Limitless Joy

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After Sun Dragon left Alabra and Force Shield's room, he went to Jace and Bike-Trike so they could meet Eteru. He chose Jace since Jace tends to be timid sometimes, and Bike-Trike since Bike-Trike is extremely outgoing and easily amazed by that of Magic. Maybe because Tech and Magic are considered the opposites of each other? Probably just something from resembling a vehicle people use for stunts all the time. Who knows?

Anyway, both Jace and Bike-Trike agreed to come and that Sun Dragon can go ahead. Sun Dragon went to the snow cone shop and got his favorite flavor, wild berry snow cone. Cosmic got the blueberry flavor while Eteru got the green apple flavor.

Cosmic: Quite frankly I don't see how anyone could eat something so sour Eteru.
Eteru: Oh come on, sour food is amazing! You haven't even tried this, have you?
Cosmic: Not that specifically, but I've had sour food before and I didn't like it. Maybe it's just me.
Sun Dragon: We all have different preferences. We all have our hang-ups. Something that makes each of us unique!
Eteru: Well that and I'm kinda a dragon of my own league. Master Eon's not really sure if I belong in the Magic element or not.
Cosmic: Surely you must Eteru. What powers do you have?
Eteru:....Complicated ones, that's what. I originally came here so I could learn to control my powers better. But with... bad people always hunting me down, and my love for helping others, Eon suggested it'd be in my best interest to become a Skylander.
Sun Dragon: "Hunted down"? Not by the Anti-claws I hope.
Eteru: Well, I've run into them, but they're not a big problem like many others have been. No, I'm mostly hunted so I can be used for.... lord knows what. Domination, power, rarity, all sorts of reasons.
Cosmic: Ouch. That is rough.
Bike-Trike: Yo guys! What's up?!
Sun Dragon: Bike! Glad you could make it! This is Eteru, he's new here to the Academy. We just met him today.
Bike-Trike: Another ori...ora....uh-
Eteru: Or-i-en-tal.
Bike-Trike: Yeah, another oriental dragon! Sweet! Nice to meet cha! Oh, hey Sunny, Fin told me what happened yesterday! What's this about dis "Anti-claw" people?
Eteru: Oh yeah, you and Shield mentioned that and I meant to ask. A-
Bike-Trike: Who's Shield?
Cosmic: Another new cadet we met today. She went back to her room though. I'm sure you'll meet her soon.
Sun Dragon: Anyway, yes, the Anti-claw tribe are a group of trolls who originate from a land filled with hostile dragons, which explains their reason for hunting dragons down. They are normally of little threat to Skylands, but it seems they are now under the leadership of none other then an actual dragon named Scorpius. And Scorpius, despite being a dragon, wishes for all dragons to be wiped out completely.
Cosmic: My word!
Bike-Trike: That's messed up.
Sun Dragon: He especially seems to have a particular hatred for Undead dragons. Despite being an Undead dragon himself.
Eteru: Well.... at least we know who to ask for help whenever Malefor decides to show up again. (Nervously chuckles)😓
Sun Dragon:.....That'd be true Eteru..... Oh! *whistles* Jace! Over here!

Sun Dragon spotted Jace coming to them. When Eteru saw Jace, his eyes widened somewhat. Was Jace....a fox? Or... what?

