Chapter 5: Blooming Tragedy

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Coppojo: Hello there! As being the new one in this intro, let me say, STUDIO LEADERS SUCK!

SAM: Take that Netflix for canceling stuff while Pinocchio is nominated for an Oscar!

Soot: Well with that out of the way, we do not own grownup or kid shows like Bluey because we handle it with care like her!

Bluey: Yay! Enjoy the story!


The elevator dinged as it entered Comicalla in one piece. Many animals exited as they gasped at the buildings and people.

"So many people..." The Cassowary awed at the city and saw a phantom talking on a special phone, "I wonder if they're friendly to help us?"

"Bearly Square. The home of the HQ along with the other one in Dimension City. We must go there and ask one of the elders to know anything about Grassmen!" Soot said to the freed slave yokaisonas

"Yeah, we can ask them for us to be yokaisonas!" K-4N8 nodded as they went to the headquarters

A big blue/gray haired bear wearing a flannel shirt noticed a mob of Australian yokaisonas as SAM hid behind Soot. "What's wrong?"

"The bear" SAM stuttered

"Is he scary to you?" Coppojo replied

"He wore clothes... I hate bears with clothes on, it's scary..." SAM cried, "I can't go inside"

"Hold on, S-4111 can fit in my pouch, you're about the same size as him, I think you should do the same" Coppojo stretched his belly pouch

"Wait, mum said that lady wallabies have pouches" Bluey recalled

"Well where I'm from doggie, the creator made me to have a pouch for inventory stuff, but it's a bad idea because it makes the parts of my pouch very sensitive and uncomfortable" Coppojo blushed as he told Bluey

She laughed and SAM smiled, "you can hide me from the bear? That's great news." SAM slid inside Coppojo's pouch and he zipped it shut to hide SAM from the Bearly clan

"Ohh... a lot squishier, same weight... ohh I need coffee..." Coppojo hopped to the building with Soot and Bluey as he gasped at the coffee pot! "Ohh! Free coffee!" He hopped to the coffee bar as he poured some on a paper cup

Soot went to the desk and ring a bell to call the main Bear in charge, "Hello?"

"Wow! This packed a lot of punch! Better than what the old machine makes!" Coppojo hopped like crazy with his extended pouch all jiggling

"Ohh you better be careful C-0770, you might hurt your baby" The Tasmanian Devil laughed along with the freed yokaisonas

"Oh please, call me whatever you say D-3V12, I'm helping out my friend" Coppojo kept on jumping as a purple cat came by, "oh sorry. There was a surge of Yokaisona alerts and nobody can find the yokaisonas and nobody seems to know the answer"

"Bearin, you must take us to the yokaisona library!" Soot ordered

"Why? Isn't that place restricted?" Bearin replied

"There might be a reason the yokaisonas are disappearing and set off alerts. And I want to know what the enemy goals is" Soot begged

"Mom, someone wants to check at the library" Bearin called

"Is it important? What did he seek?" Bearlynyan asked

"I want to look for info about the grassmen" Soot explained

"The Grassmen?" Another voice called, "I was just about to read the next book"

"Kumano, how far are you at your books?" Bearlynyan asked

"Halfway done, let them in, they seem trustworthy" Kumano agreed

A door was unlocked and a blue bear came with a sweater and pj pants. "Oh hey, Soot. It's about time you come to me for heroic advice"

"Ohh!" said Bluey

"I'm sorry, I was a bit rusty..." Soot explained

"Don't be, let's find what you've been looking for in this book. Why do you want to know about them?" Kumano followed them to the library, it was big and dark with lots of large books

"I just want to know their weaknesses, you see, there was this incident back at Bluey's world, and another grassman appeared in Aionios trying to kidnap Bluey." Soot explained

"What the? That is insane. What kind of a monster bust in and scares puppies, IN A KIDS SHOW?!" Kumano frowned as he skimmed over, "Let's see... Grassmen... territorial monsters from The Border Realms between fantasy and reality... grass bodies, one that blooms, one that likes the smell of bad odors, one that is crazy, and one that is intelligent enough to make a thousand people hypnotized by the sound of the voice. They were used to cause trouble back in the 60s, as yokaisonas bloom during the colorful cartoon age. They kidnap and burn them as a punishment because it is their belief from their God that those who meddle with fiction are playing god, making fictional life believe that they're like the nonfictional life. They were banished and cast back to The Border Realm by sending them off with any high- .... Huh?"

"High what? blood pressure? Heels?" Soot added

"High notes?" Coppojo added

"High School?" Bluey replied

"That page is torn up! I swear, I thought security is tight and there are some characters in the world wanted to tear a bookworm apart for Tinker Bell finding something about her sparkling wings" Kumano explained

"I'm sorry." Soot sighed

"No it's okay, but I have to know why are they back all of the sudden? The land our ancestors sent them is uninhabitable to find technology..." Kumano set up a map of the Border realm and noticed new lands popping out, "Hmm? I guess they have found a way"

"Ohh look! It's that old city where that na'vi monkey general lives" Bluey pointed it out

"How did you know about James Cameron's Avatar? It's an old movie at your age" Kumano asked

"Bluey and her sister are old enough to watch through the movie, the trick is to get them to sit still and keep their voices down" Soot laughed

"Wow, I never knew... they must've found a way to get back with all the Unobtainium they've found. I know it's supposed to be very valuable, but it also creates a very strong magnetic pulse that can make an opening back to The Fictional and Nonfictional Worlds. Without the humans knowledge they know from Pandora, they wouldn't know much value for those magic rocks... The biology... Sensitive ears... sensitive to uninhabitable temperatures... up to 15 to 20 feet tall..." Kumano reading more, "I don't know what to say... if they really are back, they would've hit the main leader first..."

