far apart from each other as they could be. The twins were growing agitated with this trick.

Sun Dragon: Woah! Little too close for comfort.
Twin 2: Hey! Get off!
Sun Dragon: If you wish.
Twin 1: Oh wait WAIT-!

As Sun Dragon leaped into the air again, his legs caused the two twins to ram their heads again. They both fell to the ground, stunned by the attack. Sun Dragon landed perfectly on the ground and held the felines' tails to make sure they don't escape.

Sun Dragon: I believe that'll teach you some hard lessons, hm?
Twin 2: *groan* You win. You can let go of our tails now.
Twin 1: *groan* Simulation's over.
Sun Dragon: Hm? Self-aware AIs?

The simulation was turned off and Sun Dragon took he VR set off, only to see that the feline twins were also in the Battle Simulator! They took off their sets and helped Sun Dragon out of his wired gloves and such.

Twin 2: Good game Sunny!
Twin 1: Forgive us for not warning you. Buzz wanted a "genuine reaction" for the battle.
Sun Dragon: Buzz? Himself?

As they stepped out of the Battle Simulator, Sun Dragon saw not only Buzz, but Cali as well. The twins stood straight and bowed to them.

Buzz: Well done Sun Dragon! You show a lot of promise!
Cali: Wow! And I thought Ihala and Kamua were good!
Buzz: Sorry about surprising ya like that. I wanted as real a reaction as I could get from you. I was told from Astroblast that you were a resourceful fighter, and I heard about what happened on your first mission from Pegaslash.
Cali: We figured since you were taking this class we were going to test you. It was my idea to test you Ihala and Kamua here.
Sun Dragon: These twins?
Ihala: Yes Sun Dragon. I am Ihala, representing the past.
Kamua: And I'm Kamua, representing the future! You were fun to play with Sunny!
Ihala: Even I must admit that you have some skill. We did take you too lightly I feel. Perhaps next time I wouldn't hold back. Come on Kamua, we are done here.
Kamua: What? We're leaving so soon? Awww. Hey Sunny, I've seen you in Alchemy Class! TTYL then?

The two then left the room, Ihala with her cold expression and Kamua with her chipper attitude.

Sun Dragon: What was that about "past and future" Buzz?
Buzz: They're time-traveling twins, amigo.
Sun Dragon: Really?! Time-travelers?
Cali: Yep. That's why they have those gauntlets; to help control those powers.
Sun Dragon:  😮Wow.
Flaradise: Well done Sun!
Monitar: Not bad scrub. You managed to beat Ihala and Kamua. They're like, the best tag team fighters around here.
Nympheen: Very impressive young Sun Dragon! Congratulations!

As the celebration continued, Sun Dragon could somehow tell that he had only seen the tip of the iceberg that was Ihala and Kamua.


Phew! Another one down!

Ihala and Kamua are OCs of SpyroAndToothless's sisters. I drew a picture of them in my Fiction and Fantasy book.

Gorgeisha is yet another OC of joltiklover on Devaintart.

Wow! Passed 500 veiws here! That's a first for me! Thanks! Not much us to say then the usual. See ya! 🐉

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