Jace:(panting) Sorry if I'm late..... Ivy wouldn't let me go.😖
Sun Dragon: At least you came Jace. Here, this is Eteru. He's new here and I figured you'd get along great with him.
Eteru: Excuse me Jace, buf may I ask if you're some kind of fox?
Jace: Sort-of. I'm a kitsune/inkling hybrid.
Bike-Trike: The heck's a kitsune?
Sun Dragon: And I don't believe I have heard of an "inkling" creature before.
Cosmic: If Sun Dragon's never heard of a "inkling", then that must be some kind of rare creature.
Jace: Guys, you do know that me and my family are from a totally different world right?
Sun Dragon: What?! Well why didn't you say so!?
Jace: Um, lots of people who know me know about that. I guess I figured someone else would've told you. Yeah, inklings are basically squid people, and kitsunes are basically fox people.
Eteru: So you are a fox?
Jace: Kinda. Why do you ask?
Eteru: Oh, um, well, I, uh..... had who was an Artic Fox.... Hey, maybe you know him? He-
Jace: Woah, hold on. Sorry Eteru, but I'm afraid I don't know many foxes. Maybe Master Flare Wolf, but he's technically a wolf more then fox so-
Eteru: I know, I know.*sigh* It was stupid of me to ask. It's just.... I haven't seen him in, like, two years now? For all I know he died the last time I saw him.😔
Sun Dragon: Now what makes you say that Eteru?
Eteru: Me and him had basically just met. We were flying through a fog when we saw some robots destroying some islands. He told me to help the Mabu while he fought the robots in his mech. Just as I got the last Mabu out, there was a huge explosion.... and all I found of him was a tuff of fur...
Cosmic: Oh my...
Jace: Hey, I know what's that like. To have someone close taken from you like that.
Eteru: Thank you Jace. This is actually the first time in a while that I spoke up about him. I keep thinking he's gone, but somewhere deep down in me is this feeling to keep looking, that he's out there somewhere. Maybe even looking for me. I don't know what to think.
Sun Dragon: If you've got that gut feeling Eteru, then chances are that your friend is out there somewhere looking for you. Time and again it has been proven that the gut feeling is often right. I say keep looking Eteru. You'll see him again someday. I'm sure of it.
Bike-Trike: Yeah, guy sounds like the die-hard type! Nope! He doesn't sound like the kind of guy that would give up so easily!
Eteru:....You're right. He didn't give up too easily. But still, all I found of him was a tuff of fur, not to mention his mech was practically destroyed. In the short time we saw each other, he felt like.... like a brother to me. If he is still alive, I wish I was given some kind of sign to show it.😔

Sun Dragon and the others continued to comfort Eteru, trying to ensure him that his friend had never perished. And even if he did, his spirit must be walking alongside him as a guardian angel. After the hang-out was over most everyone left to go study or relax on their own. Sun Dragon, however, stood there pondering. Eteru was a gentle and timid creature, and was willing to protect anyone who needed help. When Eteru was asked about his powers, he redirected the attention to something else. If he was hunted down for his powers, then that may be reason to not speak of them, to avoid further complications. Sun Dragon felt something, something, resonating from Eteru. A power unseen in Skylands for many years, if not decades, if not centuries. Sun Dragon wondered.... could Scorpius attempt to chase after such power? Eteru was a dragon, so he in as much danger as any other dragon . Still...

Crocavile: Hey, Sun! Glad I found ya!
Sun Dragon: Hm? Is something wrong Crocavile?
Crocavile: I don't know. Some guy came up in some robot suit thing and pulled out some knives! He said it was just for show, and not going to lie he looked cool doing it. I think you otta take a look for yourself.
Sun Dragon: Alright then. Let's go have a look-see, shall we?

Crocavile took Sun Dragon to a nearby clearing where they saw a suit of painted metal standing. As them and other cadets watched, the pilot of the suit, still in full armor which covered his face and body, was currently arguing with a familiar cadet about his "fancy entrance".

???: Look I told you, I'm not here to hurt nobody, let alone an imp.
Impken: Come on! You threaten me and you'll be mence meat! Take your best shot, Mister Hot.... shot. Come on, let me at ya!
???: 😐 Are you looking for a fight or somethin' kid? Look, I'm here to sign up to be a Skylander, is that wrong?
Impken: Ain't no need to be pointing knives at folks if you're looking to be friendly!
???:*sigh* Look, just watch my Titan for me while I enroll, aight?
Crocavile:(yelling) Impken ain't exactly the right guy for that kinda job pal! (Cackles)
Impken: Hey! Shad ap! I could totally- Oh, what's that thing do!?
???: Hey! No touching my equipment, you crazy imp!
Impken: Ahh!

When Impken decided it was a brilliant time to be interested in shiny buttons, the new guy pulled out a quad laucher in defense. Impken was barely able to dodge all four rockets despite his high speed abilities!

Impken:(panting) Phew. That was a little to close for confert.
???: Thanks for telling me that, thief! Now DODGE THIS!

Sun Dragon was fixing to get down there and try to resolve this before it got out of control, but something ran past him running in between Impken and the new comer. It was... Eteru? Though the quad laucher's second round was fired, Eteru managed to catch the rockets and launch them in a different direction away from everyone. Sun Dragon recognized that technique as the Vortex Shield counter spell! Eteru must have been powerful in Magic to use such a ability, in such a well-timed manner too!

Eteru: Please stop this! Surely there has been a misunderstanding!
???:*gasp*...E-Eteru... Your name's Eteru right!?
Eteru: Not another bounty hunt- Wait, that voice... I can't tell through the helmet but-

The new comer dropped his weapon and funneled to remove his helmet. When he did, it revealed a soft furry snow white face with hints of black fur around his face. His eyes were ice blue, and seemed like it could freeze you in your tracks if those eyes looked into your eyes. He seemed fox like in- Wait, Eteru said his lost friend was a fox! Could it be...?