A shout from the radio is buffering and one of them called, "Kumano! It's Katie! I've got a call from Ed! He sounded serious as he was taken away along with all of his friends!"

"Katie? Are you serious?" Kumano gasped

"I need you back with me! This is the same to Jinpei, I don't know what to do! It is green and very big!" Katie yelled

"I'll be right there! Sorry guys, Katie needs me, and my sister, she lost Jinpei and someone is about to take Ian away. If you're right about the grassmen, and if I don't come back, tell my dad that we have to defend ourselves from them!" Kumano summoned an elevator with a struck from his guitar and entered in, "Good luck Soot!" He left as Soot took the Grassmen book, "I hope you survive as well Kumano..."

"Let's check out that one, I want to shop for some more of that brewed coffee!" Coppojo smiled

"You seemed to be having a good mood" Soot laughed

"Why wouldn't I? Coffee is a good beverage to make one happy" Coppojo hopped happily

"Well this place is a safe zone for now, how are you going to pay for all of them?" Soot asked

"Easy, I'll just use N's credit card!" SAM answered as he peeked out of the pouch with a card on hand

"Did he lent you his credit card?" Coppojo asked

"No, but he got the cards that won't let him lock on for me to use" SAM laughed

"Well can I get toys on the way?" Bluey tried to distract herself from all the bad stuff going on

"Sure, the more the merrier!" SAM smiled

They four left the library as they head to the supermarket nearby, but a cloaked figure is headed inside with two smaller ones wearing cloaks.

"Ma'am, I would like to speak with the lady in charge" a female voice bellowed to Bearin

"Oh sure, I'll get her right away" Bearin replied

"And her guardian" She added

"Oh Uncle Dan, of course!" Bearin replied as she called them both

A call and a video recorded the lobby is viewed by Bearlynyan and Dan, both seemed to get suspicious of the hooded stranger

"Do you think they are friendly?" Dan asked Bearlynyan

"I don't know... but if things get serious, we'll draw out our strength" Bearlynyan answered as they walked downstairs and see the cloaked ones

"Hello there, Bearlynyan, and you must be Dan Kuso. The main character of the Bakugan Anime, the anime who got her to love with." She muttered

"That's right, now state your business missy! Who are you and your little friends?" Dan replied

"I am, Astra." She revealed herself as she was covered in roses or carnations to represent her hair, and these are my comrades...

"Nice to see you again, mother" A shorter character asked Bearlynyan

"Why do you sound a lot like Logonyan?" Bearlynyan gasped

"I was expecting the same thing from him" A taller hooded figure replied to Dan in her voice

"And why did she sound like Foxy, it's creeping me out!" Dan gasped

"Get them all!" Astra ordered the tall one as she they grabbed Bearin and Bearlynyan, leaving Dan to be captured by the short one

"Well you asked for it! Bakuga-" his arm was grabbed by a vine as Prometheus came in near Dan

"Do you understand Dan, these yokaisonas were once belonged to Rex and Malos, and they are sick with a dangerous disease that makes yokaisonas go insane and harm them. As a teacher, you must understand why you mustn't harm them, they want to be cured... let us help the both of you get the love back and rescue them" Prometheus soothed Dan with the voice and he felt okay with it

"Okay, I will take your word. Logonyan, Foxy, I hope you guys get better in their hands..." Dan replied as he left with Prometheus

"Nice work, Sogolnyan. Anti-Foxy. Your efforts have convinced the guardian of Bearlynyan to join us" Astra smiled

"No problem ma'am" Anti-Foxy replied

"Don't be agreeable Anti-Foxy, They made us to fool the dumb one! With their looks and voices, they are doomed to be tricked by us!" Sogolnyan scoffed at Anti-Foxy

"I understand" Anti-Foxy shed a small tear

"Abominations... AI seems likely to take over the world after all, by the lives of Artists..." Astra smiled as she left her world with two of the AI artist Yokai.


Coppojo: What set should I pick? The French press? The drip coffee machine? Or the pour over?

SAM: I don't know, I'm not allowed to drink coffee.

Coppojo: that's sad, I can lend you a cup if I buy three of them, along with several buckets of ground coffee, umm what's the PIN number for your friend's card?

SAM: 6646

Coppojo: oh sweet! What does it spell to you?

SAM: MMIO, all of the cards have this pin because he favored M that much

SAM and Coppojo: Next time on The Young Guardian...

Chapter 6: Fight and Flight!

SAM: Remember to vote and comment!

Coppojo: See you soon!

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