the prologue

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The vibrations of trampling footsteps fill my ears, and I'm frozen in shock. A hand tugs at my wrist in panic, and I feel the strength of it's fingers wrap around my small hand, pulling me towards the gates. I focus at the person, and realize it's Xavier, and his eyes show no emotion but determination. Red lights are flashing everywhere, behind me, in front of me, side by side, and I can't fathom what is going on. The alarms blare from nowhere but up, and I put the pieces together in my head before I give into running after stumbling clumsily behind Xavier.

"C'mon, Rose! We don't have time for this, we have to go!" I hear a soft yell, who I recognized as Dylan's scratchy voice, over the crowd of people. I stop in the middle of the pathway, and he turns around in desperation, pulling at my paralyzed body.

I shake my head before pointing behind me, "Theo, he's still in there. I have to get him, he can't stay in his stall forever," I whine about my horse, who's grown up with me since the government "permitted" him to stay.

Dylan shakes his head frantically, still trying to drag me along the gravel, the alarms still ringing in my ears, "Right now, yes he can, Rose. I'm not kidding, we have to leave, or we're stuck. There's no next time."

Lifting my head, I kiss Dylan one last time before running back to the stable, pushing past crying citizens with children and spouses. I push my hair out of my face, and see that the stables and the surrounding area has been cleared. My heart starts to race as I realize my time is almost up. My fingers fumble while trying to tie the ropes to Theo's halter, until I hear a faint "Rose!" in the background. I toss them on the ground, uselessly. Using the last bit of strength I had, I tossed myself onto Theo's back, pushing him into a gallop.

I see the gate slowly closing as I near it, and I see Dylan waiting behind it. The alarms are still spinning all around me, and I can't help but just collapse on my horses' neck pushing him harder and harder towards the gate.

"Come on Theo, for me please!" I wailed, knowing there was no way we could make it.

My heart shreds when I hear a faint "Rose!" in the distance.

The gate closes as soon as I'm a few feet before it, and both me and my horse run into a now invisible barrier. My eyes widen with fear as I try to beat it down. I shake my head frantically before grabbing a piece of metal from a nearby now broken building. Slamming the piece of metal repeatedly against the wall only vibrates it, and I start to sob.

My shoulders shake as I place my hands on the barrier, Dylan putting his forehead there, "I'm sorry," I gulped down a cry.

"You shouldn't be sorry, Rose. I should've tried to stop you," Dylan says as he presses his hand to the transparent wall.

I shake my head, "No. I shouldn't have went back." I lined my hand to his on the wall. I already missed feeling his warm touch.

We pause in silence, and before he says anything, I can't help but fall in love even more, "Just look for the yellow light everyday before dusk, and you'll know I'm safe. And if you answer with your light, I'll know you're safe,"

A flare. Of course.

"Promise me. Promise me you won't leave me in here," I replied, my voice starting to break, shaking with each word.

"I promise you, Rose Marshall I will not let you die in there. I'll come back for you. I love you."

"I love you too," I faintly responded, my cheeks wet with tears.

Watching Dylan walk away from me was the hardest thing I've ever seen. I let his words melt into mind, just in case it was the last time I would hear anyone say my name.

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