It must have been. Eteru immediately tackled the fox to the ground and hugged him tightly with a look of joy on his face. When Eteru next spoke, he sounded as though he was close to tears.

Eteru: Bazookanine! I-I thought you were dead!😢
Bazookanine: Heh, for a minute there I thought I was too. But Northstar managed to eject me out at the last second. After I landed and came back, I couldn't find you anywhere. The mabu said you left since everyone thought I was gone, and they volunteered to help repair Northstar as thanks for saving them. These last two years I was searching for you Eteru! I figured I might have a better chance looking for you if I was a Skylander, since I did such a good job saving that mabu village. What're you doing here?
Eteru: I figured since I wish to help people and I was always hunted that I decided it'd be best if I was a Skylander. I just got enrolled here earlier this week in fact!*sob* Don't scare me like that again Bazookanine!
Bazookanine: You were the one who left thinking I was done for! You're the one who scared me!

As the two of them cried and hugged, Sun Dragon and Crocavile walked over to Impken. Poor Impken! He must have thought he was done for. He was curled up in a fetal position on the ground, tail tucked between his legs, and his teeth were chattering so much he looked like he was shivering to death.

Crocavile: Hey, Impken. You can move now.
Impken:......Am I dead?
Crocavile: No silly billy, you're in Limbo! Of course you're not dead now get up!
Impken: Don't judge me! The 'eck happened huh? Did he miss or-
Crocavile: You're the one who missed out buddy. Look.
Impken: 😐 .... What're they, gay or somethim'?
Sun Dragon: Goodness no Impken, they're friends who haven't seen each other in a long time.
Bazookanine: Hey, remember our oath?
Eteru: Of course! I remember it like yesterday!

Eteru and Bazookanine's index fingers entwined as they sat up. Though Crocavile and Impken argued too much to hear it, Sun Dragon heard and understood perfectly what the two next said.

Bazookanine: "From this day forward, we will now identify ourselves as brothers-"
Eteru: "-To help out in times dreaded, to accompany in dark times-"
Eteru and Bazookanine: "-and to care for each other."

Sun Dragon knew that oath well. It was the Oath of the Blood Brother, the same oath all blood brothers and blood sisters knew. The oath Sun Dragon made with Camo when they first met. When Eteru said he thought of Bazookanine as a brother, he truly meant it!

Sun Dragon: I didn't know you two were blood brothers!
Bazookanine: Eteru saved my life. No one's ever done that for me before or even after that.
Eteru: I felt so empty without you around Bazookanine. I'm glad to have you back brother!😭
Bazookanine: You never run out of tears, do you?😏

Sun Dragon was happy for them both. As the two blood brothers hugged again, Sun Dragon was remembered of a promise he made not too long ago. He thought maybe Eteru would like to help with it.

Sun Dragon: Bazookanine, was it? I believe you said you wished to enroll here, yes?
Bazookanine: Yeah, I did didn't I? Yeah, I'd like to be a Skylander. Better then being a bounty hunter any day I hear.
Sun Dragon: Then how about this; Eteru can take you to one of the Senseis so you can enroll here, and if you two have some free time later this evening, I would like some help showing my friend Cosmic something. Your help specifically Eteru.
Eteru: Help with what?
Sun Dragon: Let's just say it's an oriental secret.😉
Eteru: Oh. Ok, count on it Sun! Come on brother, let's take you to the Senseis!
Bazookanine: Ok! Oh hey, Sun Dragon, think you can watch my Titan Northstar for me?
Sun Dragon: Of course! Don't worry about a thing Bazookanine!

The two brothers ran across the clearing toward the Academy, Eteru being the one who dragged Bazookanine by the wrist. Sun Dragon stood there happily, making sure no one messed with the "Northstar", while the two childish troublemakers continued to bicker.


Cosmic: Ok Sun! I'm coming, I'm coming!

Cosmic had just met Bazookanine, and now Sun Dragon and Cosmic were racing while Eteru and Bazookanine ran after them. Sun Dragon managed to win. He had lead them to the edge of the island that the Academy rested on. The sun was setting in the distance. Sun Dragon stood on his hind legs, arms out wide, at the edge of the island, wind blowing gently into his face. Perfect for this.

Cosmic: Ok, so you beat me. Now what?
Sun Dragon: You ask, and you shall receive.
Cosmic: Pardon?
Sun Dragon: You asked to see me fly with no wings, so now me and Eteru will show you. Watch!

