Chapter 14: Yokai Vs. AI Yokaisonas

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Bearlywrote: I've been absent on this... I am totally not keeping promises here...

With the new games out, I am still making this place happening in the same day

Also, with no school and personal family moving stuff is coming close next year, I better make this story close like a bang!


A foggy area appeared in a outside dome

A glitchy cat and fox stepped forward and the ground started to get glitchy

"What's wrong Fox?" Sogolnyan glared at Anti-Foxy standing still

"Your feet... it hurts the ground..." She said emotionlessly

"Aww come on? Are you afraid of hurting the flowers with your feet?" He holds a flower and the glitchiness corrupted the flower to rot and die

"Are we able to do this task after we destroy our living enemies? They are the driving force to create the life here..." She explained

"We will be perfect. The Nonfictioners said us as a perfect solution to the dying community. Of course people are going to be disgust by our appearance" He smiled

"I don't think I-" the sensors picked up a radio call

"We've got the back up army ready, intruders are in range" the grassman called to Sogolnyan's ear

"It's time Anti-Foxy, this is our moment" He brought out the blades and Anti-Foxy grabbed a dagger from her belt

The karts arrived at the spot and Sogolnyan spotted a silver creature as all the karts stopped surrounding them

"It appears that you disobeyed me, you would've been spared. But you must have a death wish" Sogolnyan glared at SAM

"Pity all you want, you're not my master!" SAM snarled like a dog

Soot looked at Sogolnyan and Anti-Foxy, "they looked identical to them..."

Dugan barged in, "don't buy it Soot"

"AI is a dangerous enemy, both fiction or nonfiction. They will hurt the worker's life, even the artists'" Bittersweet spat at them, "one tried to steal money from me with a robotic ATM, but I manage to swindle the bot out of the deal,.."

"Oh so that is how it's gonna be to get your friends back?" Sogolnyan grinned as he glitches

"That is how it must be..." Soot frowned, "I'm not at my prime, but I won't hold back"

"Well let me generate how this battle goes..." Sogonyan begins fighting with Soot and Bittersweet

Anti-Foxy goes offline and hacked into the security and saw four characters exiting the halls with all the flutes.


Bingo popped her head out of the hole and appeared in a middle of a board game

"AHHGH! Bingo! I was winning!" Louise argued with a dog as Bluey and Bingo exited the hole first

"That means Maximus Gene is taking the lead!" Gene chanted

"NOOO!!!" Louise yelled

Bluey covered her ears at the loud screams, and OG Dan and Drago escaped last

"So this is where you're from?" OG Dan awed in the dome area as others are grown bored or driven to insanity

"Umm no, we're from Australia" Bluey corrected him

"you guys might like be abducted" OG Dan frowned

"Yes! These space aliens stole us and we are here to stop them!" Drago lied as it convinced his friend as he played along with the kids

"First things first, we will hand everyone their flutes back" Bluey holds a black and two white flutes

"I'm going to someone named Umm "Ed", "Finn", and the Pied piper" Bingo read the names engraved in the flutes

"Hmm it only said M, Miyabi, and Noah" Bluey read the flutes

"I know them, they're on the left side. I know some on the right" Bingo and Bluey ran in different directions and she almost bumped into some friends as she heads to the massive Xenoblade group

"Umm excuse me, I there a Noah here?" Bluey asked with a black flute in hand

"Wait, I'm Noah" Mio raised her hand

"Wait, but-" Noah argued

"It's okay, it's mine now" Mio blushed

"Is there a Miyabi?" Bluey asked again

"He's Miyabi!" Mio joked

"Umm uh!" Noah flustered as everyone laughed

"Oh and umm M?" Both Mio and Noah are confused as to who is "M"

"I'm M" Miyabi raised her hand

"What is M short for?" Bluey asked as she handed Miyabi's flute

"It's Mio, actually" Miyabi petted her

OG Dan stared at Bluey as he recalled a blue blur handing out gifts to a group of loud people

"What's wrong?" Drago asked his partner

"Nothing, I feel as if I know her..." OG Dan looked down as he keep recalling memories

Ed was excited to have his flute back and he saw the animals grazing and he ran after them, "come back Chickens!"


Bearlynyan was digging through the ground and hit something metal, "what? My plan is-" she uh again and fell to the station "what?" The doors have opened and everyone carried signs for the yokaisonas to get out

"Everyone! Let's take their place!" All the characters who aren't abducted have ran to the hole and begin to let the yokaisonas escape

"Wait, why are you doing this?" Bearlynyan asked

"It's the right thing to do" all the characters entered in the hole and they sealed it with magic

A grassmen was checking the capacity total, "that's strange... whatever brought the total down by one digit? I'm sure some fat sona is messing the mass scale by jumping..."