Sun Dragon turned heel to face Cosmic, Eteru, and Bazookanine, and then... he purposely leaned back and fell off the edge. At first Cosmic freaked, but then a brief flash of light showed, followed by the sudden rush of upward wind, and Cosmic was left in awe. Not only was Sun Dragon flying in mid-air, but his back frills had enlarged to almost twice his size, his tail frills widened, and new frills sprouted from his elbows. The frills waved slowly in the wind like flags, and they had become semi-translucent, allowing the light of the sun to sparkle within the frills. Sun Dragon had suddenly become more elegant and majestic.

Sun Dragon: Ah they say the skies are the limit! But just as emotions like joy and happiness are limitless, so are the skies themselves! Something wrong Cosmic? Oh I know! Come and show her your frills Eteru!
Eteru: Coming!

Eteru ran off the edge and his frills shined briefly before they too enlarged to nearly twice their original size. Since his frills were iridescent, the now semi-translucent frills waved in the wind like the Aurora Borealis on Earth. Sun Dragon and Eteru flew circles in front of the sun while Cosmic and Bazookanine watched.

Bazookanine: Won't you join them Cosmic? I've already seen Eteru fly. Besides, I don't mind staying on the ground. Go on.

Cosmic hesitated at first, but then she took to the skies and flew with Sun Dragon and Eteru. The three of them laughed as they played in the air.

Though many of the cadets watched the sunset from a clearing some distance away from them, two cadets were in the general area watching the dragons fly as they sat on the balcony. The taller cadet was technically an elf, but his ears were hidden under his jet-black hair. Besides, his facial expression couldn't have been more unrealistic on an elf. His eyes were in an eternal state of half-liddedness, but the black make-up around his eyes suggested a state of sadness and sorrow. His skin was white like fresh mountain snow, but his mouth was continuously horizontal, as if he was emotionless. His outfit was long sleeved, to the point his hands were hidden within them. All the clothes on him were completely black and gray. Heck, even the pupils of his eyes were gray, as if he was devoid of cheer. Arguably the most disturbing part, however, was the fact that he carried a ball-and-chain by his leg everywhere he went.

The shorter cadet, well, let's just say there are few mimes in the Skylanders Academy.

Mayflo: Ah, look at the sun Emolition! And the dragons flying! Ain't it beautiful?
Emolition:.....The sun's bright.... Dragons are born knowing the ability to fly....
Mayflo: Please Emolition! Describe them to me!
Emolition:.....I did.....
Mayflo: I mean with words like "colorful, inspiring". I don't care if you say they're irritating, just please describe them like-
Emolition: "-like I used to"?.... I can't.... It takes emotions to describe things that way..... I'd say that it is hopeless to keep trying this again and again May, but that suggests I'm despaired and possibly annoyed by your repeated failures, and those are emotions I can't feel......
Mayflo:*sobbing* Surely you must! Deep down somewhere in you, you must! 😢 Why did this have to happen to you!😭 *sobbing harder*

Emolition wrapped his sleeved arm around Mayflo as she weeped. He wished he could say he was sorry, but that would suggest he felt sorrow, concern, and some guilt for making Mayflo cry, and those were emotions he couldn't feel. He stared at the sun. You'd think staring intently at the sun would hurt his eyes, but saying or acting it hurt suggested an annoyance and bothering by it's light, guessed it, those were emotions he couldn't feel. Besides, his eyes were gray because he was colorblind, which dulled.... everything. Mayflo cried until the sun was barely visible anymore and the stars shined and glittered.

Emolition:....Do you wish for me to take you to your room May?....
Mayflo:*sniff* I-I can walk there myself. Y-you should get to bed soon. Goodnight Emolition. *sniff*
Emolition:.....Night, May.....

And with that, Mayflo left through the door, closing it slowly so as to not wake up Emolition's roommate.


Well, this nearly took forever to write. Sorry about the ending.

SpyroAndToothless wanted me to introduce Bazookanine, his brother's OC Skylander, like this. To find out more about Eteru and Bazookanine's background, read Eteru's life story by @SpyroAndToothless. It's a good read.

Emolition was made by joltiklover on Devaintart. Again sorry about him. Joltiklover made him to be some kind of emotion manipulator or something.

And thanks to @SpyroAndToothless for the basis of this chapter! It helped lay the foundation of some more chapters!

Oh, and the answer to my last trivial question is the Square-Enix character Neku Sakuraba, a punk/emo that learns about friendship and whatnot. He's a friend of Joshua's. Just look up The World Ends With You(TWEWY) or Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance and watch some gameplay. You wouldn't be disappointed.

Anyway, peace!🐉

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