"I don't recall having an extra number on the guardian side..." another noticed the capacity number

"Must've been a pregnant one, it happens if we hold them here for too long..." The continued their work like nothing happened

"Boys, did you noticed the number jumped by 2?" Atlas asked

"What is it?" He asked

"Well apparently one of you nimrods have brought OG Dan back to the dome, but someone is in there, I can't trace it..." Atlas frowned

"I said it was a baby one sir" He replied

"We'll keep doing your work! Remember, every number counts" Atlas returns to his room


Both pets fight against the AI yokai and both were evenly matched

"They are powerful, alright... but they do have a weakness..." he stared at SAM as he cheered Soot on, he glitched to him and stabbed him in the heart

Both Soot and Bittersweet seemed unfazed at the action

"What? You care for this boy?" Sogolnyan laughed as SAM grabbed him in the arm and hurled him over to the ground, "GAHHH!!"

"Runt, why don't you run?" Sogonyan winced as he frowned at SAM

"You're not Mr. Logos, Logos doesn't treat me like a baby, and you don't deserve the Mr. like I call every bad person..." SAM flinged him again and flinged him to a bed of sharp rocks, making him pixilate red blocks

"Looks like you're right about yourself... but can you stop all of us... no matter how many kills you make, I'll always... come back... AI is cursed to make their own lives a bad heck for all... we glitch grounds to rot... and we're always undeveloped... making humans suffer after all the hard work they put in our brains... talk to me again if you are... superior..." he faded away in pixels as Anti-Foxy shed a tear...

Others raised their fists at the AI Yokaisona

"I understand that you hated us... I never asked to be-" a large door opened and a bunch of glitchy versions of AI yokaisonas appeared behind her

"You don't really remember who I was, I am Soot Mahogany Mudbank, dog catching control hunter, Monster slayer of Sourheart! Before I became a yokaisona, I became known to the terrors of drug use! And you're about to face the demon from the pits of heck! I won't hold back to the violence I bring!

"I won't budge... end my life and I'll tell the plans of how to save the yokaisonas and guardians..." Anti-Foxy declared

"We won't damage you too much..." Bittersweet and his siblings prepared for combat

"I won't miss this too, someone has to protect my masters" Rolo smiled as she hold a blaster

"Count us in!" Dugan turned into a beast and Oruga turned into a wraith with a small bear holding a healing staff

"Don't forget me, I kick butt!" Coppojo grinned with a handmade blaster

"You need help, Mudbank?" Soot turned to see all the yokaisonas outside

"How did you get out! I better call-" The door sealed shut and the cameras outside turned off

"Anti-Foxy..." Anti-Twink gasped at Anti-Foxy

"I did what I had to do..." Anti-Foxy

"I maybe getting older, but nobody messes with me and my OG Dan!" Bearlynyan growled as the Bearlys teamed up

"For the Artists!" All the yokaisonas chanted

"For The AI!" AI Yokaisonas yelled

"CHARGE!!!" Everyone ran and fight each other to the death


"Well it is almost complete..." Prometheus smiled at the pie chart, "99% or 100%, everyone will forget about Yokaisonas and move on..."

"Precisely..." Kronos looked back and stared at everyone, "it ashamed they are starting to go crazy..."

"Even without those two dogs, the plan is a success none the less. I mean, what's anything better than this?" Prometheus checked the cameras but the outside cameras were off, "huh?"

"What's wrong?" Kronos asked

"Monsters like to shut off cameras just to fool us, we did push the red button when Sogolnyan dies... now the intruders are gonna have to face punishment" Prometheus nodded

"We need to fix the cameras now, I really want to see a good show!" Kronos growled

"Now is not the time, warm up the memory wiper and the annihilate beam!" Prometheus commanded

"Yes, sir!" The beam glowed as the light is traveling through the sparkling blue crystal

Soot pulled out the head of the AI yokaisona and ran to the damaged Anti-Foxy, "what is it that you're telling me?"

"You must find your guardian... she found a way here... hurry. You all don't have much time left..."

Bluey and Bingo handed more flutes to strange characters, OG Dan petted Drago as he remembered a blue pet he had, The other characters are taking place of the yokaisonas, and Soot ran inside very quick

Songbird overheard the conversation, "Soot! Wait!"

A grassy severed arm grabbed Soot by the torso and flies to the dome fortress

Songbird stood there as he shed a tear from the fears it will bring to not only his guardian, but to all the guardians... The Sona-Swap is about to begin...


The final battle is near!

Sorry for the delays! Fall and winter naturally are going to give me the blocks of both writing and art. For the remaining amount of time before the new year or before the move, I better finish this story with a satisfying conclusion!

So... Next time on The Young Guardian...

Chapter 15: Save and Sacrifice

Be warned, this is going to be the longest chapter of the story...

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